
Planet Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Uranus has a diameter of about 50,100 km. Uranus distance to the sun is approximately 2,869 million km. Uranus circulation around the sun once took 84 years. Uranus surface is always covered with thick clouds. The planet's surface temperature reaches -180 degrees C. Uranus has five satellites.

Neptune when viewed using a telescope, looks greenish. The center line of the planet is about 48,600 km. Neptune distance to the sun is approximately 4,495 million km. Neptune surface temperatures colder than Uranus, which is about -190 degrees C. to once around the sun, Neptune takes 165 years. Neptune state has not been known. Neptune has two satellites namely Triton and Nereid.

Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun in the solar system. Pluto's distance from the sun is approximately 5.900 million km. the diameter of the planet is about 4,500 km. Pluto's surface temperature is about -220 degrees C. Pluto's around the sun in one period will take approximately 248.4 years. This planet is known to have one satellite.

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