
The food is healthy and nutritious

Every day people need food. Various types of food we eat. The food we eat everyday must meet health requirements. Qualified health foods are healthy foods. Healthy food is food that is clean, does not contain the seeds of disease, nutritional content balanced, and free of preservatives.
The food that goes into our bodies are crushed and destroyed so that it becomes nourishment. Nutrients are substances that can be absorbed from food and circulate blood.
Not all food can be digested by our digestive tract. Parts that can not be digested food is called food waste or food residue. The rest of the food we spend with feces through the release.
In order for the body to remain healthy, we must exercise regularly. Besides exercise, we also need to eat foods that are healthy and nutritious. Nutritious food is a food that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
The menu is the arrangement of the types of nutritious food to meet the needs of the body and arranged varied. The benefits of a balanced diet plan ...a. In order not to boreb. For your body to get a nutritious meal every dayc. In order to increase appetite.
Four of five perfectly healthy food consists of staple foods, side dishes, vegetables, fruits, and milk.
Artificial additives are not good for health as it can damage the parts of our body and can make the body poisoning. Preservatives, coloring, and flavoring food source may be used does not exceed the limits permitted by the Ministry of Health.
Before we eat a variety of foods, we must be careful and observant. If we buy food wrapped in tin, then it needs to be seen during expiration and canned forms must be in good condition and not damaged (corroded).
The characteristics or signs of food or drink that has been damaged, among others:- It smells offensive- The color and shape changing blackish- Its surface is wet and juicy- It does not taste good.

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