
Various energy

A variety of forms of energy, among others:
a. Energy of motion (kinetic)
Moving objects have energy. Energy possessed by moving objects called motion energy. For example, wind blowing and water flowing energy of motion (kinetic).

b. Thermal energy
Burning objects generate heat. Heat is also called heat. Heat is a form of energy. Burning candle can rotate spiral paper that depend on it. Lighted candles have heat energy.

c. Light energy
Cotton is placed under the convex lens exposed to the sun can burn due to the sunlight collected by the convex lens can heat up to burn cotton.

d. Electrical energy
The energy generated electric current is able to run the electric motor. For example: electric lamps, fans, electric irons, and electric water pumps.

e. Sound energy
The sound is generated from the vibration. Strong sound is produced from strong vibrations. The sound of thunder, fireworks, and the bombs are powerful sound. Strong sound produces great energy. Powerful sound can be deafening, vibrating and even break a window. The energy generated by sound is called sound energy.

f. Potential energy
The energy stored in an object is called potential energy. Ajar catapults that has stored energy. This energy can be released at any time. Per the ajar have the energy. Bow arrows ajar energy. This energy is called potential energy of the spring.

g. Chemical energy
Energy stored in chemical called chemical energy. Chemical energy contained in various chemicals, such as batteries, batteries, fuel, and food.

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