
Lessons For Being Better Parents

A young father finally to justify greeting mother-in-law. This young father can not stand when he saw his daughter crying with a loud voice, throwing objects around her toys. Unable to stand, usually done is to avoid it whenever possible or to react aggressively who end with regrets.

To the mother-in-law, the young father says if he can not stand to see small children crying. But what is the answer from his mother-in-law? Mother-in-law told him that she had too. Her resolve to face young children are naturally obtained through an indirect process. "Later if you continue to learn also will bear, boy," says mother-in-law with ease.

That may be a simple greeting parents. But actually contain wisdom that is important for young couples. Assessment - fussiness courage to face the little kids just like the power to manage success and failure. One's strength in managing the success was not obtained after the person is enjoying success. Strength is obtained if one brave, able and willing to proceed, facing difficulties, obstacles, failures and the up and down of life diligently and faithfully. A series of "procession" of this nature which strengthens the inner person. Just as well as tree trunks. He rose with the strengthening process of photosynthesis of leaves, branches and twigs, as the wind blows that reaches it.

Personally, I am often asked related to how to deal with a patient when a child crying out for something. The question is simple, but there's no simple answer. Why? Like the people picking fruit, the answer is already up there and the stairs are also provided. But, to reap the fruits that we have to ride alone. The fruit did not fall with the words, knowledge, or by asking someone else.

If you read some expert explanation on small children, is very natural that we as parents were experiencing shock. According to Prof. Robert G. Harrington, PhD, from the University of Kansas, temper tantrums experienced by a child when he was between 1-4 years (Temper Tantrums: Guidelines for Parents: 2004),

Temper tantrums are a normal problem on the behavior of young children in expressing his irritation when it does not have adequate words to express frustration or do not have the ability to control himself or even the ability to independently carry out his wish. The shape is a lot, for example when rolling around crying, kicking things, or slam the door when cranky, or sulk, refusing to eat and talk.

For parents who are facing this kind of behavior is strongly recommended so as not to see it as an aberration that can be outside or extraordinary fairness, but sees it as part of the growth process that needs to go through both sides (parents and children). The perception of parents is decisive action, the shape can start from punishing an extraordinary or exceptional tolerant, because it is considered "ah, it was a kid ..." This process inevitably go through a mental exercise in the parent and children, and setting the basis of the value of children. If within this period the parent gives instant gratification - instant gratification, in order to stop whining, our children will not realize that man should working to survive, and joy, contentment - is the optimum business impact of that has been released to bring satisfaction, regardless of the results.

One thing to keep in reflection, let us not put up with whining children, and quickly meet the demands of children, or on the bribe - the bribe with promises of heaven, so that the child quiet, lest we to become parents, not yet managed to overcome the urge of instant self gratification. Wish there quickly, if necessary, use a shortcut. The inability to manage the urge in us as parents, will be repeated again when we deal with children.

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