
Meaning of exogenous energy

Exogenous energy is energy that affects the shape of the land that comes from outside the earth, nature destructive. For example, erosion, sedimentation, weathering.
Meaning erosionErosion is terkikisnya and terbawanya rock by water power, wind or ocean waves. All sorts of attrition based on energy causes:1. ablation, the energy causes the water flowing, usually found in the river.2. abrasion, sea wave energy cause, usually at the beach.3. corrosion or deflation, causes wind energy, usually in the desert.4. ekharasi, energy is the cause of the glacier, commonly found in cold areas.
Based on the form erosinya:1. flash erosion, spark erosion.2. overland erosion, stream erosion surface.3. This real erosion, erosion groove.4. steel gully erosion, gully erosion.5. stream bank erosion, bank erosion.6. sheet erosion, sheet erosion.
Meaning sedimentationSedimentation is the settling material revenue erosion on the surface of the earth.Due to this phenomenon of sedimentation:1. floodplain: the flood plain.2. delta: sediment at the mouth of the river.3. delta bar: deposition in the middle of the river.4. tombolo: sediment that connects two land or island.5. Spit: materially due to sedimentation of marine sediments found in the bay and ends joined to the mainland.6. bar: the workings of sediment caused sea wave longitudinal direction.7. soil loss: deposition of dust carried by the wind from the desert and the surrounding sediment.8. sand dunes: sand dunes on the beach or desert.9. barchan: sand dunes horseshoe shaped.10. beach ridge: the shore in the form of sand or rubble mound corals around the coastal cliff (steep coast).
Anything delta1. bow delta, delta state more or less of this type of constant or fixed. It was due to the condition of vegetation cover in the upper reaches of the river are pretty good, so the deposited material erosion yield little. For example delta nil, and niger.2. lobben delta, delta of this type found in the upstream regions lack of vegetation or forest cover, so that the deposited material revenue erosion in abundance. For example citarum delta, delta Barito, solo river delta, and delta citandui.3. pointy delta, delta type grew narrower or more fell. It could be due to the occurrence of a decrease adoption or further inland river flow debit, so the process is slower than the process of sediment abrasion. For example, the Tiber River delta.
Meaning weatheringWeathering is the process of crushing rock mass (Bedrock) caused by the weather, climate, topography, rock structures, and biological factors (plants, animals, humans).All kinds of weathering:1. mechanical weathering (phisis) is weathering caused climate influences, such as the temperature of the last rainfall continues. For example, the destruction of rocks in the desert because of the large daily temperature amplitude.2. chemical weathering, is corrosion caused by chemical processes. For example, in the area of ​​limestone weathering occur because reaction with water, which may result in the occurrence of Dolina, ovala, stalactite, stalagmite, limestone pillars, underground rivers, acid rain going on in chalk from the reaction between water and limestone.3. biological weathering, weathering is caused by humans, animals and plants. For example, rock crushing plant roots, soil animals in the crush rocks, or human activities that destroy rocks.

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