
Musical activity or musical performance

In the musical activities there are three main elements to support musical performances, namely composer, performer, penghayat, or connoisseur. Three roles were formed in a different environment with each other.

a. musician
The work of the majority of western music created by composer using notation beams played by the player. Process of work done by individuals with ideas and creativity pure. Eastern music instead created through a process with the process group can illustrate a small part of a particular society.

b. player
Game western music (orchestral) instrument in the game are not experiencing problems, because all the players are equal. Learning patterns in the game orchestra (west) more individual to later learn in groups.

Eastern music (gamelan) have high levels of skill in playing the instrument, from the percussion and gong simple to complex as bonang, xylophone, and drums. The learning process should be in groups.

Western music game is determined by the leader of the group, the conductor, with hand depression widened, narrowed or bent body. Games eastern music (gamelan) is determined by the sound of drums game that requires each player a proper sense of the music.

c. Connoisseurs or penghayat
Connoisseurs or penghayat in determining musical activity. Connoisseurs play through appreciation and art criticism. In the pragmatic type of music (folk) the audience is always active, such as clapping, singing, happy, laughing, screaming, and so on.

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