
What can you do about fake reviews?

Now that you know how to spot a fake review, and even fake reviews, you might feel a little angry-I know I do. So what can you do about those reviews? Here are some suggestions:

    If you are an author and you get a fake review, call users on it-especially if you paid for the review. But even if the person is a book review by their own decisions, without having to contact with you, if the review is bogus, you can request that a web site where the reviews are posted to remove a review. Determine whether the situation was appropriate to enter into an argument with a fake reviewer. Will it hurt the credibility of the reviews on your book? If it is negative, but evidence shows that the book is not read, it's possible. You may also feel compelled to fight the good fight for the rest of the writers out there who could suffer as a result of the behavior of users.

    If you are a reader, check to see verification of purchase, which sometimes featured in various online bookstores. If someone buys a book, he probably read it. That said, remember that reviewers generally receive a free copy. However, to get around this situation, I know some writers have asked reviewers to buy their books at online bookstores and later authors have been compensated for the cost of the book so that notifications appear in the review of purchase verification.

    If you are a writer or a reader, often in bookstores online, you can choose whether the review was helpful or not, so go ahead and click on the NO button. Forms of voting helps determine the placement of reviews on the top or bottom of this review so that more or less likely to be seen by others. And do not forget to vote YES for the well-written positive reviews, or even a well-written negative reviews are legitimate.

Fake reviews do not help anyone except for fake reviewers who wrote them. Even the glowing fake reviews hurt the writer and the reader by getting people to buy the book that turns mediocre, which only then lead the reader feel misled and injured and more likely to write a negative review of their own. Avoid fake reviewers and you will avoid a lot of frustration.

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