
Planets in the solar system

In our solar system there are nine planets, namely:a. Mercury- It is closest to the sun- It is the smallest planet in the solar system- No water- There are many valleys and craters- The time it takes to circle the sun is about 88 days.
b. Venus- It lies between the planet Mercury and the Earth- It is a brightly lit white planet, looked beautiful, and brilliant- The surface is hilly- Famous as the morning star, morning star, or Morning Star- The time it takes to circle the sun is about 225 days.
c. Earth- It is the only planet that has life- Having one satellite, the moon- When viewed from outer space appears green or blue- The time it takes to circle the sun is about 365.25 days.
d. Mars- It is closest to Earth- The situation is arid, no plants and animals- Having two satellites, namely demos and Phobos- Famous as the red star- The time it takes to circle the sun is about 678 days.
e. Jupiter- It is the largest planet in our solar system- It appears yellowish- Having 13 satellites, which are the largest ganimedes- Time circulation Jupiter 12 years and time to rotate 10 hours.
f. Saturn- Having a flat ring encircling- Having 10 satellites, which are the largest titan- Time circulation Saturn 30 years and time to rotate 10 hours.
g. Uranus- It can not be seen from earth- Always shrouded in a thick cloud, so it is very cold- It has 15 satellites, the largest of which is the smallest named ariel named Miranda- Time circulation Uranus 84 years and time to rotate 10 hours 49 minutes.
h. Neptune- Only can be seen with a telescope- Having two satellites, namely titron and Nereid- Time circulation Neptune 165 years and rotating 15-hour period.
i. Pluto- It is the farthest planet from the sun- Having one satellite, namely Charon- Time circulation Pluto 248 years.

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