
Tools digestion of food and how it works

Tools digestion of food and how it worksa. Mouth- There are teeth in the mouth, tongue, and salivary glands- Food in the mouth is mixed with saliva and regulated by the tongue so easily crushed by the teeth. Food is swallowed through the esophagus.
b. Esophagus- A channel as street food from the mouth to the stomach- At the base of the esophagus, there are two channels, namely respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. The two channels are separated by a valve (the valve) called uvula- In the esophagus of food pushed toward the stomach by peristalsis (movement pressing and massaging in one direction).
c. Side- Located in the left abdominal cavity- Food is digested further with the help of gastric lymph and knead. Food from the stomach into the duodenum.
d. Duodenum- In the duodenum empties two lines derived from pancreatic and gallbladder. Gallbladder attached to the liver (hepatic) and the pancreas gland located near the duodenum- Pancreas produces enzymes amylase, trypsin, and lipase, while the liver produces bile stored in the gallbladder- In the duodenum of food digested further with the help of the pancreas and bile sap. Furthermore the food into the small intestine.
e. Small intestine- Connecting the duodenum to the colon. Its length is about 6 feet tall, coiled in the abdominal cavity- Continue with the help of digested food juices intestine- Nutrients absorbed (in-absorption) by the intestinal wall to be circulated throughout the body. Fat circulated through the lymph vessels, whereas nutrients are transported through the blood vessels- With peristalsis, the rest of the small intestine makanand pushed into the colon.
f. Colon- Consists of three parts, namely the ascending, the landscape, and the descending- Connecting the intestine and release (anus)- In the large intestine occurs only water absorption. Not the case anymore digestion and absorption of nutrients- In the large intestine the food will be broken down by bacterial decay to become rotten.
g. Release (anus)- The vent leftovers.

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