
Definition of star

Stars are celestial bodies that emit light themselves. The properties that distinguish the planet. A set of stars that when combined would have a certain shape, called constellations.
a. The stars are visible at night are things which are not much different from the sun. Because the distant light seemed weak and small. The sun is also a star. The nearest star to our earth.
b. Many stars bigger than the sun, and also smaller. Star looks small because it is very far from us. The stars where the one against the other seem unchanged.
c. Constellations are named for easy recognition.
d. Penceng hut is a star cluster consisting of four stars make up a particular group resembles a hut (hut) and is located skew (penceng). Penceng hut constellation called pari constellations. This constellation guiding the south.
e. Other constellations are constellations plow (Orion) can be used for guidance indicates west.
f. In the southeast appear stars are grouped to form a picture of scorpion called constellations scorpion (scorpion).
g. In the north is sometimes visible constellations Ursa Major or the Great Bear constellation.

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