
Benefits of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals

Benefits of carbohydrates to the body include:
- Keep the body warm
- Generate power or energy
- Gives a sense of fullness or satisfaction.

The benefits of protein is as follows:
- For the growth of our body
- For the formation of cells in our bodies.

Benefits of fat is as follows:
- Produce energy (power)
- So that the skin does not dry
- Solvent vitamin
- Lubricating joints.

- Vitamin A
Vitamin A is useful for maintaining eye health. Vitamin A deficiency can suffer pain blindness (myopic).
- Vitamin B
Vitamin B is useful to prevent the disease beriberi and increase appetite.
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C is useful to prevent gum bleeding, intestinal bleeding, ulcers, and influenza.
- Vitamin D
Vitamin D is useful for preventing bone disease. Vitamin D can also be made in the body, below the skin is exposed to direct sunlight, especially in the morning sunlight. Disease rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency If children rickets disease teserang her legs forming the letter O or X.
- Vitamin E
Vitamin E is useful to nourish the hair and prevent infertility.
- Vitamin K
Vitamin K is useful for blood clotting.

Our body needs substances containing minerals, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, and iodine. For the formation of red blood cells needed iron mineral. Mineral phosphorus needed for bone formation and cell body. If we lack the minerals phosphorus, it will slow the growth of our body. Someone will suffer goiter, when a mineral deficiency in the body of iodine.

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