
10 Etiquette Basics: How does your child is always well

Kindness, thoughtfulness and helpfulness are the key features that make your child is everywhere a welcome guest. Look at the early stage of your child's manners. Because the inappropriate behavior of your little one falls on you and your bad upbringing back. This etiquette basics should dominate your children.
First Friendly greetingsYour child is invited to the front door opens and your offspring hatched at the host-mom over to the house, without deigning to look at ... For many three-and four-year-old is still quite normal. However, you should already begin to make your child aware of the correct behavior. Think of it but not just against other adults, each time by saying "Now tell beautiful, 'Hello!'" For shy children, you can achieve just the opposite. Better: Tell your child previously in private, that welcomes you to nunmal when you meet and that other people enjoy a nice "hello" or "good day".
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If it does not work, do not scold you, but you are setting a good example. Your child will be guided by you. Who at the welcoming smiles and friendly still, the sympathies immediately on his side. School children should be taught in addition, they greet neighbors and other acquaintances of the family, they meet on the street - as a first! A big plus point in terms of politeness have children, another welcome by name: A "Good morning, Mrs. Bauer" can radiate the lady in question certainly happy!
Second Look into the eyesWhether it's yours or in conversation: Children should learn early on that they look your interlocutor in the eye. This is not only much more polite, so that you avoid even that the other person does not feel addressed and there will be misunderstandings.
Third Polite to thankAnyone who receives a gift, whom juice is poured, or who gets the plate of food left outside should promptly say "thank you". When a birthday gift will be sent by mail, you must move as a parent to your child that it was on the phone or send a letter thanking a picture or as a thank you. School children can also teach you to respect other people's feelings: "Aunt Trudi's sad when you say again that you do not like her gift."
4th Appropriate to apologizeTime is short, your child goes to school bus and it jostles to the neighbor. A mumbled "Sorry" does not sound good now, better. Stop short and say loud and clear "I'm sorry!" So much time must be!
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5th Have manners at the tableBefore washing hands, starting out with the meal, when all seated, with cutlery handle, will not remain in the food rummatschen, sitting upright, sitting elbow to take off the table, not to talk with your mouth full and until all have eaten. Anyone who manages to teach his children good table manners is, at every family gathering in the restaurant and even a welcome guest.
6th Be punctualIf you explain to your child right now that it's rude to leave on someone, it is also beneficial to you: You have less stress if you are with your son or daughter together have deadlines. In addition, children who have not learned is to be on time, often not even aware that friends, football coaches or later resent the first love of her to-late-coming. Again, the model of the parents is crucial. Let your child never even wait and stick to agreed times.
7th Adults can expressFrom five years of age should children know slowly that you can pronounce adults. Whether mom or dad is still the phone with Grandma maintains - children need to learn, not simply go out to chat, if something comes to mind.
8th Help with the cleanupWhat a nice feeling when you pick up your daughter from a friend and her mother praising your child: "That was a nice time visiting". This praise is not without reason. Sure your daughter has cleared the table in front of or even helped pick up without a murmur while cleaning up the nursery. Parents who care at home every day that help your kids can be sure: My child is a welcome guest!
9th Lent returnChildren love toys and others want to borrow something constantly. Hence mothers to have no problem, you should make sure that your child is unharmed, the appointed time on loan to complete and bring back again. Then may the Playmobil knight's sword and not missing or when the Crown Princess Barbie. Also look in your own four walls that common elements such as glue or scissors after use will be put back onto the fixed space back.
10th Helpfully beEven kindergarten children can learn to take care of minor children in the group and help them if necessary. They usually use this on the suggestion of adults: "Look Paul creates, which is now not only can you help him sometimes." Children feel great and important, if they can help. This is a good foundation, so they take their children to school as fellow human beings into consideration, eg older people in the bus offer the course or hold the door open.

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