
Girls Just Need Three Minutes to Value Guy

The saying goes, do not judge a book by its cover. But, that's what girls do when assessing a guy. That's according to a study. Girls need three minutes to take a decision whether he likes it or not like a guy. Most of woman will use those 3 minutes when assessing the guy to measure the appearance, physical, fashion taste, body smell, and accent to evaluate the prospective boyfriend. Girls are also quick in judging whether good or not the guy’s ability to associate with her friends, and if the guy was a successful or ambitious person. The first three minutes is very important for a guy if they want to make a girl impressed. Appearance and manners did have a major role. The study also revealed that within 180 seconds the girl could determine whether the guy is her soul mate or not.

Well, the first three minutes are more decisive because according to studies, women rarely changed her mind, they were convinced of the truth of assumptions and judgments that have been made. The study of 3,000 adults was published in a book written by Ben Kay. The researchers found that the girl would soon withdraw from the guy who was "too proud" or "too want this and that. " Guy will also be abandoned if they are not friendly to others, appears lack of money and if "no connects" with the girl.

Excuse Me, Your Soul Mate Is Waiting

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