
Planet Mercury and Venus

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. This planet has a diameter of 4,862 km. Mercury's distance to the sun is about 58 million km. the time it takes Mercury to rotate once around the Sun is 88 days. On the surface of this planet, there are many large craters like the moon's surface. Because of its proximity to the sun. Mercury looks brightest when viewed from Earth. People call the evening star or morning star.

Venus lies between the orbits of Mercury and the Earth orbit. Planet Venus has a diameter of about 12,100 km. venus distance to the sun about 108 million km, and the time required to evolve around the sun for 225 days. Venus is very dry surface, because the surface temperature can reach 480 degrees C. The planet Venus is a glowing white light, looked beautiful and brilliant. It looks ahead mahatari sunrise or just after sunset. People often call the morning star or morning star or morning star.

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