Anthropology is the study of humans as biological beings and as social beings. The scope of the study includes the study of anthropology, physical anthropology and cultural anthropology. Physical anthropology includes palaeoantropologi and Somatology. While covering cultural anthropology: archeology, linguistics, social anthropology (ethnography and ethnology), prehistori.
Anthropological studies generally place more emphasis on the culture or the results of human culture. It can be understood as the culture itself has intrinsic properties.
Intrinsic properties of culture:1. manifested and channeled culture of human behavior2. culture
has been there first rather than the birth of a certain generation and
will not die with the expiration of the relevant age generation3. required by human culture and is manifested in behavior4. culture include rules containing obligations, accepted and rejected actions, actions prohibited and actions permitted.
Factors that affect every community cultural differences include: natural factors, that habit, regional factors, social factorsThe
elements of the cause of culture tends to persist is the element of
ideology, belief or religious elements, elements of art, and language
elements are likely to change is the cause of cultural elements
livelihoods, technological system elements, the element of knowledge.
Culture works to help people in meeting their needs.Needs of human life:1. Biological
needs (eating, drinking, resting, small and large bowel, the protection
of the climate and weather, the release of sex drive)2. Social needs (activities together, communicate with each other, social order and social control, education)3. Psychological needs (relaxation of tensions and relax, romance and love, altruistic satisfaction, honor, ego satisfaction).
Obtained human culture through the process of learning in the community and the environment. The learning process through its various stages.1. The
process of internalization (development or cultivation of a wide range
of feelings, desires, passions, and emotions in the individual's
personality)2. The
process of enculturation (learning and adjusting his attitude of mind
as well as the customs, system of norms and rules of living in a
culture)3. The
process of socialization (learning patterns of action in interaction
with all kinds of people around who occupy a wide range of social
Forms of earth
The surface of the earth was not flat like the previous allegations, but there was a lower high. Appearance on the surface of the Earth is often called the relief, the high and low state of the earth's surface. Relief is not only found on the mainland, but also present in the ocean.
Earth is divided into several layers, including:
a. Core (barisfer) consisting of nickel and Ferrum (NiFe) solid
b. Asthenosphere or mediator layer, a layer of liquid and incandescent
c. The lithosphere is the outer layer of the earth. This layer consists of a layer of aluminum silisium (unlucky) and silisium magnesium (sima).
Based on the theory of plate tectonics states that the Earth consists of several major plates and extra plates. The plate is divided into two major continental plates and oceanic plates, cover plates Asia, straightforward African American plate, Pacific Plate, Australian Plate, and Antarctic plates. The plates are not stationary but moving at a speed varying between 3-6 cm per year with different motions. In between there is the movement of these plates are colliding (convergent), nothing apart (divergent), and there's a rub against each other.
The two plates are colliding with the Asian plate as the Australian plate is formed mountain trails, trenches and seismic lines. The plates are rubbing together will form section. While the plates are far from each other will be formed ridge (ridge) or cracks.
As a result of the movement of the plates that form the earth there as there is today. These movements were the result of an enormous power contained in the earth.
Earth is divided into several layers, including:
a. Core (barisfer) consisting of nickel and Ferrum (NiFe) solid
b. Asthenosphere or mediator layer, a layer of liquid and incandescent
c. The lithosphere is the outer layer of the earth. This layer consists of a layer of aluminum silisium (unlucky) and silisium magnesium (sima).
Based on the theory of plate tectonics states that the Earth consists of several major plates and extra plates. The plate is divided into two major continental plates and oceanic plates, cover plates Asia, straightforward African American plate, Pacific Plate, Australian Plate, and Antarctic plates. The plates are not stationary but moving at a speed varying between 3-6 cm per year with different motions. In between there is the movement of these plates are colliding (convergent), nothing apart (divergent), and there's a rub against each other.
The two plates are colliding with the Asian plate as the Australian plate is formed mountain trails, trenches and seismic lines. The plates are rubbing together will form section. While the plates are far from each other will be formed ridge (ridge) or cracks.
As a result of the movement of the plates that form the earth there as there is today. These movements were the result of an enormous power contained in the earth.
Materials released by the volcano (eruption)
1. The solid material (efflata)
According to the original:
a. Efflata allogen; derived from rocks around the crater that was thrown during an eruption
b. Efflata autogen; derived from the work of an explosive volcanic magma erupts.
According to the size of the material
a. Volcanic Bomb, is a big eflata
b. Lapilli, which amounted seed is efflata pecan
c. sand
d. Volcanic ash and dust.
2. liquid materials
a. Lava is magma flow on the surface of the earth
b. Lava lava is a mixture of sand, mud or water.
3. Materials gas (exhalation)
a. Fumaroles or nitrogen (N2)
b. Solfatar or sulfur (H2N)
c. Mofet or carbonic acid gas (CO2).
Signs volcano will erupt (pre-volcanic)
1. temperature or the temperature of the surrounding mountains rise
2. water sources dry up in the surrounding mountains
3. an earthquake
4. animals around the mountain many who move
5. plants around the mountain wither and die.
Signs or symptoms of post (post) volcanic
Is a sign that indicates that in the area were ever volcanic eruptions. The signs include:
1. Exhalation or gas source, usually in the form of:
a. Solfatar (sulfur)
b. Fumaroles (steam hot water)
c. Mofet (carbonic acid gas).
2. Hot springs, for example in the area of Cipanas (West Java).
3. Mineral water sources (makdani), for example in Ciater.
4. Geyser, is the hot springs emanating periodically, eg in Cisolok (West Java).
Influence or benefit volcanism
1. volcanic ash soil fertility
2. volcano is a natural tourist destination attractive
3. can accelerate the process of orographic rain
4. produces industrial minerals such as sand, sulfur, stone, pumice, etc.
5. destruction of volcanic rock that contains nutrients that are beneficial to plants
6. magma intrusion area can contain minerals that humans need such as gold, silver, marble, and others.
According to the original:
a. Efflata allogen; derived from rocks around the crater that was thrown during an eruption
b. Efflata autogen; derived from the work of an explosive volcanic magma erupts.
According to the size of the material
a. Volcanic Bomb, is a big eflata
b. Lapilli, which amounted seed is efflata pecan
c. sand
d. Volcanic ash and dust.
2. liquid materials
a. Lava is magma flow on the surface of the earth
b. Lava lava is a mixture of sand, mud or water.
3. Materials gas (exhalation)
a. Fumaroles or nitrogen (N2)
b. Solfatar or sulfur (H2N)
c. Mofet or carbonic acid gas (CO2).
Signs volcano will erupt (pre-volcanic)
1. temperature or the temperature of the surrounding mountains rise
2. water sources dry up in the surrounding mountains
3. an earthquake
4. animals around the mountain many who move
5. plants around the mountain wither and die.
Signs or symptoms of post (post) volcanic
Is a sign that indicates that in the area were ever volcanic eruptions. The signs include:
1. Exhalation or gas source, usually in the form of:
a. Solfatar (sulfur)
b. Fumaroles (steam hot water)
c. Mofet (carbonic acid gas).
2. Hot springs, for example in the area of Cipanas (West Java).
3. Mineral water sources (makdani), for example in Ciater.
4. Geyser, is the hot springs emanating periodically, eg in Cisolok (West Java).
Influence or benefit volcanism
1. volcanic ash soil fertility
2. volcano is a natural tourist destination attractive
3. can accelerate the process of orographic rain
4. produces industrial minerals such as sand, sulfur, stone, pumice, etc.
5. destruction of volcanic rock that contains nutrients that are beneficial to plants
6. magma intrusion area can contain minerals that humans need such as gold, silver, marble, and others.
Normal force and frictional force
Normal forceA body lies on a plane, then the field will provide a force on the direction perpendicular to the field. The style is called the normal force and given the symbol N.According to Newton's Law of I beam that dwell on the field or flat board policies: F = 0N - w = 0N = 0N = m.g
Description:N = normal force (N)w = weight of the object (N)m = mass of object (kg)g = the speed of gravity (m/s2)
Frictional forceDuring the move on a plane, the beam is accelerated average direction opposite to the direction of motion. So long as the beam moves opposite force is the driving force. In other words, the plane wearing a friction force to the beam.Thus, the friction force is the force going two objects come into contact, and there is relative motion between the two. This frictional force is always hinder the motion of objects.Frictional force between the two fields tangent magnitude depends on the coefficient of friction between the two fields tangent and normal fields. Frictional force is written as the following equation:
f = . N
caption:f = friction force (N) = coefficient of frictionN = normal force (N)
In everyday life there are adverse frictional force, but there is also a benefit. Some examples of harmful friction force is as follows:1) direct friction between engine parts can cause heat so the engine will be damaged. Therefore, given the vehicle's engine so that the surface-surface oil separated by the oil so it does not rub against each other directly.2) The friction between vehicle tires with the road surface will reduce kelajuannya. Friction force can be reduced by paving the road surface so that the vehicle can drive smoothly and quickly.3) Friction of air or wind up with a car can reduce kelajuannya. Frictional force is overcome by the aerodynamic shape of the car is made so that the car can go fast and agile.
The coefficient of static friction is the coefficient of friction when the object is stationary or right will move. The coefficient of kinetic friction is the coefficient of friction when the object is moving. Large coefficient of static friction is greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction.
Some examples of favorable friction force is as follows:1) We can walk on the ground or the floor because of the friction force between the surface of the floor footwear2) The principle of friction on the brake disc (disc) bicycle or motorcycle and the friction between the rubber brake velk wheels on the bike used to slow down the pace3) air friction slows the movement speed of jumpers that can be landed safely.
Friction force is a force that is not conservative. That is, the work done by the friction force depends on the track and also the friction force always opposes the direction of motion of objects so that the force of friction always does negative effort. Generally, this business is converted into thermal energy (heat).
Description:N = normal force (N)w = weight of the object (N)m = mass of object (kg)g = the speed of gravity (m/s2)
Frictional forceDuring the move on a plane, the beam is accelerated average direction opposite to the direction of motion. So long as the beam moves opposite force is the driving force. In other words, the plane wearing a friction force to the beam.Thus, the friction force is the force going two objects come into contact, and there is relative motion between the two. This frictional force is always hinder the motion of objects.Frictional force between the two fields tangent magnitude depends on the coefficient of friction between the two fields tangent and normal fields. Frictional force is written as the following equation:
f = . N
caption:f = friction force (N) = coefficient of frictionN = normal force (N)
In everyday life there are adverse frictional force, but there is also a benefit. Some examples of harmful friction force is as follows:1) direct friction between engine parts can cause heat so the engine will be damaged. Therefore, given the vehicle's engine so that the surface-surface oil separated by the oil so it does not rub against each other directly.2) The friction between vehicle tires with the road surface will reduce kelajuannya. Friction force can be reduced by paving the road surface so that the vehicle can drive smoothly and quickly.3) Friction of air or wind up with a car can reduce kelajuannya. Frictional force is overcome by the aerodynamic shape of the car is made so that the car can go fast and agile.
The coefficient of static friction is the coefficient of friction when the object is stationary or right will move. The coefficient of kinetic friction is the coefficient of friction when the object is moving. Large coefficient of static friction is greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction.
Some examples of favorable friction force is as follows:1) We can walk on the ground or the floor because of the friction force between the surface of the floor footwear2) The principle of friction on the brake disc (disc) bicycle or motorcycle and the friction between the rubber brake velk wheels on the bike used to slow down the pace3) air friction slows the movement speed of jumpers that can be landed safely.
Friction force is a force that is not conservative. That is, the work done by the friction force depends on the track and also the friction force always opposes the direction of motion of objects so that the force of friction always does negative effort. Generally, this business is converted into thermal energy (heat).
Conserve natural resources
That natural resources can be beneficial in the long run then things really need to be implemented the following:a. Natural
resources must be managed in order to gain the maximum benefit, but the
management of natural resources should be sought in order to remain
sustainable productivityb. Exploitation should be under the limit regeneration or assimilation of natural resourcesc. Required
discretion in the use of natural resources to be managed and sustained
by instilling an attitude in harmony with the environment.d. In the management of the natural resources necessary to the following considerations:1) The technology used is not to damage the resource capacity for renewal2) Most of the crops should be used to ensure the growth of the natural resources3) The negative impact management should participate managed, for example by recycling4) The management must be simultaneously accompanied by a process of reform.
is distinguished from other biological resources because humans have a
culture, will, and mind not possessed by plants and animals. Although the highest rank, humans interact with the environment so that one of the factors included in interdependence. Unlike other biological resources, the use of human resources is divided as follows:a. Man as a physical resourceWith
the stored energy in human muscles can work in various fields, such as:
the field of industry, transport, farming, fishing, forestry, and
animal husbandry.b. Humans as mental resourcesThe
ability of human thinking is a natural resource which is very
important, because thinking is the main foundation for the culture. Man
as civilized beings, capable of processing natural resources for the
benefit of his life and was able to change the state of the natural
resources thanks to advances in science and technology. With reasonable and virtuous, human use of natural resources with wisdom. Therefore,
man is not seen only as an energy source, but the most significant is
the source of creativity (mental resources) that is essential for the
development of human culture.

Folds and faults
Folds (wrinkles), which is the horizontal movement of the earth causes wrinkled skin layers. Example:- Mountains-old mountains, such as the Ural Mountains and Allegani on primary day- Mountains-young mountains, such as the Mediterranean and circum Pacific Mountains (in the time of tertiary).
Folding occurs because of the pressure fell on a passage in a long time and had no faults. The top folds called antiklinorium, and the valley is called sinklinorium. Peaks and valleys in the upper small and sinklinorium antiklinorium called abtiklin. If there is severe then it will be known folding geantiklinal and geosinklinal.
Fracture occurs due to the pressure of strong and fast, so the rocks are separated from each other. The area along the fault usually is the epicenter for always shifting crust rocks. The terms associated with fractures among others graben (slenk), horst, fault scrap.a) Graben is ground down, which is a depression formed between two faults or decrease in the middleb) Horst is ground up, when the fault between the two raptured to be higher than the surroundingc) Fault scrap which is a steep wall (cliff) generated by a fault, on one block shift up into the higher.
If the power of the endogenous opposite direction to the other is not frontal, it raises the possibility of a so-called fault friction (horizontal shift).
Fault can be divided into two kinds, namely:a. Dekstral that if we stand in one big piece, that piece before we move to the rightb. Sinistral, ie if instead, cuts in front of us shifted our direction.
Forms of vertical shift is the transition from a crease, a result of increased endogenous labor force called fleksur. As a result of endogenous force formed cracks that many in an area, there is a rise, some fall, some tilted, so that there was a mountain of complex fault blocks consist of the lithosphere, called block mountain.
Fault are world famous in eastern Africa around Lake Nyasa, Tanganyika, Mount Kilimanjaro and Kenya, Lake Rudolf, via Addis Ababa, to the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea along the Gulf of Akaba, Jordan River up to Lake Tibertas in the Middle East. While in the U.S. there are around the Mississippi River, the Amazon River.
Folding occurs because of the pressure fell on a passage in a long time and had no faults. The top folds called antiklinorium, and the valley is called sinklinorium. Peaks and valleys in the upper small and sinklinorium antiklinorium called abtiklin. If there is severe then it will be known folding geantiklinal and geosinklinal.
Fracture occurs due to the pressure of strong and fast, so the rocks are separated from each other. The area along the fault usually is the epicenter for always shifting crust rocks. The terms associated with fractures among others graben (slenk), horst, fault scrap.a) Graben is ground down, which is a depression formed between two faults or decrease in the middleb) Horst is ground up, when the fault between the two raptured to be higher than the surroundingc) Fault scrap which is a steep wall (cliff) generated by a fault, on one block shift up into the higher.
If the power of the endogenous opposite direction to the other is not frontal, it raises the possibility of a so-called fault friction (horizontal shift).
Fault can be divided into two kinds, namely:a. Dekstral that if we stand in one big piece, that piece before we move to the rightb. Sinistral, ie if instead, cuts in front of us shifted our direction.
Forms of vertical shift is the transition from a crease, a result of increased endogenous labor force called fleksur. As a result of endogenous force formed cracks that many in an area, there is a rise, some fall, some tilted, so that there was a mountain of complex fault blocks consist of the lithosphere, called block mountain.
Fault are world famous in eastern Africa around Lake Nyasa, Tanganyika, Mount Kilimanjaro and Kenya, Lake Rudolf, via Addis Ababa, to the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea along the Gulf of Akaba, Jordan River up to Lake Tibertas in the Middle East. While in the U.S. there are around the Mississippi River, the Amazon River.
The pattern of urban spatial
There are several theories about the spatial patterns of cities:1. The theory of concentricThe theory was developed by Ernest W. Burgess who examined the city of Chicago. According to this theory the pattern of land use in the city following the zones of concentric circles (circular). The structure of land use are grouped into six concentric zones, namely:a. Zone Regional Activity Centre (PDK)PDK
territory or in a foreign language Central Business District (CBD) is
the central urban areas characterized by buildings, shopping centers,
post offices, banks, cinemas, markets, etc..b. Transition zone (transitional)This area is the area of manufacturing, light factories and respected community residences.c. Zone low-income housing communitiesThis area is home to a small workers.d. Middle income residential zoneThis zone is a middle-income residential areas such as civil servants, military, merchants, etc..e. Zone elite residential communityThis zone is characterized by the area inhabited by the elite rich people like executives, businessmen and officials.f. Zone commuter (suburban)Zone
is characterized by the presence of the commuters (commuters) who work
in the city during the evening but back home in the suburbs.
2. Theory sectoralSectoral theory proposed by Homer Hoyt. He argues that land use patterns in cities tend to develop following sectors are more free than by concentric circles.The existence of sectoral usage patterns shaped elongated shape caused the land and road development as a means of communication and transport routes. This is due to location of human settlements tend to follow the path of the road.
3. Core Theory of MultipleThis theory was put forward by C.D. Harris and E.L. Ullman. This theory is actually a critique of the theory of concentric and sectoral theory. According to this theory the development of the city is not growing like concentric and sectoral theory because in the city there are certain places that serve as the core of the city as industrial areas, ports and road networks, complex universities, etc.. In the sense that the center of not one, but multiple.
2. Theory sectoralSectoral theory proposed by Homer Hoyt. He argues that land use patterns in cities tend to develop following sectors are more free than by concentric circles.The existence of sectoral usage patterns shaped elongated shape caused the land and road development as a means of communication and transport routes. This is due to location of human settlements tend to follow the path of the road.
3. Core Theory of MultipleThis theory was put forward by C.D. Harris and E.L. Ullman. This theory is actually a critique of the theory of concentric and sectoral theory. According to this theory the development of the city is not growing like concentric and sectoral theory because in the city there are certain places that serve as the core of the city as industrial areas, ports and road networks, complex universities, etc.. In the sense that the center of not one, but multiple.
The food is healthy and nutritious
Every day people need food. Various types of food we eat. The food we eat everyday must meet health requirements. Qualified health foods are healthy foods. Healthy
food is food that is clean, does not contain the seeds of disease,
nutritional content balanced, and free of preservatives.
The food that goes into our bodies are crushed and destroyed so that it becomes nourishment. Nutrients are substances that can be absorbed from food and circulate blood.
Not all food can be digested by our digestive tract. Parts that can not be digested food is called food waste or food residue. The rest of the food we spend with feces through the release.
In order for the body to remain healthy, we must exercise regularly. Besides exercise, we also need to eat foods that are healthy and nutritious. Nutritious food is a food that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
The menu is the arrangement of the types of nutritious food to meet the needs of the body and arranged varied. The benefits of a balanced diet plan ...a. In order not to boreb. For your body to get a nutritious meal every dayc. In order to increase appetite.
Four of five perfectly healthy food consists of staple foods, side dishes, vegetables, fruits, and milk.
Artificial additives are not good for health as it can damage the parts of our body and can make the body poisoning. Preservatives, coloring, and flavoring food source may be used does not exceed the limits permitted by the Ministry of Health.
Before we eat a variety of foods, we must be careful and observant. If we buy food wrapped in tin, then it needs to be seen during expiration and canned forms must be in good condition and not damaged (corroded).
The characteristics or signs of food or drink that has been damaged, among others:- It smells offensive- The color and shape changing blackish- Its surface is wet and juicy- It does not taste good.
The food that goes into our bodies are crushed and destroyed so that it becomes nourishment. Nutrients are substances that can be absorbed from food and circulate blood.
Not all food can be digested by our digestive tract. Parts that can not be digested food is called food waste or food residue. The rest of the food we spend with feces through the release.
In order for the body to remain healthy, we must exercise regularly. Besides exercise, we also need to eat foods that are healthy and nutritious. Nutritious food is a food that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
The menu is the arrangement of the types of nutritious food to meet the needs of the body and arranged varied. The benefits of a balanced diet plan ...a. In order not to boreb. For your body to get a nutritious meal every dayc. In order to increase appetite.
Four of five perfectly healthy food consists of staple foods, side dishes, vegetables, fruits, and milk.
Artificial additives are not good for health as it can damage the parts of our body and can make the body poisoning. Preservatives, coloring, and flavoring food source may be used does not exceed the limits permitted by the Ministry of Health.
Before we eat a variety of foods, we must be careful and observant. If we buy food wrapped in tin, then it needs to be seen during expiration and canned forms must be in good condition and not damaged (corroded).
The characteristics or signs of food or drink that has been damaged, among others:- It smells offensive- The color and shape changing blackish- Its surface is wet and juicy- It does not taste good.
Benefits of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals
Benefits of carbohydrates to the body include:
- Keep the body warm
- Generate power or energy
- Gives a sense of fullness or satisfaction.
The benefits of protein is as follows:
- For the growth of our body
- For the formation of cells in our bodies.
Benefits of fat is as follows:
- Produce energy (power)
- So that the skin does not dry
- Solvent vitamin
- Lubricating joints.
- Vitamin A
Vitamin A is useful for maintaining eye health. Vitamin A deficiency can suffer pain blindness (myopic).
- Vitamin B
Vitamin B is useful to prevent the disease beriberi and increase appetite.
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C is useful to prevent gum bleeding, intestinal bleeding, ulcers, and influenza.
- Vitamin D
Vitamin D is useful for preventing bone disease. Vitamin D can also be made in the body, below the skin is exposed to direct sunlight, especially in the morning sunlight. Disease rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency If children rickets disease teserang her legs forming the letter O or X.
- Vitamin E
Vitamin E is useful to nourish the hair and prevent infertility.
- Vitamin K
Vitamin K is useful for blood clotting.
Our body needs substances containing minerals, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, and iodine. For the formation of red blood cells needed iron mineral. Mineral phosphorus needed for bone formation and cell body. If we lack the minerals phosphorus, it will slow the growth of our body. Someone will suffer goiter, when a mineral deficiency in the body of iodine.
Benefits of carbohydrates to the body include:
- Keep the body warm
- Generate power or energy
- Gives a sense of fullness or satisfaction.
The benefits of protein is as follows:
- For the growth of our body
- For the formation of cells in our bodies.
Benefits of fat is as follows:
- Produce energy (power)
- So that the skin does not dry
- Solvent vitamin
- Lubricating joints.
- Vitamin A
Vitamin A is useful for maintaining eye health. Vitamin A deficiency can suffer pain blindness (myopic).
- Vitamin B
Vitamin B is useful to prevent the disease beriberi and increase appetite.
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C is useful to prevent gum bleeding, intestinal bleeding, ulcers, and influenza.
- Vitamin D
Vitamin D is useful for preventing bone disease. Vitamin D can also be made in the body, below the skin is exposed to direct sunlight, especially in the morning sunlight. Disease rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency If children rickets disease teserang her legs forming the letter O or X.
- Vitamin E
Vitamin E is useful to nourish the hair and prevent infertility.
- Vitamin K
Vitamin K is useful for blood clotting.
Our body needs substances containing minerals, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, and iodine. For the formation of red blood cells needed iron mineral. Mineral phosphorus needed for bone formation and cell body. If we lack the minerals phosphorus, it will slow the growth of our body. Someone will suffer goiter, when a mineral deficiency in the body of iodine.
Tools digestion of food and how it works
Tools digestion of food and how it worksa. Mouth- There are teeth in the mouth, tongue, and salivary glands- Food in the mouth is mixed with saliva and regulated by the tongue so easily crushed by the teeth. Food is swallowed through the esophagus.
b. Esophagus- A channel as street food from the mouth to the stomach- At the base of the esophagus, there are two channels, namely respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. The two channels are separated by a valve (the valve) called uvula- In the esophagus of food pushed toward the stomach by peristalsis (movement pressing and massaging in one direction).
c. Side- Located in the left abdominal cavity- Food is digested further with the help of gastric lymph and knead. Food from the stomach into the duodenum.
d. Duodenum- In the duodenum empties two lines derived from pancreatic and gallbladder. Gallbladder attached to the liver (hepatic) and the pancreas gland located near the duodenum- Pancreas produces enzymes amylase, trypsin, and lipase, while the liver produces bile stored in the gallbladder- In the duodenum of food digested further with the help of the pancreas and bile sap. Furthermore the food into the small intestine.
e. Small intestine- Connecting the duodenum to the colon. Its length is about 6 feet tall, coiled in the abdominal cavity- Continue with the help of digested food juices intestine- Nutrients absorbed (in-absorption) by the intestinal wall to be circulated throughout the body. Fat circulated through the lymph vessels, whereas nutrients are transported through the blood vessels- With peristalsis, the rest of the small intestine makanand pushed into the colon.
f. Colon- Consists of three parts, namely the ascending, the landscape, and the descending- Connecting the intestine and release (anus)- In the large intestine occurs only water absorption. Not the case anymore digestion and absorption of nutrients- In the large intestine the food will be broken down by bacterial decay to become rotten.
g. Release (anus)- The vent leftovers.
b. Esophagus- A channel as street food from the mouth to the stomach- At the base of the esophagus, there are two channels, namely respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. The two channels are separated by a valve (the valve) called uvula- In the esophagus of food pushed toward the stomach by peristalsis (movement pressing and massaging in one direction).
c. Side- Located in the left abdominal cavity- Food is digested further with the help of gastric lymph and knead. Food from the stomach into the duodenum.
d. Duodenum- In the duodenum empties two lines derived from pancreatic and gallbladder. Gallbladder attached to the liver (hepatic) and the pancreas gland located near the duodenum- Pancreas produces enzymes amylase, trypsin, and lipase, while the liver produces bile stored in the gallbladder- In the duodenum of food digested further with the help of the pancreas and bile sap. Furthermore the food into the small intestine.
e. Small intestine- Connecting the duodenum to the colon. Its length is about 6 feet tall, coiled in the abdominal cavity- Continue with the help of digested food juices intestine- Nutrients absorbed (in-absorption) by the intestinal wall to be circulated throughout the body. Fat circulated through the lymph vessels, whereas nutrients are transported through the blood vessels- With peristalsis, the rest of the small intestine makanand pushed into the colon.
f. Colon- Consists of three parts, namely the ascending, the landscape, and the descending- Connecting the intestine and release (anus)- In the large intestine occurs only water absorption. Not the case anymore digestion and absorption of nutrients- In the large intestine the food will be broken down by bacterial decay to become rotten.
g. Release (anus)- The vent leftovers.
Understanding syntax, phrase, clause, and sentence
Syntax is the study of linguistic phrases, clauses, and sentences.
The phrase is a group of words that are not subject and predicate, but it can be served sentence functions.
The core phrase is part of the staple phrases in other words, the core part of the phrase is described.
The pattern of phrases in a sentence can be stand alone or can be (this is related to law DM or MD and kind words).
The clause is a group of words that already have a subject and a predicate, but do not yet have final intonation.
Type clause or clauses properties1. The clause superior = principal = main clause clause2. Subordinate clause = clause
To determine the subordinate clause or clauses, clauses that have the following conjunctions.a. cause = because causes or causal relationshipb. order = order relationship or final destinationc. when = since = after; at the time = time = time after relationshipd. except = besides or limit relationships watase. expansion that subject and objectf. so relationship dueg. despite or even resistance relationship.
The flow of speech is the sentence that contains the word or set of words that has a message or goal and ending with final intonation.
The pattern of the sentence or sentences functionSentence patterns mean S-P-O-Pel.-K. That pattern may manifest active, passive, and type the same word.
Determination of the core sentenceThis determination include the core subject, predicate, object, complement, and description. The core part of the sentence is the subject (usually represented as a word).
Type of sentence1. by type of word predicatesa. verbal sentence, the predicate is the verb phraseb. nominal sentence, the predicate is a sentence not a verb.
2. based on the composition or location predicatesa. normal or normal sentences, sentences that predicate is located behind the subjectb. inversion sentence, the predicate is a sentence that precedes the subject.
3. based on the completeness of the element or the number of elementsa. elliptical sentence, is a sentence that lost one or both elements of the centerb. minor sentence, is a sentence that consists of only one elementc. kernel sentence, is a sentence that consists of only two that are the central core (core and core S P)characteristics of the core sentence:- Consists of two words- Normal berintonasi- Get a structure common (S - P)d. sentence transformation, is the core of the sentence that has undergone a change of intonation, word order, adding an element or compound sentence be gradede. single sentence, is a sentence that consists of a pattern; SP-(OK)f. compound sentence, is a sentence of more than one pattern.
4. by actorsa. active transitiveb. active intransitivec. passive.
Effective sentence is a sentence that informs the exact message or idea (no misinterpretation).
Ineffective sentences or sentence nonbakuSentences are not effective or nonbaku, due partly to the following matters:a. ambiguous or chaotic, which is the merger of two correct sentences ended up being wrong because it does not conform with the rulesb. improper use of prepositionsc. one aspect or placement information in the form of passive modalities. Specification aspects or modalities: want, want, will, has, already, about to.
The phrase is a group of words that are not subject and predicate, but it can be served sentence functions.
The core phrase is part of the staple phrases in other words, the core part of the phrase is described.
The pattern of phrases in a sentence can be stand alone or can be (this is related to law DM or MD and kind words).
The clause is a group of words that already have a subject and a predicate, but do not yet have final intonation.
Type clause or clauses properties1. The clause superior = principal = main clause clause2. Subordinate clause = clause
To determine the subordinate clause or clauses, clauses that have the following conjunctions.a. cause = because causes or causal relationshipb. order = order relationship or final destinationc. when = since = after; at the time = time = time after relationshipd. except = besides or limit relationships watase. expansion that subject and objectf. so relationship dueg. despite or even resistance relationship.
The flow of speech is the sentence that contains the word or set of words that has a message or goal and ending with final intonation.
The pattern of the sentence or sentences functionSentence patterns mean S-P-O-Pel.-K. That pattern may manifest active, passive, and type the same word.
Determination of the core sentenceThis determination include the core subject, predicate, object, complement, and description. The core part of the sentence is the subject (usually represented as a word).
Type of sentence1. by type of word predicatesa. verbal sentence, the predicate is the verb phraseb. nominal sentence, the predicate is a sentence not a verb.
2. based on the composition or location predicatesa. normal or normal sentences, sentences that predicate is located behind the subjectb. inversion sentence, the predicate is a sentence that precedes the subject.
3. based on the completeness of the element or the number of elementsa. elliptical sentence, is a sentence that lost one or both elements of the centerb. minor sentence, is a sentence that consists of only one elementc. kernel sentence, is a sentence that consists of only two that are the central core (core and core S P)characteristics of the core sentence:- Consists of two words- Normal berintonasi- Get a structure common (S - P)d. sentence transformation, is the core of the sentence that has undergone a change of intonation, word order, adding an element or compound sentence be gradede. single sentence, is a sentence that consists of a pattern; SP-(OK)f. compound sentence, is a sentence of more than one pattern.
4. by actorsa. active transitiveb. active intransitivec. passive.
Effective sentence is a sentence that informs the exact message or idea (no misinterpretation).
Ineffective sentences or sentence nonbakuSentences are not effective or nonbaku, due partly to the following matters:a. ambiguous or chaotic, which is the merger of two correct sentences ended up being wrong because it does not conform with the rulesb. improper use of prepositionsc. one aspect or placement information in the form of passive modalities. Specification aspects or modalities: want, want, will, has, already, about to.
Meaning of population growth
Population growth is the increase or decrease in the population of a region or country in a certain time. Level indicators of population growth is very useful for predicting the population of a region or country in the future. With the knowledge that the next population, is known about this population of basic needs, not only in the social and economic field but also in the political sphere, for example on the number of voters for the upcoming elections. But predictions of the total population in this manner has not been able to show the characteristics of the population in the future. To the population projection is required according to age and gender in need of more detailed data on trends namely fertility, mortality, and migration.
According to the theory of Malthus, "The population increases with geometrical progression while the number of food increases with row count".
This theory has a weakness, namely:
1. no attention to the development of technology
2. does not account for progress and human lifestyle.
The factors that influence population growth, namely:
1. birth (Birth)
2. mortality (death)
3. immigration (in-migration)
4. emigration (out-migration).
There are two kinds of population growth, which is as follows:
1. Natural population growth, which is the difference between births and deaths.
2. Total population growth, which is the difference between births and deaths plus the difference of immigration and emigration.
Population growth rate is a figure that shows a lot or lesser population growth each year in a certain time.
According to the theory of Malthus, "The population increases with geometrical progression while the number of food increases with row count".
This theory has a weakness, namely:
1. no attention to the development of technology
2. does not account for progress and human lifestyle.
The factors that influence population growth, namely:
1. birth (Birth)
2. mortality (death)
3. immigration (in-migration)
4. emigration (out-migration).
There are two kinds of population growth, which is as follows:
1. Natural population growth, which is the difference between births and deaths.
2. Total population growth, which is the difference between births and deaths plus the difference of immigration and emigration.
Population growth rate is a figure that shows a lot or lesser population growth each year in a certain time.
Understanding river
The river is fresh water on the Earth's surface. The water flow is derived from the high to the lower part, the two sides bounded by the creek bank. The river is divided into three parts, as follows:1. upstream
part, the part that is close to the springs, discrete, flow heavy,
vertical erosion, V-shaped trough, there is a waterfall, almost no
precipitation.2. the
middle, between the upstream and downstream, has a moderate flow
characteristics, vertical and horizontal erosion, there is
precipitation, a U-shaped trough3. downstream,
the part near the mouth of the river flow is characterized by slow,
there are a lot of sediment, large U-shaped trough, horizontal erosion,
there meanders or meandering streams.
Various kinds of river1. by Origin springs- River of rain, the river springs from the rain- Glacier rivers, namely river springs from the snow or ice that melts- Creek blend, the river springs from rain and melting glaciers or ice.
2. based on the amount of flow- Permanent river, the river still flows throughout the year- Periodic river, the river flow is not fixed throughout the year
3. by genetic or river stage- River consequently, the flow direction of the river slope- Subsequent river, the river that flows perpendicular to the river consequent- Obsekuen river, the river flow is opposite to streams consequent- Resukuen river, the river flow direction of the river consequent- Insekuen river, the river flow is irregular direction
4. based on the flow pattern- Pinanate, the river flow pattern that forms an acute angle- Dendritic, the river flow pattern resembles the shape of a tree- Trelis, the pattern in which the tributary streams to form a right angle with the main river- Parallel, the flow pattern of the river between the river almost parallel to each other- Radial sentripugal, the pattern of streams leaving the center- Radial centripetal, ie the pattern of river flows towards the center- Regtangular, the river flow patterns that form a right angle- Brided, the river flow patterns punctuated with lakes hose- Sinkholes, the river flow pattern abruptly disappeared. Usually found in limestone areas.
Various kinds of river1. by Origin springs- River of rain, the river springs from the rain- Glacier rivers, namely river springs from the snow or ice that melts- Creek blend, the river springs from rain and melting glaciers or ice.
2. based on the amount of flow- Permanent river, the river still flows throughout the year- Periodic river, the river flow is not fixed throughout the year
3. by genetic or river stage- River consequently, the flow direction of the river slope- Subsequent river, the river that flows perpendicular to the river consequent- Obsekuen river, the river flow is opposite to streams consequent- Resukuen river, the river flow direction of the river consequent- Insekuen river, the river flow is irregular direction
4. based on the flow pattern- Pinanate, the river flow pattern that forms an acute angle- Dendritic, the river flow pattern resembles the shape of a tree- Trelis, the pattern in which the tributary streams to form a right angle with the main river- Parallel, the flow pattern of the river between the river almost parallel to each other- Radial sentripugal, the pattern of streams leaving the center- Radial centripetal, ie the pattern of river flows towards the center- Regtangular, the river flow patterns that form a right angle- Brided, the river flow patterns punctuated with lakes hose- Sinkholes, the river flow pattern abruptly disappeared. Usually found in limestone areas.
Definition of tektonisme
Tektonisme is a change or movement of the earth layers horizontally and vertically. In general, the form of the energy output in the form of faults and folds tektonisme. Fault is a form of vertical movement (up and down), for example, the movement of the Earth's surface up or down. Fault events occur in the strata are very large and take place in quick time, causing layers of the earth cracked or broken. The earth's surface that had fractures called graben or down slenk, while the surface of the earth is broken up called horst.
Crease occurs because the Earth's surface pressure horizontally, so that the Earth's surface having folding. Crease is the movement of the layers of the earth are not too great and lasts for a long time, causing the layers of the earth wrinkled or folded, wrinkles or skin folds on earth that will become mountains. Section called antiklinal high and the low (valley) called sinklinal. Sinklinal vast area called geosinklinal. There are several types of folds are upright folds, creases tilt, fall, hang, and folds isoklin.
There are two kinds of motion tektonisme, as follows:
a. motion epirogenetik
Epirogenetik motion is motion or shift the earth's crust is relatively slow and lasted for a long time as well as covering a vast area. There are two kinds of motion epirogenetik, namely:
1. epirogenetik positive, so that the land is falling motion as if the sea levels rise. This event was evident on the beach.
2. epirogenetik negative, so that the land is rising movement as if the sea level dropped.
b. motion orogenetik
Orogenetik motion is motion or relatively rapid shift in the earth's crust and cover large areas. This movement causes the pressure horizontal and vertical.
Crease occurs because the Earth's surface pressure horizontally, so that the Earth's surface having folding. Crease is the movement of the layers of the earth are not too great and lasts for a long time, causing the layers of the earth wrinkled or folded, wrinkles or skin folds on earth that will become mountains. Section called antiklinal high and the low (valley) called sinklinal. Sinklinal vast area called geosinklinal. There are several types of folds are upright folds, creases tilt, fall, hang, and folds isoklin.
There are two kinds of motion tektonisme, as follows:
a. motion epirogenetik
Epirogenetik motion is motion or shift the earth's crust is relatively slow and lasted for a long time as well as covering a vast area. There are two kinds of motion epirogenetik, namely:
1. epirogenetik positive, so that the land is falling motion as if the sea levels rise. This event was evident on the beach.
2. epirogenetik negative, so that the land is rising movement as if the sea level dropped.
b. motion orogenetik
Orogenetik motion is motion or relatively rapid shift in the earth's crust and cover large areas. This movement causes the pressure horizontal and vertical.
Meaning of exogenous energy
Exogenous energy is energy that affects the shape of the land that comes from outside the earth, nature destructive. For example, erosion, sedimentation, weathering.
Meaning erosionErosion is terkikisnya and terbawanya rock by water power, wind or ocean waves. All sorts of attrition based on energy causes:1. ablation, the energy causes the water flowing, usually found in the river.2. abrasion, sea wave energy cause, usually at the beach.3. corrosion or deflation, causes wind energy, usually in the desert.4. ekharasi, energy is the cause of the glacier, commonly found in cold areas.
Based on the form erosinya:1. flash erosion, spark erosion.2. overland erosion, stream erosion surface.3. This real erosion, erosion groove.4. steel gully erosion, gully erosion.5. stream bank erosion, bank erosion.6. sheet erosion, sheet erosion.
Meaning sedimentationSedimentation is the settling material revenue erosion on the surface of the earth.Due to this phenomenon of sedimentation:1. floodplain: the flood plain.2. delta: sediment at the mouth of the river.3. delta bar: deposition in the middle of the river.4. tombolo: sediment that connects two land or island.5. Spit: materially due to sedimentation of marine sediments found in the bay and ends joined to the mainland.6. bar: the workings of sediment caused sea wave longitudinal direction.7. soil loss: deposition of dust carried by the wind from the desert and the surrounding sediment.8. sand dunes: sand dunes on the beach or desert.9. barchan: sand dunes horseshoe shaped.10. beach ridge: the shore in the form of sand or rubble mound corals around the coastal cliff (steep coast).
Anything delta1. bow delta, delta state more or less of this type of constant or fixed. It was due to the condition of vegetation cover in the upper reaches of the river are pretty good, so the deposited material erosion yield little. For example delta nil, and niger.2. lobben delta, delta of this type found in the upstream regions lack of vegetation or forest cover, so that the deposited material revenue erosion in abundance. For example citarum delta, delta Barito, solo river delta, and delta citandui.3. pointy delta, delta type grew narrower or more fell. It could be due to the occurrence of a decrease adoption or further inland river flow debit, so the process is slower than the process of sediment abrasion. For example, the Tiber River delta.
Meaning weatheringWeathering is the process of crushing rock mass (Bedrock) caused by the weather, climate, topography, rock structures, and biological factors (plants, animals, humans).All kinds of weathering:1. mechanical weathering (phisis) is weathering caused climate influences, such as the temperature of the last rainfall continues. For example, the destruction of rocks in the desert because of the large daily temperature amplitude.2. chemical weathering, is corrosion caused by chemical processes. For example, in the area of limestone weathering occur because reaction with water, which may result in the occurrence of Dolina, ovala, stalactite, stalagmite, limestone pillars, underground rivers, acid rain going on in chalk from the reaction between water and limestone.3. biological weathering, weathering is caused by humans, animals and plants. For example, rock crushing plant roots, soil animals in the crush rocks, or human activities that destroy rocks.
Meaning erosionErosion is terkikisnya and terbawanya rock by water power, wind or ocean waves. All sorts of attrition based on energy causes:1. ablation, the energy causes the water flowing, usually found in the river.2. abrasion, sea wave energy cause, usually at the beach.3. corrosion or deflation, causes wind energy, usually in the desert.4. ekharasi, energy is the cause of the glacier, commonly found in cold areas.
Based on the form erosinya:1. flash erosion, spark erosion.2. overland erosion, stream erosion surface.3. This real erosion, erosion groove.4. steel gully erosion, gully erosion.5. stream bank erosion, bank erosion.6. sheet erosion, sheet erosion.
Meaning sedimentationSedimentation is the settling material revenue erosion on the surface of the earth.Due to this phenomenon of sedimentation:1. floodplain: the flood plain.2. delta: sediment at the mouth of the river.3. delta bar: deposition in the middle of the river.4. tombolo: sediment that connects two land or island.5. Spit: materially due to sedimentation of marine sediments found in the bay and ends joined to the mainland.6. bar: the workings of sediment caused sea wave longitudinal direction.7. soil loss: deposition of dust carried by the wind from the desert and the surrounding sediment.8. sand dunes: sand dunes on the beach or desert.9. barchan: sand dunes horseshoe shaped.10. beach ridge: the shore in the form of sand or rubble mound corals around the coastal cliff (steep coast).
Anything delta1. bow delta, delta state more or less of this type of constant or fixed. It was due to the condition of vegetation cover in the upper reaches of the river are pretty good, so the deposited material erosion yield little. For example delta nil, and niger.2. lobben delta, delta of this type found in the upstream regions lack of vegetation or forest cover, so that the deposited material revenue erosion in abundance. For example citarum delta, delta Barito, solo river delta, and delta citandui.3. pointy delta, delta type grew narrower or more fell. It could be due to the occurrence of a decrease adoption or further inland river flow debit, so the process is slower than the process of sediment abrasion. For example, the Tiber River delta.
Meaning weatheringWeathering is the process of crushing rock mass (Bedrock) caused by the weather, climate, topography, rock structures, and biological factors (plants, animals, humans).All kinds of weathering:1. mechanical weathering (phisis) is weathering caused climate influences, such as the temperature of the last rainfall continues. For example, the destruction of rocks in the desert because of the large daily temperature amplitude.2. chemical weathering, is corrosion caused by chemical processes. For example, in the area of limestone weathering occur because reaction with water, which may result in the occurrence of Dolina, ovala, stalactite, stalagmite, limestone pillars, underground rivers, acid rain going on in chalk from the reaction between water and limestone.3. biological weathering, weathering is caused by humans, animals and plants. For example, rock crushing plant roots, soil animals in the crush rocks, or human activities that destroy rocks.
office politics
Political office is a way for all of us who feel themselves as ambitious to climb the top of a career at the company where we work. If we want to advance our careers and want to quickly uphill, office politics is the easiest and fastest car we can ride. To tread to the top step, we need to know who is who and what is what and be able to utilize that knowledge for the benefit of our own careers. if we are subordinate, we should behave as befits a subordinate. Never say "no" to every command boss even though we know that the tasks are ordered task too trivial or too difficult and we did not like it. Show your boss that we are a people who can be relied upon in any situation, whenever and wherever. Heart to please the boss and show him that we are a strong person and always ready to do anything even though the task was beyond our job description. That we must do if we want to get the promotion and support of the boss. Convince your boss that we are a strong defender who is ready to sacrifice for their interests. So sooner or later, if the time has come, the boss will be happy to promote us to move up and maybe even replace him. That's one of the tricks of office politics.
Definition of volcanism
Volcanism is the release of magma from the earth (magma chamber), the magma in the form of molten rock, fiat and very hot. Magma activity due to magma has a high temperature and pressure. Magma discharge events from the magma chamber there are two kinds of magma intrusion and extrusion of magma.
Magma intrusion is a discharge of magma from the magma chamber but before reaching the Earth's surface is frozen into rock magma. Magma intrusion can be divided into five, namely:
1. batolith, the magma solidifies around the magma chamber
2. lakolith, the magma infiltrated the layers of rock and freezes to form a convex surface of the earth
3. sill, the magma infiltrated the rock layer and a thin frozen layer of rock
4. alley / excavation, the magma infiltrate and freeze on the sidelines folds or plumbing / excavation volcano
5. diatrema, the magma chamber between the freezing of magma and volcanic crater and is shaped like a cylinder.
Magma is extruded magma discharge to the surface of the earth. Extrusion of magma would cause an eruption. There are two kinds of magma eruption, namely:
1. effusive eruption, the magma escape through the molten
2. explosive eruption, the magma discharge through the explosions.
Based on the form of the release of magma eruption holes can be distinguished:
a. Linear eruption, the eruption through the crack or cracks extending to form a mountain range
b. Eruption areas, namely the eruption that made a big hole in the earth's surface. This is due to the location of magma near the surface of the earth
c. Central eruption, the eruption that occurred when magma out through a small hole.
Type of volcano can be seen from the degree of viscosity magma, gas pressure, depth of magma and materials issued. Some type of volcano is hawaii type, type stromboli, volcano type, type peret, trim type, type pelle, and the type of St. Vincent.
Magma intrusion is a discharge of magma from the magma chamber but before reaching the Earth's surface is frozen into rock magma. Magma intrusion can be divided into five, namely:
1. batolith, the magma solidifies around the magma chamber
2. lakolith, the magma infiltrated the layers of rock and freezes to form a convex surface of the earth
3. sill, the magma infiltrated the rock layer and a thin frozen layer of rock
4. alley / excavation, the magma infiltrate and freeze on the sidelines folds or plumbing / excavation volcano
5. diatrema, the magma chamber between the freezing of magma and volcanic crater and is shaped like a cylinder.
Magma is extruded magma discharge to the surface of the earth. Extrusion of magma would cause an eruption. There are two kinds of magma eruption, namely:
1. effusive eruption, the magma escape through the molten
2. explosive eruption, the magma discharge through the explosions.
Based on the form of the release of magma eruption holes can be distinguished:
a. Linear eruption, the eruption through the crack or cracks extending to form a mountain range
b. Eruption areas, namely the eruption that made a big hole in the earth's surface. This is due to the location of magma near the surface of the earth
c. Central eruption, the eruption that occurred when magma out through a small hole.
Type of volcano can be seen from the degree of viscosity magma, gas pressure, depth of magma and materials issued. Some type of volcano is hawaii type, type stromboli, volcano type, type peret, trim type, type pelle, and the type of St. Vincent.
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