
Definition of town

Maybe you would feel embarrassed if labeled as the villagers. You will be more pleased with the status of 'the city'. As if, what is the sense of the city?
According to R. Bintarto, the city is a cultural landscape created by natural elements and non-natural with a fairly large concentration of population, a more heterogeneous pattern of life and materialistic compared to the area.

Some terms related to the city
According to R. Bintarto, there are some terms related to the understanding of the city, among other things:
1) City's downtown
2) Urban, is an area that has the atmosphere of life and livelihood can be called modern or urban
3) Suburban, is an area located close to the city center or core of the city with an area covering local commuters (commuter)
4) Suburban Fringe, is an area of transition between rural and urban, suburban surrounds location
5) Urban Fringe, is an area outside the city limits that have properties similar to the city unless the city core
6) Rural Urban Fringe, is the path area located between urban and rural areas, which is characterized by a mix of land uses
7) Town, is a city district.

The characteristics of the city
The characteristics of the city according to R. Bintarto there are two kinds, namely:
1. Social characteristics
a. Life is very heterogeneous society
b. Individualistic and materialistic
c. Non-agricultural livelihoods
d. The relationship between residents of the community are gesselschaft (patembayan) or kekerabatannya fading
e. Religious norms are not so strong
f. More rational view of life.

2. Physical traits
a. There are facilities such as markets and supermarkets economy
b. There is adequate parking
c. There is a place of recreation and sport
d. There is a square
e. The existence of government buildings.

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