
Planet Jupiter and Saturn

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. The center line of this planet is approximately 143,000 km, or about 11 times the diameter of Earth. Distance Jupiter with the sun about 778 million km. Jupiter takes 12 years for a circulation around the sun. Jupiter's atmosphere contains a lot of hydrogen and helium gas. Jupiter's surface and its atmosphere have limits that are less obvious, so Jupiter resembles a huge ball of gas. Jupiter has amounted to 16 satellites.

Saturn including a large number of two planets in the solar system after Jupiter. Saturn has a privilege that the planet is surrounded by a gigantic ring system, which consists of dust and small particles. Saturn center line approximately 120,000 km. Saturn distance to the sun is approximately 1,428 million km. the time required to once around the sun is 29.5 years. Saturn has about 21 satellites. Titan is the largest satellite. Saturn's surface temperature reaches -145 degrees C.

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