
Meaning of population growth

Population growth is the increase or decrease in the population of a region or country in a certain time. Level indicators of population growth is very useful for predicting the population of a region or country in the future. With the knowledge that the next population, is known about this population of basic needs, not only in the social and economic field but also in the political sphere, for example on the number of voters for the upcoming elections. But predictions of the total population in this manner has not been able to show the characteristics of the population in the future. To the population projection is required according to age and gender in need of more detailed data on trends namely fertility, mortality, and migration.

According to the theory of Malthus, "The population increases with geometrical progression while the number of food increases with row count".

This theory has a weakness, namely:
1. no attention to the development of technology
2. does not account for progress and human lifestyle.

The factors that influence population growth, namely:
1. birth (Birth)
2. mortality (death)
3. immigration (in-migration)
4. emigration (out-migration).

There are two kinds of population growth, which is as follows:
1. Natural population growth, which is the difference between births and deaths.
2. Total population growth, which is the difference between births and deaths plus the difference of immigration and emigration.

Population growth rate is a figure that shows a lot or lesser population growth each year in a certain time.

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