
Handling of Late Talking Toddlers

Doc, my child was aged 2 years and 4 months but language skills not yet clear. My child loved to sing with tarzan language, like to running and shouting. We have consult to 2 doctors of developmental specialist, but only recommended to be trained to speak on a regular basis, and we have been doing. We even had speech therapy, but the result is not good.
To note, we work from 8 am-5 pm. During that time, children with servants (maids are change up to 4 times). Please help to explain what should we do to develop the child's speech.

It seems that your child has been delayed speech, a condition that can be caused by various factors, such as abnormal / impaired auditory function, mental retardation, disorders of neurological / certain central nervous system, developmental disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD ), autism, a lack of stimulation, parenting is wrong and so on.

Of course, should be ascertained first whether hearing function is normal or not, namely to check that function in several ways such as BERA (Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry), which can assess whether any impairment / deafness in his ears so that he can not hear the sound stimulation in the vicinity.

If proven to normal it is necessary to proceed against him in a comprehensive evaluation. Wrong parenting, as often watching TV can also cause the condition, because TV is a stimulation that is only one direction, does not stimulate an active practice to communicate actively.

We recommend that these assessments should be comprehensive, because speech therapy conducted during this certainly is not the only solution before the exact cause of the delay in the speech is determined in advance.


10 Etiquette Basics: How does your child is always well

Kindness, thoughtfulness and helpfulness are the key features that make your child is everywhere a welcome guest. Look at the early stage of your child's manners. Because the inappropriate behavior of your little one falls on you and your bad upbringing back. This etiquette basics should dominate your children.
First Friendly greetingsYour child is invited to the front door opens and your offspring hatched at the host-mom over to the house, without deigning to look at ... For many three-and four-year-old is still quite normal. However, you should already begin to make your child aware of the correct behavior. Think of it but not just against other adults, each time by saying "Now tell beautiful, 'Hello!'" For shy children, you can achieve just the opposite. Better: Tell your child previously in private, that welcomes you to nunmal when you meet and that other people enjoy a nice "hello" or "good day".
Educational tips from Michelle Obama: First Lady of the United States speaks from personal experience
If it does not work, do not scold you, but you are setting a good example. Your child will be guided by you. Who at the welcoming smiles and friendly still, the sympathies immediately on his side. School children should be taught in addition, they greet neighbors and other acquaintances of the family, they meet on the street - as a first! A big plus point in terms of politeness have children, another welcome by name: A "Good morning, Mrs. Bauer" can radiate the lady in question certainly happy!
Second Look into the eyesWhether it's yours or in conversation: Children should learn early on that they look your interlocutor in the eye. This is not only much more polite, so that you avoid even that the other person does not feel addressed and there will be misunderstandings.
Third Polite to thankAnyone who receives a gift, whom juice is poured, or who gets the plate of food left outside should promptly say "thank you". When a birthday gift will be sent by mail, you must move as a parent to your child that it was on the phone or send a letter thanking a picture or as a thank you. School children can also teach you to respect other people's feelings: "Aunt Trudi's sad when you say again that you do not like her gift."
4th Appropriate to apologizeTime is short, your child goes to school bus and it jostles to the neighbor. A mumbled "Sorry" does not sound good now, better. Stop short and say loud and clear "I'm sorry!" So much time must be!
Stressful homework: A learning coach provides tips for more fun on duty daily program
5th Have manners at the tableBefore washing hands, starting out with the meal, when all seated, with cutlery handle, will not remain in the food rummatschen, sitting upright, sitting elbow to take off the table, not to talk with your mouth full and until all have eaten. Anyone who manages to teach his children good table manners is, at every family gathering in the restaurant and even a welcome guest.
6th Be punctualIf you explain to your child right now that it's rude to leave on someone, it is also beneficial to you: You have less stress if you are with your son or daughter together have deadlines. In addition, children who have not learned is to be on time, often not even aware that friends, football coaches or later resent the first love of her to-late-coming. Again, the model of the parents is crucial. Let your child never even wait and stick to agreed times.
7th Adults can expressFrom five years of age should children know slowly that you can pronounce adults. Whether mom or dad is still the phone with Grandma maintains - children need to learn, not simply go out to chat, if something comes to mind.
8th Help with the cleanupWhat a nice feeling when you pick up your daughter from a friend and her mother praising your child: "That was a nice time visiting". This praise is not without reason. Sure your daughter has cleared the table in front of or even helped pick up without a murmur while cleaning up the nursery. Parents who care at home every day that help your kids can be sure: My child is a welcome guest!
9th Lent returnChildren love toys and others want to borrow something constantly. Hence mothers to have no problem, you should make sure that your child is unharmed, the appointed time on loan to complete and bring back again. Then may the Playmobil knight's sword and not missing or when the Crown Princess Barbie. Also look in your own four walls that common elements such as glue or scissors after use will be put back onto the fixed space back.
10th Helpfully beEven kindergarten children can learn to take care of minor children in the group and help them if necessary. They usually use this on the suggestion of adults: "Look Paul creates, which is now not only can you help him sometimes." Children feel great and important, if they can help. This is a good foundation, so they take their children to school as fellow human beings into consideration, eg older people in the bus offer the course or hold the door open.


Money demand and the factors influencing

Demand for money is a certain amount of money needed by the public to conduct transactions in trade or for a particular purpose.
Demand for money came from third parties, namely:
a. Of the individuals or consumers
b. The employer or the manufacturer
c. The investor or investors
d. The government (can act as producers, consumers, and regulators).

In the analysis of JM Keynes, the people holding money or request money, to fulfill three wishes, namely:
a. Demand for money for transaction purposes, which means money needed to pay for purchases they would do.
b. Demand for money for the purpose of precaution, it means money as a tool to deal with distress that may arise in the future, because every one can not expect to events that may be applicable in the future.
c. Demand money for speculative purposes, meaning that money used for speculation (speculative). Cash is desired to hold this money because the holder can perform speculation on interest rates to come.

Factors that influence the demand for money are:
a. The desire to hold money or motive of holding money.
b. Level of real income, ie income levels actually received by the community and has accounted for inflation element.
c. Higher interest rates low.
d. The existence of an investment or business development that require funds or money.
e. The price level prevailing in the market.


Definition of money according to economists

Money can be a favorite thing in this day and age. Then what is the meaning of money? There are some economists who define about money, is as follows:
a. Robertson, money is something that is common (widely) accepted for payment of goods.
b. Gaelord Albert Hart, money is the property that the owner can be paid to a number of people immediately and without delay.
c. Rollin G Thomas, money is something that is prepared and accepted by the general public in the payment of the sale of goods, services, and property value as well as for payment of debts.
d. George N Halm, money is a tool to facilitate the exchange and immediately be able to overcome the difficulties of barter.

From the above definition, it can be concluded about the meaning of money, which is a tool to facilitate the exchange, which is generally accepted in the form of purchases of goods or services and for payment of debts.
Exchange tool that can be referred to as money, should have the following requirements:
a. Favored or accepted by the public.
b. Easily stored and transferable.
c. Durable and is not quickly broken.
d. Can be divided and does not reduce its value.
e. Having a stable value or fixed.
f. The numbers make ends meet.


How Search Engines Work

Unlike humans, search engines are text-driven. Although technology advances rapidly, search engines are far from intelligent creatures who can feel the beauty of design blogs. Instead, search engines crawl the web, look at a particular site items (mainly text) to get the contents of each site. This brief explanation is not the most appropriate because, as we will see next, search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results - crawling, indexing, processing, calculating relevancy, and take.
First, search engines crawl the web to see what is there. This task is performed by some of the software, called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, as is the case with Google). Spiders follow links from one page to another, it is impossible for the spiders to visit the site every day just to see if a new page has appeared or if there is a page that has been modified. Sometimes crawlers will not visit your site for a month or two, so far your SEO efforts will not dihargai.Pada sperti this moment, we can only wait.
Once the page is crawled, the next step is to index the contents. Indexed pages are stored in a giant database, which will one day in tampilkan.jika you help them to optimize it, it will be easier for them to classify your pages correctly and to get a higher ranking.
When it comes the search query, the search engine process - ie, comparing the search string in the search query with the indexed pages in the database. Because there is a possibility that more than one page (practically it is millions of pages) containing the search string, the search engine starts calculating the relevance of each page in a searchable index for strings.
There are various algorithms to calculate relevancy. Each algorithm has different relative weights for common factors like keyword density, link, or metatags. That is why different search engines deliver search results pages for the same string but different results. Moreover note that all the major search engines, like Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc. periodically change their algorithms, and if you want to remain at the top, you also need to customize your pages to the latest changes.


Type Taxable Persons at Risk of Sexual Desire Disorder

Some people sometimes do not wish to have sex. But if these conditions persist then it could be suspected of experiencing hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Who's at risk?

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is the lack of sexual desire disorder continuously over a period of time. People with this disorder have absolutely no inclination towards sexual activity, even tend to reject all the stimulation provided.

HSDD is more often found in women compared with men is about 2 times as much. Women with HSDD will experience very stressful and difficult to engage in sex.

Generally, doctors will diagnose a person with HSDD if there were no mental or physical health problems that contribute to lower sexual desire.

The following are people who are at risk of HSDD, as quoted from Lifemojo, Friday (9/2/2011), namely:

1. Having an unhappy relationship with a partner
This relationship will create a continuous conflict that can affect sexual desire, over time will make it become lost sexual desire. Moreover, communication is a very important factor in creating a harmonious sexual relationship.

2. Lifestyle
Women are required to do a lot of work (multitasking) so it has a big responsibility. Lifestyles such as this would make a person tired and stressed that the tip will reduce sexual desire.

3. A disturbance at the time of puberty
Till now not known what causes it, but a disturbance at puberty can cause a person to experience HSDD earlier that made him experience a lifetime of apathy towards sex.

4. Low-level depression that often goes undiagnosed
Women very often suffer from low depression known as dysthymia. This condition is often unrecognized and undiagnosed because it still makes a person able to work well. But one clear effect seen was loss of sexual desire.

5. Women will experience menopause
Menopause will make the production of the hormone estrogen, progesterone and testosterone decreases the impact on low sex drive, so that one of the signs of impending menopause is the loss of sexual desire.

Experienced HSDD should be handled properly so as not to damage the relationship. Treatment for HSDD can be successful if it involves both partners, such as improving communication or conduct with a given hormone therapy hormone testosterone. As for HSDD a lifetime is much more difficult to treat.


Management principles

The only writer who discusses the principles of management is Henry Fayol. According to him, there are 14 principles of management that need to be applied in the execution of tasks, but is flexible, meaning not to be applied at once, but adapted to the situation. Fourteen principles are as follows:

a. The division of labor. On each business entity where there are a number of activities to achieve a certain aim, then among those people there must be division of labor. Each person must be clear what to do.
b. The powers and responsibilities. Every official in something specific business entity shall have power / authority and responsibility.
c. Discipline. In any agency there must be discipline, that is something that became the basis for the agency force.
d. Unity of command. Namely that an employee receives orders from one superior only.
e. Unity of direction. That the purpose of each unit, and the purpose of something a business entity as a whole must not conflict with one another.
f. The interests of individuals must be under the public interest.
g. Payment of fair wages.
h. Centrality or centralization. There are various kinds of authority should be centralized, on the contrary there are various kinds of authority that can be divided or delegated to certain officials.
i. Lines of authority. With this principle meant that the line of authority within an organization must be clear.
j. Discipline. There must be order either in terms of material and in terms of people.
k. Justice. For each subordinate loyal to his superiors, then each employer must practice justice which gives to each person what they are entitled. In a general sense, justice means the application of noble values
​​that contain the obligation of everyone to work together for the welfare of the organization.
l. Stability employees. Do not be too frequent turnover, either due to displacement or because of dismissal.
m. Initiative. To each person should be given the opportunity to express or to run the initiative, both about how to work, work procedures, or run the new plans in the implementation of its works.
n. Mental unity. On the chest of each officer must be embedded soul unity or loyalty to the group. Loyalty to the group is one important aspect to the emergence of cooperation in a number of people to achieve common goals. Becomes the duty of every leader to foster unity of spirit on the chest of each subordinate.


Juvenile Delinquency

There was a mother who lives in Jakarta told me that since the rampant cases of student brawl in Jakarta, he took the initiative to deliver and pick up his son who was in high school, a habit he'd never done before. How not horrified, if students are not part of it, too, was attacked?
Why students are so often brawl, as if they already do not have common sense, and could not think where that is useful and what is not? Why too many teenagers who do drugs and free sex? What is wrong of all this?
As already reviewed in another article on this site, youth are those aged between 12-21 years. Teens will experience a period of physical and psychological development as follows:

Pre-pubertal period (12-13 years)

Puberty (14-16 years)

Period end of puberty (17-18 years)

And adolescent period Adolesen (19-21 years)
The pre-pubertal (12-13 years)
This period is also called the pueral, namely the transition from childhood to adolescence. In girls, this period is shorter than the boys. At this time, great changes occur in adolescents, the increase in sexual hormones and began development of sexual organs as well as adolescent reproductive organs. In addition, the very rapid development of intellect jga occur in this phase. As a result, these adolescents tend to be critical about (because he felt knowing everything), which is often manifested in the form of defiance or disproof of parents, adults began to like it deems good, and make it as a "hero" or hero. This behavior will be followed by mimicking everything done by his hero, like a haircut, style of speech, to worship the living habits.
In addition, at this time teenagers also tend to be more daring to express his heart's desire, more confident at expressing their opinions, even going to defend his opinions as strong as possible. This is often addressed by parents as insubordination. Teenagers do not want to be treated as a child again. They would rather hang out with groups it deems appropriate with pleasure. They are also more daring against the tradition of parents who considered antiquated and no / less useful, as well as the rules they think are unreasonable, such should not be stopped by another place after school, and so forth. They will increasingly lose interest to join the formal social groups, and tend to join with their friends choice. For example, they will choose to play to where her closest friends than with family visiting your home.
But at the same time, they also need help and assistance is always readily available from their parents, if they are not able to embody his desire. At this time is a critical moment. If parents are not able to meet the psychological needs to address the conflict at the time, teenagers will seek from others. Parents should remember, that the problems faced by adolescents, although for the old man is a trivial problem, but for teens it is a very, very heavy. Parents should not be thinking, "Geez ... that's the little things. The period you can not finish it? Stupid you are!", And so forth. But the attention as if parents understand that the problem was very serious for teens, will be recorded in the teen brain that her parents are way out ang best for him. It will be easier for parents to direct the development of psychic children.
Puberty (14-16 years)
This period is also called early adolescence, when physical development they are so prominent. Teenagers are very anxious about her physical development, as well as proud that it shows that he was not a child anymore. At this time, adolescents become very unstable emotional consequences of sexual hormones developments are so rapid. Strong sexual desire also began to emerge in this period. In young women is marked by the arrival of the first menstruation, whereas in adolescents pris marked by the arrival of the first wet dream. Teenagers will feel confused and ashamed of this, so parents should accompany and provide a good and true understanding of sexuality. If this fails to handle well, their psychological development, particularly in terms of the introduction of self / gender and sexuality will be disrupted. Cases of many gay and lesbian youth development begins with the failure at this point.
In addition, adolescents begin to understand about prestige, appearance, and sexual attraction. Because of the confusion they added emotional volatility due to the influence sexuality development, adolescent feelings difficult dive. Sometimes they are rude, sometimes soft. Sometimes dreamy, other times he was so cheerful. Adolescents in the social feeling is getting stronger, and they joined the group he liked and make the regulations in their own mind.
Period end of puberty (17-18 years)
At this time, adolescents are able to pass the previous period well, will be able to accept his nature, both as men and women. They are also proud because their bodies are considered to determine their self-esteem. This period was very short. In young women, this period lasts shorter than teenage boys, so that the maturation process of young girls achieved more quickly than male adolescents. Generally their physical maturity and sexuality have been achieved fully. But the psychological maturity has not been fully achieved.
Period Adolesen adolescents (19-21 years)
In this period, adolescents generally have reached the perfect ripeness, both in terms of physical, emotional, and psychological. They will learn various kinds of abstract things and started to fight for an idealism that obtained from their minds. They began to realize that criticizing it is easier than living it. Her attitude towards life started to look clear, like his ideals, interests, talents, and so forth. The direction of their lives and properties that stand out will be obvious in this phase.
Juvenile delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is usually done by teens who failed to undergo the processes of development of his soul, both as a teenager and in his childhood. Childhood and adolescence lasts so briefly, with their physical, psychological, and emotional too quickly. Psychologically, juvenile delinquency is a manifestation of the conflicts are not resolved well on childhood and adolescent perpetrators. Often found that there was trauma in her past, harsh and unpleasant treatment of the environment, as well as trauma to the environmental conditions, such as economic conditions which made him feel inferior, and so forth.
Deal with juvenile delinquency, it means re-arrange teenage emotions were torn. Emotions and feelings are corrupted because they feel rejected by family, parents, friends, and the environment since childhood, and the failure of the process of development of the adolescent soul. Traumas in his life must be resolved, psychological conflicts that hanging should be resolved, and they should be given a different environment than the previous environment. The question is: who is it all work? Parents Did? While parents are too dizzy to think about work and other living expenses. Was his brother? They also have their own problems, maybe even they also have the same problem. Was the Government? Or who? Not easy to answer. However, providing a good environment from an early age, along with an understanding of the development of our children properly, will help reduce juvenile delinquency. At least not increase the number of cases.


Second puberty

The term "puberty" comes from the word "pubes" which means hair that grows around the genitals. This condition is experienced by the child's teen years, both men and women. Second puberty is a condition where there is similarity of behavior such as that experienced by children who enter puberty, such as more attention to appearance, more attention to the opposite sex, and so forth.

Second puberty experienced by men and women who entered the age of 40 years and over. The symptoms in men as he entered the second puberty are:

    Reluctant to appear older. They started paying attention to her appearance and beauty of her body. Her hair was dyed a la the young, stylish slang, modifying his car to be flat, and so forth.

    They also begin to love again adventure. Starting from the long-distance bike ride, up and out of the discotheque.

    Productivity of living increases. Many found that they are increasingly adept at negotiating, the more advanced business, as well as the more spectacular career.

While in women, symptoms are:

    Disturbed or cessation of the process of menstruation (menopause). This happens because gonadotrop no longer produced by the gland hypophysc. Effects that occur are dizziness, lethargy, and less passionate. As a result, emotional stability is often disrupted.

    Shrink fat deposits so that the skin began to wrinkle, even breasts start changing shape. Graying hair. This situation will affect the mental state. Moreover, if the husband looked at it as a setback.

Each person will experience this second phase of puberty. Because it is necessary to adequate preparation for entering the mature phase of this crisis. This is where back-tested the commitment of marriage. Communication and understanding a very important role for couples who began to enter this second puberty. Different conditions between husbands and wives often trigger conflicts between them. Husband is more excited in many ways, while the wife the more lethargic and less passionate. If there is good communication between couples who enter this period, the second crisis, this problem will be resolved properly.

Some things you can do to get through puberty a second well is:

    Banc both undisturbed by the presence of children

    Providing such a surprise candle light dinner, buying goods that are desirable partner, and so forth

    Reopening memories photo album together

    Watching movies alone


It is expected that couples entering a second puberty can pass well and happily into old age.


The theory of nativism

Nativism derived from the word Nativus, meaning birth. This theory emerged from philosophy nativisma (born) as a form of philosophical idealism and generate a view that children's development is determined by heredity, innateness, and natural factors are natural. Pioneer flow of nativism is Arthur Schopenhauer German philosopher who lived in 1788-1880. This school believes that individual development is determined by default since he was born. Own environments Factors considered less influential on the development and education of children. In effect the flow of nativism sourced from Leibnitzian Tradition, a tradition that emphasizes the ability for in a child. Results perkambangan determined by genetic innateness and from both parents.

Thus, according to this school, learning success is determined by the individual. nativism opinion, if the child has a talent jahar from birth, he will become evil, and vice versa if the child has a good talent, it will be good. Education of children who do not fit with the talent that brought not be useful for the development of the child.

That view did not deviate from reality. For example, children are physically resemble their parents and will inherit the characteristics and talents of parents. In principle, the view of nativism is the recognition of the existence of genuine power that has been formed since the human being is born into the world, namely the forces of psychological and physiological factors that are hereditary, and other basic skills of different capacities within each human. There is a growing and developing to the point of maximum ability, and some are only up at certain points. For example, a child who comes from parents who are skilled art of music, will develop into an artist of music that may exceed the ability of parents, may also only up to half the ability of parents.

Arthur Schaupenhaur firmly declare that evil would be evil and the good will be good. Pandanga this as opposed to the optimism is pessimism education provides the basis that a successful education is determined by factors, determined by the child himself. Environment does not exist, meaning that the environment because it will not be powerless in influencing child development.
Although the daily reality of children are often found physically resemble their parents, a talent inherited his parents' talent, but talent is innate genetics is not the only factor that determines the child's development, but still there are other factors that influence the development and formation of children into adulthood , knowing competence in self and self identity (identity).

Factors of human development in the theory of nativism

1. Genetic factor. Is the factor genes from both parents who encourage the presence of a talent that comes from being human. An example is if both parents the child is a singer, then the child has innate talent as a singer, a great percentage.

2. Ability Factors Child. Is the factor that makes a child knows that there is potential in him. This factor is more apparent because the child can develop the potential that exists within him. An example is the existence of extra-curricular activities in school that encourages each child to develop the potential that exists within themselves according to their talents and interests.

3. Child growth factor. Is a factor that encourages the child to know his talent and his interest in each of the natural growth and development so that if the child's growth was normal so he's being energetic, active, and responsive capabilities. Conversely, if the child's growth is not normal then the child can not mngenali talents and capabilities.

Goals nativism Theory
In this theory by G. Leibnitz: Monad "In the individual there is a core human person". While the Theory of Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) stated that human development is innateness / talent. So with this theory every man is expected to:

1. Able to bring up talents. With this theory people are expected to be held because mengoptimalkann talent already know the talent that can be developed. Given this, enable people to develop something that could have a major impact on his progress.

2. Encouraging people to realize themselves competent. So with this theory is expected of every human being must be more creative and innovative in developing their talents and interests in order to become a competent human being that can compete with others for the challenges of today who are increasingly required to have competent people who are superior to others.

3. Encouraging people in determining choice. This theory of human existence could be more prudent to determine the choice, and if humans have determined the choice will be committed and sticking to his choice and he chose to believe that something adalh is best for himself.

4. Encouraging people to develop the potential of a person. This theory is put forward to make people take an active role in the development potential for human self dimilii it has distinctive features or special character as a human identity.

5. Encouraging people to recognize the talent possessed interests. Given this theory, the human will easily recognize the talent that is owned, the earlier the premises of human sense to recognize the talent possessed by humans it can better maximize llebih baakatnya thus optimal.

Applications at the present time

Factors are natural traits can not be changed by the influence of environment and education (Arthur Schaupenhauer (1788-1860)). To support this theory in the era now being opened pelatiahn and courses to develop talent so that the inborn talent that is trained and developed for every individual human being able to develop its potential. So the potential that exists in man is not in vain because they are not developed, trained and raised.

But the training that was held was dominated by people who really know the talent you have, so that by the introduction of talents and interests at an early age having a bit of coercion from parents and it causes the child's talents and abilities tend to close even disappear because of the attitude of authoritarian parents who do not consider the talents, abilities and interests.

Training institute was created in order to become a container to hold a talent for sharing by children can be channeled and developed denag good results, can be maximized.

Without realizing it at any educational institution is also open-kegiatn activities that can develop and channel the talents of children outside of academic activities. So other than the child gets in the science classroom, but jug could develop his talents.


Ten (10) Successful People Personality

"The best way to Predict the Future is to create it." - Alan Kay

A SUCCESS has many definitions and variations of benchmarks. Some of us believe, that success means achieving the highest position in the office, other variations have sufficient financial means certain. There are some longer to realize success as a predicate appreciation from colleagues and audiences for his achievement. From the various definitions and benchmarks, the one thing that can be concluded that the success is the achievement of dreams through a process of structured and planned. For example, the A defining success if he is able to achieve the marketing manager at his workplace. Efforts to "streamline" its success, A decided to study again in educational institutions S2 and follow some marketing seminars. Of course, many things that need to be prepared, both material and personal attitudes. Material form of money and time is a sure thing to be prepared, and should also be supported by personal attitude in dealing with the process of achieving success itself.

Referring to Jennie S. Bev is a consultant, entrepreneur, author and educator living in San Francisco Bay Area and is an Indonesian who "successfully" compete on the climate of "tight" American. He put forward the 10 elements of a successful personality (both in terms of financial and performance) are based on her social and communication with the billionaire and a successful entrepreneur. Ten attitude is as follows:

One, the courage to take the initiative. The actual strength is no longer a secret to the success of people terknenal ie they always have great ideas! A Donald Trump a "worldwide" due to its superiority in the field of Real Estate originally stood the test of the status of bankrupt and ultimately predicated King Real Estate, is an example of a genius and daring initiative. We certainly know the TV series The Apprentice, Miss Universe contest, Free University named TrumpUniversity.com, even in his home country doll Donald is an icon and best-selling product in addition to the books of his bestseller. And the initiative is the wealth of all people, live people that want or not to take the initiative put forward its ideas.

Two, on time. A sure thing for everyone in this world without exception is that we have the same amount of time ie 24 hours a day. A person who keep their promises and on time shows that he is a man who has the ability to organize / manage something that is most limited. Ability to attend as promised is the key to all success, especially success in business and interact. Giving more attention to time is a reflection of respect for ourselves and our colleagues and partners.

Three, happy to serve and give. A successful formula of many successful people are able to lead, but an additional attribute of leadership is the habit of serving and giving. The more you give to others, the more respect you get in return. And, sincerity is the key to this trait. Other goodness will continue to flow without stopping when we are able to give and serve with sincerity. It may be practically as bonuses alone! However, with the giving and serving setidaknnya means showing to friends, colleagues and our colleagues how successful we are making people more confident partner and associate with us.

Four, opening up first. Perhaps we've met people who always want to know about other people's private things, but he continued to shut himself for his true identity is not open. They usually live in fear and suspicion, and always prejudiced to anyone he encountered. This attitude is the element that is not owned many successful people. Trust and generosity to open up to the other person is a mirror that we are comfortable with yourself, then nothing needs to be covered, that is sought by the true partner and most of us would agree that not many people are willing to work with a mysterious man, right right?

Lima, enjoy working together and foster good relations. The ability to work together in teams is one of the main keys to success. Again we take the example of Donald Trump. In the TV series The Apprentice, Trump has a team of loyal and become an extension of her hand in finding candidates "confidant" new. In the end, Trump will have a team of very loyal and visionary same as creating a good network, so that the road to success is more wide open.

Six, nice to learn new things. Ciputra and Bakrie is a person who can be regarded as a success in the field of commerce. But when they founded the university, whether they move as an educator? Or they own is actually a professor? Obviously not, they remain an entrepreneur, but with his penchant to find new things and apply them directly, then the world wide wide open for him. The business world is like as a place to play that laus and unlimited. So glad to learn and find new things is an attitude of success.

Seven, rarely complains, professionalism is the most important. Lance Armstrong once said, "There are two Kinds of days: good days and great days." There are only two kinds of days: a good day and a very good day. It is good if we do not ever complain, even though one day maybe we will fall and fail. Why? Because every time you fail, it is an opportunity for us to learn to overcome failure itself so it does not happen again in the future. Day in which we fail to remain as a good day (good day).

Eight, dare to bear the risk. Clearly, without this there is no chance at all to lead to success. Virtually every day we run the risk, although not fully realized. The risk is only going to result in two kinds: some of a good or a great day. So, so nothing to worry about anymore is not it? Failure was simply an opportunity to learn to not repeat the same thing later in life and certainly the threshold to success will be closer.

Nine, showing no fear (think positive all the time). Positive thinking is the environment or the default state in which the whole of existence we are. If we use negative thoughts as the default state, then all our actions will be based on this (fear or anxiety). With positive thoughts, then our actions will be guided by positive vibration, so that positive things will more likely. The more positive we are addressing the obstacles, the better chance we find a solution to these obstacles.

Ten, "comfortable in Their Own Skin" Close-up of something and make it look "better" than his interlocutor. Ever met a successful person of low self-alias is not comfortable with themselves? Nothing of course. Leisure be yourself do not need to be covered up so that the speaker was not offended because everyone has its own place in the world that can not be replaced by others. I was me, they are them. By being myself, I would not disturb their existence. If they feel uncomfortable, it's not because of my personality, but due to a different mindset and kekurangmampuan them in achieving comfort with oneself. Basic attitude of successful people mentioned above probably could be a harbinger and pave our steps to achieve success we dream, our lives are decided. Ready to succeed? I'll see you on a mountain top of success!


Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

The biggest problem faced by the learners now (students) are they not been able to connect between what they learn and how that knowledge will be used. This is because the way they obtain information and self-motivation has not been touched by a method that can really help them. The students difficulty understanding academic concepts (such as the concepts of mathematics, physics, or biology), because the teaching method which has been used by educators (teachers) confined to the lecture method. Other students here certainly know what they are learning now will be very useful for their future lives, that is when they are societal or while at work one day. Therefore we need a method that can really give an answer to this problem. One method that can be more empowering students dalah contextual approach (Contextual Teaching and Learning / CTL)

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a learning system that matches the performance of the brain, to develop patterns that create meaning, by linking academic content to the context of everyday life learners. This is important be applied to the information received is not only stored in short-term memory, which is easily forgotten, but can be stored in long term memory so it will be internalized and applied in job duties.

CTL-called contextual approach because the concept of learning that help teachers to link between the content to be studied with real-world situations students and encourage students to make connections between the knowledge possessed by its application in their lives as members of society.

According to pembelajran contextual theory, learning occurs only when students (learners) process new information or knowledge in such a way that can be absorbed into their minds and they are able menghubungannya with real life around them. This approach assumes that the mind would naturally seek the meaning of individual relationships with surrounding environments.

Based on the above understanding, according to contextual learning method of learning activities should not be done in the classroom, but could in the laboratory, the workplace, rice, or other places. Require educators (teachers) to be smart to choose and design learning environments that really relate to real life, both personal context, social, cultural, economic, health, and others, so students have the knowledge / skills to construct a dynamic and flexible actively own understanding.

In an environment like that, students can find meaningful relationships between abstract ideas with practical applications in real-world context, the concept of internalized through discover, strengthen, and connect. For example, the physics class is studying about the thermal conductivity to measure how the quality and quantity of construction materials affects the amount of energy required to maintain the building when exposed to heat or cold exposure. Or grade biology or chemistry class can learn basic scientific concepts by studying the spread of AIDS or the ways of farmers grow crops and their effects on the environment.

By applying CTL unwittingly educators have attended three modern scientific principles that support and regulate everything in the universe, namely: 1) the principle of interdependence, 2) Principle of Differentiation, and 3) Principles of Self settings.

The principle of interdependence teaches that everything in the universe is interdependent and interrelated. In CTL the principle of interdependence invites educators to recognize their linkages with other educators, with students, with communities and with the environment. The principle of interdependence invite students to work together, mutual expression, listening to each other to find the problem, designing the plan, and seek solutions to problems. The principle is to unite the experiences of each individual to achieve high academic standards.

The principle of differentiation refers to the constant urge of the universe to generate diversity, difference and uniqueness. In CTL differentiation principle frees students to explore personal talents, learn how to bring each individual, developing at their own pace. Here the students are encouraged to always be creative, critical thinking in order to produce something useful.

The principle of self-regulation states that everything is set up, maintained and recognized by yourself. This principle encouraged the students to release its full potential. They accept responsibility for own decisions and behavior, assess alternatives, make choices, develop plans, analyze information, create solutions and to critically assess the evidence. Furthermore, the interaction between the student will obtain a new understanding, new insights as well as discover personal interests, the power of imagination, their ability to survive and lack of expertise.

Back to the concept of CTL. In contextual learning teachers are required to assist students in achieving its goals. The point is that teachers are more dealing with the strategy of the provided information. Here the teacher simply manage the class as a team that works together to find something new for students. Teaching and learning activities (KBM) were more stressed than Teacher Centered Student Centered. According to the Ministry of Education teachers have to implement some of the following: 1) studying the concept or theory that will be studied by students. 2) Understand the background and life experience of students through the review process carefully. 3) Learning environment and residential school students who subsequently choose and mengkaiykan with the concept or theory that will be discussed in contextual learning. 4) Designing teaching by linking the concept or theory studied by considering the experience of its students and their environment. 5) Carry out an assessment of student understanding, the results of which will be used as material pemebelajaran refeksi against the plan and its implementation.

Curriculum and instruction based on contextual learning strategies should be structured to encourage five essential forms of learning: Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperation, and Transfer.

Linking: Learning in the context of life experience, or associate. Teachers using this strategy he ketia linking new concepts with something already known to students. So thus, linking what is already known to students with new information. Curriculum that seeks to place learning in the context of life experience should be able to make students taking special account of daily events that they see, the events that occurred in the vicinity, or under certain conditions, then mengubungan information that they have acquired with the lesson and then try to find a solution to the problem of the problem.

EXPERIENCE: Learning in the context of exploration, experience. Contextual learning experience is central to where the linking means linking new information with previous pengetahui pengelaman well. Learning can occur more quickly when students are able to manipulate equipment and materials and to conduct other forms of active research.

APPLYING: Applying the concepts and information in a useful context for students' self. Students apply a concept when he malakukan problem-solving activities. Teachers can motivate students by memberikam realistic and relevant training.

COOPERATION: Learning in the context of sharing, responding, and communicating with other students is a major teaching strategy in teaching context. Students who work individually often not helped progress significantly. Conversely, students who are working in groups often can solve complex problems with minimal assistance. The experience of working together not only helps students learn the material, is also consistent with the real world. An employee who can communicate effectively, who can share information well, and who can work comfortably in a team of course highly valued in the workplace. Therefore, Sanat important to encourage students to develop skills to work this.

Transfer: Learning in the context of existing knowledge, or transfer, use and build upon what has been learned students. The role of the teacher makes a variety of pengelaman learning with a focus on understanding rather than hapalan.

According to the Ministry of Education for its application, contextual approach (CTL) has tujuah main components, namely constructivism (constructivism), find (Inquiry), asking (questioning), community-learning (Learning Community), modeling (modeling), reflection (reflection), and The actual assessment (Authentic). Adapaun explanation as follows:

1. Constructivism (constructivism). Constructivism is the foundation of our thinking CTL, which emphasizes that learning is not just memorize, recall of knowledge but is a learning process where students themselves mentally active helps to build knowledge, which is based on pengetahuanyang structure possesses.

2. Finding (Inquiry). Finding the essence of this part of contextual-based learning activities Karen acquired knowledge and skills students are expected not the result of considering a set of facts but the result of finding themselves. Activities found (inquiry) is a cycle consisting of observation (observation), asking (questioning), filed allegations (hiphotesis), data collection (gathering data), inference (conclusion).

3. Asking (questioning). Knowledge one always starts from asking. Questioning is a major strategy pembelajaan contextually based. Activity is useful to ask: 1) gather information, 2) explore students' understanding, 3) generate responses to the students, 4) determine the extent of student curiosity, 5) know the things that have been known to students, 6) focusing attention on something that is desired teachers, 7) raised more questions from students, to refresh students' knowledge.

4. Community Learning (Learning Community). The concept of learning communities suggests the learning outcomes gained from the cooperation of others. Learning outcomes resulted from the 'sharing' between friends, between groups, and between the tau into who do not know. Community learning occurs when there is a two-way communication, two or more groups are involved in learning communication learning from each other.

5. Modelling (Modelling). Modeling is basically express a thought, demonstrates how the teacher wants students to learn and malakukan what teachers want for their students perform. In contextual learning, teachers are not the only model. Models can be designed with, elibatkan students and also bring in from outside.

6. Reflection (Reflection). Reflection is a way of thinking or response about what newly learned AAU backward thinking about what has been done in the past. Its realization in teaching, leaving teachers to give students a moment of reflection in the form of direct statements about what he gained that day.

7. The actual assessment (Authentic Assessment.) Penialaian is the process of collecting various data that could give a description of the development of student learning. In the CTL-based learning, student development picture teachers need to know in order to ensure that students experience learning that is true. The focus is on completion of assessment tasks that are relevant and contextual as well as assessments are made to the process and results.

Advantages & Disadvantages Contextual Teaching and Learning

1. Learning becomes more meaningful and real. This means that students are required to grasp the relationship between the experience of studying in school to real life. It is very important, because with can mengorelasikan material found with real life, not only for the students the material that will work functionally, but the material learned will be embedded firmly in the memory of students, sihingga not be easily forgotten.
2. Learning more productive and able to foster the strengthening of the concept to the students because the learning method adopted CTL flow constructivism, in which a student is led to find his own knowledge. Through the foundation of philosophical constructivism students are expected to learn through "experience" instead of "memorizing".

1. Teachers are more intensive in the lead. Because the CTL method. Teachers no longer serves as a center of information. The task is to manage the classroom teacher as a team that works together to discover new knowledge and skills for students. Students are viewed as a developing individual. One's learning ability will be influenced by the level of development and breadth of experience he has. Thus, the teacher's role is not as instructors or "ruler" that forces the will but the teacher is supervising students so they can learn according to the stage of its development.
2. Teachers provide opportunities for students to discover or implement their own ideas and invite students for being aware and consciously use their own strategies for learning. But in this context of course teachers need extra attention and guidance to students for learning purposes in accordance with what was originally applied.


Understanding and Helping Students Who Lack of Confidence

Leah (not her real name) is a first class high school student who had just climbed Favorites Salatiga class II. He came from a farmer who is quite the social economy in the hinterland village + 17 km outside the town of Salatiga, as the first child his parents initially objected to their children continue to finish junior high school in Salatiga; parents had hoped for her son does not need hard-have continued school to the city, but on persuasion when taking her child's homeroom STTB to give up their children attend school weight. Consideration of the guardian class because Leah fairly intelligent amongst other friends, so naturally if it could be accepted in high school favorite. Since received in high school on the one hand Lia's favorite as a child of the village proud after all be accepted, but on the other hand started to feel inferior to her friends, mostly from rich families with a pattern of association which is so different from the background Lia. He considers friends from wealthy families such as the selfish, less friendly, picky friends who are both from wealthy families alone, and arrogant. The longer the feeling of rejection, terisolik, and loneliness the more gripping and began to arise attitude and assumption that schooling is not for him not krasan, but ashamed of going out with parents and his compatriot; continue to survive, there is no hard / have a friend who cares. My basic rural children, poor children (compared to his friends in the city) hujatnya to yourself. Finally truly become a child minder, shy and hesitant and afraid to get along well as they should. The longer the maturity the more its value so that the burden of thought and feeling more and more weight, as to doubt whether this can be the next grade or not

In the view of rational emotive, human beings have an inherent ability to act rationally or irrationally, humans are born with strong tendencies incredible desire and urgent in order that all things happen for the best for her life and at all blame themselves, others, and the world if does not immediately get what he wants. Consequently childish thinking (as a matter of manunusiawi) throughout his life, eventually only the enormous difficulty able to achieve and maintain a realistic behavior and adult; besides humans also have a tendency to overestimate the importance of acceptance of others which would cause his emotions not reasonably often blame themselves in ways that pembawaannya and self-destructive ways obtained. Think and feel is very close and with each other: the mind can be a feeling and vice versa; What is thinking and what he is feeling or occurrence of something embodied in the action / behavior rational or irrational. How is the action / behavior that is very easily influenced by others and the drive-doronan strong to defend themselves and satisfy themselves even irrational.

The characteristics of an irrational person can not be verified, play a role dimui God what should happen, control the world, and if unable to do so is considered stupid and useless; foster feelings of discomfort (like anxiety) that there was no need, not too bad / embarrassing but allowed to continue, and prevents someone kembai to the initial incident and change it. In fact, eventually leading to feelings of helplessness on self concerned. The forms of mind / feelings are irrational for example: everyone in the environment I have to like me, if anyone is not happy with me it means a disaster for me. That means my fault, because I'm not precious, not like people / other friends. I suffer because they deserve it.

In connection with the case, Lia actually born with the potential to excel, he became problematic because of its behavior is controlled by the thoughts / feelings of irrational, self-esteem he has placed on the concept / belief is wrong is if the rich, all friends pay attention / support, care, etc. and it all does not exist / be obtained from the high school, until in the end blames herself with blasphemy and suffering and isolate himself. He has managed to build the concept itself is not realistic based on the assumption that one of (and from) friends environment. He became self-conscious, shy, timid and hesitant ultimately the success / achievements that actually will not need to happen.

If Leah is not logical thinking / realistic (about the concept of himself and his view of his friends) were being fought then he will change it. Thus the purpose of counseling is to combat the irrational thinking that melatar Lia-background fear / kecematannya the concept itself is wrong with his attitude toward other friends. In a more nuanced authoritative counselor counseling: call Leah, invite discussion and to encourage direct confrontation moved from irrational thinking into rational / logical and realistic through persuasive, suggestive, giving appropriate advice, therapy by applying the principles learned to PR and bibliographic therapy .

Counselling Cognitive: to show that Lee must dismantle irrational mindset about the concept of self-esteem, attitude toward fellow friend wrong if you want more happiness and success. Counselors teach more stylish: to provide advice, direct confrontation with the map-irasoonal rational thought, suggestions and asertive simulation training with self-apply the correct self-concept and attitude / dependence on others is correct / rational proceed as a PR exercise, observing and evaluating yourself. Example: from a person not worthy of the wealth or the number and status of friends who support, but the love of God and its realization. God loves me, because I am worth dihadiratNya. Against myself someday I'm happy, satisfied and proud, but sometimes indifferent, indifferent, even sometimes I hate, cursing myself, so it is natural and realistic that some 40 people, a friend of one class for example is + 40% good, 50% neutral, only 10% are membeci me. It is impossible to prosecute all / every person every time good to me, and so on. These ideas are taught, and trained with a scientific approach.

Counselling emotive-evolatif to change the system value by using the technique Leah awareness between right and wrong such as the example, play a role, and load shedding for Lia releasing thoughts and feelings are not rational and replace it with a rational as the continuation of cognitive techniques above. Counselling behavioritas used to change negative behavior to change the roots of Lia's belief that irrational / illogical reinforcemen contract, social modeling, and relaxation / meditation.

This theory is in helping direct approach using the advice that is marked by attacking the problem with an intellectual and convincing (koselor). The technique is clear, rigorous, more and see / realize the thoughts and words are constantly addressed to myself, which brought destruction to themselves. The way the counselor is to approach the firm, ask attention to the thoughts that cause the disorder and how the mind and the sentence was in operation until the adverse consequences. The counselor then helps him to think again, challenging, argumentative, say the sentences are harming it, and thereby he brought a client into awareness and new insight. But the insight and awareness is not enough. He must be trained to think and say to yourself things that are more positive and realistic. Therapists teach clients to think right and act effectively. The technique used is eklektif with consideration:

1. Economical in terms of time for both counselor and counselee
2. Technical-technical effectiveness used is suitable for a wide range of counselee
3. Freshness of its outcome,
4. The depth and soil can be worn long and counselee to counsel her own defeat.

In conclusion, re-structuring philosophically wrong to alter personality functioning involves the following steps: (1) recognize fully that we are largely responsible for the creation of our own problems, (2) accept the notion that we have the ability to alter the disturbances in mean, (3) realize that the problems and our emotions come from irrational beliefs, (4) clearly perceive these beliefs, (5) accept the fact that, if we expect to change, we better have to deal with ways of behavior and emotion to act counter to our beliefs and feelings-feelings that one function and the actions that follow, and (6) practice RET methods to eliminate or alter the consequences of which are impaired in the remaining time our lives.


Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory

Cognitive is a process that happens internally in the central nervous system at the time humans are thinking (Gagne in Jamaris, 2006). The term "Cognitive" comes from the word cognition means understanding, understand. Understanding the extent of cognition (cognition) is the acquisition, structuring, and use of knowledge (Neisser, 1976). In further developments, then the term cognitive has become popular as one of the areas of human psychology / single general concept that encompasses all forms of recognition that includes any mental behaviors associated with problem understanding, caring, giving, thought, consideration, information processing, problem solving, deliberate, consideration, imagine, predict, thought and belief. Including mental health centers in the brain is also associated with konasi (the will) and affective (feeling) is concerned with taste. According to experts kognitifis flow of soul, a person's behavior is always based on cognition, the act of knowing or thinking about a situation where the behavior occurred.

BASIC PRINCIPLES Piaget's theory
• Jean Piaget (Swiss psychologist who lived in 1896-1980) is known as a comprehensive theory of intellectual development, which reflects the existence of forces between biological and psychological function.
• Piaget explain intelligence itself as a biological adaptation to the environment. For example: humans do not have a fluffy coat to protect it from cold, people do not have the speed to escape predators, humans also do not have the expertise in climbing trees. But humans have the versatility to produce clothing and vehicles for transportation.

3 Aspects of Intelligence
According to Piaget, intelligence can be viewed from three different perspectives:

1. Also called structure schemes (schemata / Schemas). The structure and organization found in the environment, but the human mind more than imitate the structure of external reality passively. Interaction of the human mind with the outside world, matching the world into a "mental framework" of his own. Cognitive structure is the mental framework which is built one by taking information from the environment and interpret it, mereorganisasikannya and transforming them (Flavell, Miller & Miller, 1993).

2 things vital to remember about building cognitive structures: 1) a person actively involved in developing the process. 2) an environment where people interact is important for structural development.

Piaget did not see the cognitive structure as a biological mechanism outward. He does not believe that children enter the world with the "basic tools" for understanding reality. The children are slowly and gradually build their own perspective on reality. Formation of cognitive structures begin early in life soon after the baby started to have experience with the environment. But is not a new-born baby does not have any experience on the environment? Piaget believed that a baby is not fully experienced a structure which has been formed who programmed them to interact with the environment, this so called physical structures, such as the human brain and nervous system and sensory organ2 specific. And reflexes which is called the "automatic behavioral reactions." Babies train these structures in the interaction with the environment & begin immediately to develop the cognitive structures.

2. Content is also called content, that is specific behavior patterns of individuals when facing something the problem. Is a coarse material, because Piaget less interested in what children know, but more interested in what the underlying thought processes. Piaget saw the "content" is less important than the structure & function, if the content is "what" of intelligence, while the "how" & "why" is determined by the cognitive or intellectual.

3. Called Functions fungtion, which is a process by which cognitive structures are built. All living organisms interact with the environment which has the function through a process of organization and adaptation. Organization: uuntuk tend to integrate themselves and the world into a form of the parts into a whole distinguished meaningfully, as a way to reduce complexity. Adaptation to the environment occurs in 2 ways:

a. organisms manipulate the outside world in a way makes it similar to himself. This process is called assimilation. Assimilation takes something from the outside world and fitting it into the structure which already exists. For example: humans assimilate food by making it into the components of nutrition, the foods they eat become a part of themselves.
b. organism to modify itself so that it becomes more like its environment. This process is called accommodation. When someone accommodate something, they change themselves to meet external requirements. For example: body not only food but also accommodate assimilate by secreting gastric juices to destroy and digest the involuntary contractions of the stomach.

Through the adjustment process, the system is changing and evolving one's cognition that can be increased from one stage to the top. Adjustment process is carried out an individual because he wanted to reach a state of equilibrium, namely a state of balance between the structure of cognition with experience in the environment. Someone will always strive for a balanced state is always achieved by using both the above adjustment process.

Thus, developing one's cognition is not due to receive knowledge passively from the outside but the person is actively constructing knowledge.

Piaget's cognitive development of children divided into 4 main periods that correlate with increasingly sophisticated and as you age:

1. Sensorimotor Period (age 0-2 years)
2. Preoperational period (ages 2-7 years)
3. Concrete operational period (age 7-11 years)
4. Formal operational period (age 11 to adult)

1. Sensorimotor Period
According to Piaget, infants are born with some innate reflex as well as encouragement to explore his world. The scheme was originally formed through differentiation of these innate reflex. Sensorimotor period is the first period of four periods. Piaget argued that this stage marks the development of essential spatial abilities and understanding in the six sub-stages:
a. Sub-reflex schema stage, appearing at birth until the age of six weeks and is associated mainly with the reflex.
b. Sub-stage primary circular reaction phase, from ages six weeks to four months and is associated mainly with the emergence of habits.
c. Sub-stage secondary circular reaction phase, appearing between the ages of four to nine months and is associated mainly with the coordination between vision and meaning.
d. Sub-phase coordination of secondary circular reactions, arise from age nine to twelve months, while developing the ability to see objects as something that is permanent even though it seems different when viewed from different angles (object permanence).
e. Sub-stage tertiary circular reactions phase, appeared at the age of twelve to eighteen months and is associated mainly with the discovery of new ways to achieve goals.
f. Sub-early stages of symbolic representation, associated especially with early stages of creativity.

2. Preoperational stage of
This stage is the second phase of four phases. By observing the order of play, Piaget was able to show that after the end of the age of two qualitatively new kind of psychological functions emerge. Thought (Pre) Operations in Piaget's theory is a procedure mentally action against the objects. The hallmark of this stage is a rare mental operations and logically inadequate. In this stage, children learn to use and represent objects by images and words. His thinking is still egocentric: children difficult to see from others' viewpoints. Children can classify objects using one characteristic, such as collecting all the red objects even though the shape of different objects or collect all round even though the color is different.

According to Piaget, the stages of pre-operational following the sensorimotor stage and appear between ages two to six years. In this stage, children develop skills berbahasanya. They began to represent objects with words and pictures. However, they still use intuitive rather than logical reasoning. At the beginning of this stage, they tend to be egocentric, that is, they can not understand his place in the world and how they relate to each other. They have trouble understanding how the feelings of those around them. But as the maturation, the ability to understand another person's perspective, the better. Children have a very imaginative mind in the moment and regard every living thing that does not even have feelings.

3. Concrete Operational Stage
This stage is the third stage of four stages. Appear between the ages of six to twelve years and has characteristics of an adequate use of logic. These processes are important during this phase are:

Sequencing-ability to mengurutan objects by size, shape, or other characteristics. For example, when given the objects of different sizes, they can be sorted from the largest object to the smallest.

Classification-the ability to name and identify a set of objects according to appearance, size, or other characteristics, including the idea that a series of objects can include an object into the circuit. Children no longer have the limitations of logic in the form of animism (the notion that all living things and callous)

Decentering children begin to consider some aspects of a problem to solve. For example, the child will no longer consider a wide but short cup less content than the small cups are high.

Reversibility children begin to understand that the amount or objects can be changed, then returned to the initial state. For that, children can quickly determine that 4 +4 equals 8, 8-4 will equal 4, the number earlier.

Conservation-understanding that quantity, length or number of objects is not related to the setting or appearance of the object or objects. For example, if the child is given a cup the size and contents are the same lot, they will know when water is poured into another glass of different size, the water in the glass will remain the same lot with another cup.

Removal of the nature of egocentrism-the ability to see things from the viewpoint of others (even when people are thinking the wrong way.) For example, show that showed Siti comic store doll in the box, and then left the room, then Ujang move the doll into a drawer, only then Siti back into the room. Children in the concrete operations stage will say that Siti would continue to treat the doll in the box even though the boy knew that the mannequin was transferred into a drawer by Ujang.

4. Formal Operational Stage
Formal operational stage is the final period of cognitive development in Piaget's theory. This stage began to experience the child in the age of eleven (at puberty) and continues into adulthood. Characteristics of this stage is to get the ability to think abstractly, reason logically, and draw conclusions from available information. In this stage, one can understand such things as love, logical proof, and value. He does not see things only in black and white, but there are "shades of gray" in between. Viewed from a biological factor, this phase appears at puberty (when there is a variety of other major changes), marking its entry into the adult world in physiological, cognitive, moral reasoning, psychosexual development, and social development. Some people do not fully achieve the progress to this stage, so he does not have the skills to think as an adult and still use the reasoning from the concrete operational stage.

General information about the stages
The fourth stage has the following characteristics:
• Although the stages can be achieved in the age varies but the order is always the same. No stage is skipped and there is no order to retreat.
• Universal (not related to culture)
• Can be generalized: representation and logic from existing operations in a person applies to all concepts and content knowledge
• The stages in the form of an organized whole is logically
• A sequence of hierarchical stages (each stage includes the elements of previous stages, but more differentiated and integrated)
• Stages represent qualitative differences in the model of thinking, not just a quantitative difference

Most psychologists fully accept the general principles of Piaget that children's thinking is fundamentally different from adult thinking, and kind of logic that children change with age. However, there are also researchers who fuss about the details of Piaget's findings, especially regarding the age when children are able to accomplish specific tasks.

1. In a classic study, McGarrigle and Donalson (1974) states that children are able to understand conservation (conservation) in a younger age than the age which is believed by Piaget.
2. Another study that criticized Piaget's theory is that children are just reaching an understanding of object permanence at the age of 6 months. Balillargeon and De Vos (1991); 104 children were observed until they were 18 years old, and tested with a variety of formal operational tasks based on the tasks used by Piaget, including the testing of hypotheses. The majority of the children did not reach the formal operational stage. This is consistent with studies McGarrigle and Donaldson and Baillargeon and DeVos, who stated that Piaget underestimated the ability of small children and too high to assess the ability of children who are older.
3. And recently, Bradmetz (1999) to test Piaget's statement that the majority of children reach the formal at the end of childhood.


In Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Implications of Learning

According to Piaget, cognitive development largely depends on how much active child actively manipulate and interact with their environment, ie how children actively construct pengentahuannya. Knowledge comes from action. according to Piaget's theory of physical experiences and manipulation of the environment is important for the occurrence of changes in development. Meanwhile, that social interaction with peers, especially arguing and discussions helped clarify the thinking that eventually load it becomes more logical thinking. Here are the implications of Piaget's theory of learning:

1. Understand that there is a difference in terms of progressive development invidual. Piaget's theory assumes that all students grow through the same sequence of development, but growth was held at a different speed. Plus I think the child is less logical than adults, then the teacher must understand how children think, not the other way children adapt to the teacher.

2. Education here aims to develop a child's mind, meaning that when the kids try to solve the problem, reasoning that they are more important than the answer. Therefore imperative that teachers do not punish the children for the wrong answer, but instead ask how the child gave a wrong answer, and given the notion of truth or to take appropriate steps to to address.

3. Children learn best by finding (discovery). It means here is that child-centered learning take place effectively, the teacher did not leave the kids learn on their own, but they gave a special assignment that is designed to guide students to discover and solve problems on their own.


Self-Monitoring Presentation Style

Each person will differ in how they present themselves. Some people are more aware about their public impression, some people may be more use of self-straregik percentage, while others are more like self-justification (self-verification). According to Mark Snyder (1987), this difference is associated with a characteristic personality trait called self-monitoring is the tendency to set the behavior to suit the demands of social situations-tuntutaan. Thus, self-monitoring is the tendency to change behavior in response to the presentation itself, which was centered on the situation (Brehm & Kassin, 1993). Or according to Worchel, et al. (2000), self-monitoring is to adapt the behavior to situational norms and expectations of others. While Brigham (1991) states the self-monitoring is the process by which individuals conduct the monitoring (monitor) to manage the impression he had made.

Individuals who have high self-monitoring focuses on what is socially feasible and pay attention to how people behave in social settings. They use this information to guide their behavior. Their behavior is determined by a match with the situation rather than attitudes and their true feelings. They are capable of feeling desire and expectations of others, skilled or expert in presenting some of the behavior in different situations and can change the ways of self presentation or modifying behavior to conform with the expectations of others. High self-monitors described as having "pragmauic self '. They can be called also as an astute manager of the impression ("skilled managers impression.)

Instead of individuals who are low in self-monitoring (low self-monitors) tend to be more attentive to their own feelings and less concerned with the situation cues that could indicate whether their behavior is feasible. In a test tool called "self-monitoring scale" developed by Mark Snyder can be seen that in fact people have a wide variation in the readiness and ability to monitor themselves.

Based on the results of the study, people who get high scores on self-monitoring scale, will have good luck in social situations, people will regard them as being friendly and relaxed (Lippa, 1978), is not shy and more ready to take the initiative in various situation (Pilkonis, 1977). But they are likely to be less reliable and assessed shallow (Gergen, 1977). So it is assumed that those who are at the level of self-monitoring moderate (moderate / in-the middle) is the socially ideal. Because this will allow them to operate effectively in presenting themselves, without becoming a "social chameleon".

The results of another study showed that because of high self-monitors perceive yourself as a person who succeeded in giving the impression to others, so they tend to have higher self-esteem (Sharp & Getz, 1996). They are also socially skilled in testing hypotheses about the personality of people (Dardenne & Leyens, 1995). They are also more mengingar information about other people or the actions of others. High self-monitors more places on physical attractiveness rather than personal qualities when they have a romantic partner. While low self-monitors more emphasis compatibility in personality and interests than the match with physical attractiveness in choosing a mate (Glick. DeMorest, & Hotze, 1988). Finally, in organizational studies indicate that individuals of high self-monitoring is better than low self-monitoring in working across departments or between sections that demands flexibility and open to the desires and expectations of others.


Guidelines on Self-Disclosure

Self Disclosure sometimes cause harm, such as the risk of rejection or ridicule another person, even may cause material losses. For that, we should study carefully the consequences before deciding to make the disclosure themselves. According to DeVito (1992) the things that need to be considered in self-disclosure is as follows:

a. Motivation to perform self-disclosure
Disclosure must be driven by a sense of self-interest in relationships with others and yourself. Because self-disclosure is not only concerned with ourselves, but also concerned with other people. Sometimes we express openness can only hurt the feelings of others.

b. Suitability of self disclosure.
In making the disclosure itself must be adapted to environmental conditions. Disclosure itself should be done at the right time and place. For example if we want to express something to someone else then we should be able to see whether the time and place are correct.

c. Reciprocity and others.
During the self disclosure, give the other person a chance to make the disclosure themselves. If the other person's self-disclosure we are not doing well, then there is the possibility that people are not like the openness that we do.


The function of self disclosure

According Derlega and Grzelak (in Sears, et al., 1988) there are five functions of self-disclosure, namely:
a. Expression (expression)
In this life men sometimes experience a disappointment or frustration, whether it is related to the job or the other. To get rid of all this resentment will usually feel good when telling a friend who already believe. With this kind of human self-disclosure had the opportunity to express our feelings.

b. Self purification (self-clarification)
With a sense of sharing and telling your feelings and problems at hand to others, people hope to obtain an explanation and understanding of others will be problems encountered so that the mind will become more clear and can see how the problem better.

c. Social validity (social validation)
Once completed discuss the matter at hand, usually the audience will provide feedback on these problems So therefore, will get a useful information about the truth of our views. We can get the support or otherwise.

d. Social control (social control)
One can express or conceal information about his situation that are intended to hold social control, for example, people will say something that can cause a good impression about him.

e. The development of the relationship (relationship development).
Mutual sharing and information about ourselves to others and mutual trust is the most important advice in an attempt to pioneer a relationship that will further increase the degree of familiarity.