
9 Tips To Make Your Sleep Quality (Beauty)

Obtaining adequate sleep is important because if you always get less sleep, will greatly affect your health. Research shows that sleep deprivation can cause problems on your weight, moodiness (not excited), heart problems and even make your body susceptible to disease. Most people know that sleep is important, but even so they are increasingly getting reduced hours sleep due to work piling up, the habit of sleeping late, playing games, etc..

As a student I had a really bad sleep patterns: talked late into the organization with friends, play games and hang out. 2 am is the fastest hour I was asleep at that time. Wake up at noon with limp body condition and not excited. Really like the vampire, reluctant to get out the house during the day.

My bad habits eventually have an impact that was felt up to now: I am having problems with heartburn. Usually people who have poor sleep patterns, it has a poor diet as well, and that's what I experienced.

Well it Intermezzo little about my bad habits first. For those readers who have a lifestyle like my first, I recommend that you immediately change it. Maybe now you have not felt since you were young, but with age, usually you will begin to experience symptoms due to sleep patterns and poor diet.
Okay back to our main topic this time, the 10 tips that will help you get quality sleep:

1. Exercising
Health experts, whoever and wherever, would encourage us to exercise regularly. Maybe you were already tired of listening to this advice many times. No harm in reminding me once again this time.
There are so many benefits of exercise, one of which help you to be fast asleep at night and you get a quality sleep (deep sleep).

2. Schedule your bedtime
Your sleep schedule is also a regular basis is important in getting quality sleep. Avoid these days you go to bed at 9 pm, the next day at 12 am the next day and again at 10 pm. Regularity will help the metabolism in your body running well.

3. Get to know your habits
Connecting point 2 above, so you know the hours you sleep each night, make sure you prepare everything you normally do before going to sleep well so that you do not miss hours of sleep. For example, you plan to sleep every night at 11 and you have the habit of reading about half an hour before bedtime. This means that the maximum at 10.30 you should have started reading at 11 pm so that you are asleep.

4. Do not eat heavy meals before bedtime
Make sure you do not eat heavy or too much before bedtime. Light dinner is highly recommended. Nowadays I often hear people go on a diet at night. Many of my colleagues started to do this: they ate a little rice or no rice at all, only the side dishes and vegetables only. This is very good. A very full stomach can make you difficult to sleep. If you still feel hungry, it is suggested snacking on fruits alone than 'junk food'.

I've heard the advice of people who are very successful and wise, was headed at the age of 6 but still energetic as the age of 40 years: "getting enough sleep, drink plenty and eat not too full."
Yes, the advice is very simple but can make people live longer.

5. Turn off your computer
If you are a computer enthusiast whether for browsing or gaming, you are advised to make the gap between your computer with the time to stop playing before you got into your bed, at least ½ hour. Usually we will find it difficult to sleep if you lie down directly after using the computer. Relax your brain out for a while, because your brain is still 'hot' time.

It is sometimes difficult to do this, as I did, because we're cool-asiknya and definitely feel too bad if we wasted half an hour is not in front of the computer.
But I also feel if my brain had been cold, I became much faster to fall asleep.

6. Do not talk on the phone before bed
This is similar to the point no 5. When you chat with your friends on the phone, your brain when it is in 'standby mode'. It takes time to turn it into a "quiet mode". Spend some time about a half hour to cool down your brain before you go to bed. The brain is quiet of course makes us more quickly to sleep.

7. Make sure your bedroom lights go out
Highly recommended if you sleep in a dark room condition. Almost all of the experts suggest to turn off the lights when we rest because it will affect the quality of our sleep. I once read an article saying that the effects of light will stimulate certain hormones and ultimately affects the metabolism in our body.
Usually if the room where we rest in the dark, we will sleep soundly and rarely maintained.

8. Mattress
Whether your mattress is too old for you using? Whether in the middle is more flat than the sides? If so, I suggest you to replace them with new ones, which will support your body better so that you feel much more comfortable during sleep.
This usually happens on a mattress that contains cotton. Model 'spring bed' are rare.

9. Your sleep environment
If you often wake up just to turn off air conditioning or fans from the cold, it is obviously greatly affect the quality of your sleep. Set the timer on the AC / fan or if there is no timer, make sure you wrap yourself before bed so you do not wake up at midnight to turn off air conditioning or fan.

So dear readers, starting today you can do the tips above so that you sleep better quality, so the next day you can start your day with a fresh and cheerful.

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