
Some Tips for Dealing with Fussy Child

What can we do when faced with children who are fussy, cranky, or angry? Below are some possible ways we can select one of them or partly as a step to be a parent who is more rational:

- Learn to master yourself first. With self-control, even if we are angry, angry in a rational, so it is not out of control.

- Teach children to recognize their emotions and ways they can do to express their feelings.

- Ignore the child's emotional reaction to the irrational and illogical - but give an explanation why you ignore the whining and screaming.

- Apply a logical discipline, such as any he's cranky, we took him in his room, let alone in some time until he can control himself and later on talk heart to heart with common sense.
- Continue trying to uncover the motives behind a cranky behavior, perhaps looking for attention, make demands, or reject what we ordered. In general, the pouting of a high-level routine and the reasons are abstract, usually caused by a lack of quality relationships / warmth of the relationship / closeness, so that happens, parents control the child, or children controlling parents.

- More focus to provide rewards for positive behavior rather than react negatively for negative behavior. For example, if he had succeeded in reducing the intensity and frequency to sulk about it, yes we need to give rewards in various forms which can he interpreted as a tribute.

- Do not let our fear with a cranky child's behavior and we granted his request. This will teach a technique of life that cranky was the most seamless way to achieve goal. But do not also create the impression that if he did not sulk, demand is often overlooked.

- Continue to intensify heart to heart communication so that we can get the hang of good behavior or to discuss the ill effects of bad behavior. It could also make other kids who like to sulk as a case study materials with him, but still avoid the attitude of "attack".

World oddity
This world often show peculiarities. Most of us believe that evil can only be defeated by evil, too. In fact we know that goodness often win against evil with very nice results. That is why we need to practice "patience" in the face of raging hurricanes of our children. Hopefully useful.

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