
Juvenile Delinquency

There was a mother who lives in Jakarta told me that since the rampant cases of student brawl in Jakarta, he took the initiative to deliver and pick up his son who was in high school, a habit he'd never done before. How not horrified, if students are not part of it, too, was attacked?
Why students are so often brawl, as if they already do not have common sense, and could not think where that is useful and what is not? Why too many teenagers who do drugs and free sex? What is wrong of all this?
As already reviewed in another article on this site, youth are those aged between 12-21 years. Teens will experience a period of physical and psychological development as follows:

Pre-pubertal period (12-13 years)

Puberty (14-16 years)

Period end of puberty (17-18 years)

And adolescent period Adolesen (19-21 years)
The pre-pubertal (12-13 years)
This period is also called the pueral, namely the transition from childhood to adolescence. In girls, this period is shorter than the boys. At this time, great changes occur in adolescents, the increase in sexual hormones and began development of sexual organs as well as adolescent reproductive organs. In addition, the very rapid development of intellect jga occur in this phase. As a result, these adolescents tend to be critical about (because he felt knowing everything), which is often manifested in the form of defiance or disproof of parents, adults began to like it deems good, and make it as a "hero" or hero. This behavior will be followed by mimicking everything done by his hero, like a haircut, style of speech, to worship the living habits.
In addition, at this time teenagers also tend to be more daring to express his heart's desire, more confident at expressing their opinions, even going to defend his opinions as strong as possible. This is often addressed by parents as insubordination. Teenagers do not want to be treated as a child again. They would rather hang out with groups it deems appropriate with pleasure. They are also more daring against the tradition of parents who considered antiquated and no / less useful, as well as the rules they think are unreasonable, such should not be stopped by another place after school, and so forth. They will increasingly lose interest to join the formal social groups, and tend to join with their friends choice. For example, they will choose to play to where her closest friends than with family visiting your home.
But at the same time, they also need help and assistance is always readily available from their parents, if they are not able to embody his desire. At this time is a critical moment. If parents are not able to meet the psychological needs to address the conflict at the time, teenagers will seek from others. Parents should remember, that the problems faced by adolescents, although for the old man is a trivial problem, but for teens it is a very, very heavy. Parents should not be thinking, "Geez ... that's the little things. The period you can not finish it? Stupid you are!", And so forth. But the attention as if parents understand that the problem was very serious for teens, will be recorded in the teen brain that her parents are way out ang best for him. It will be easier for parents to direct the development of psychic children.
Puberty (14-16 years)
This period is also called early adolescence, when physical development they are so prominent. Teenagers are very anxious about her physical development, as well as proud that it shows that he was not a child anymore. At this time, adolescents become very unstable emotional consequences of sexual hormones developments are so rapid. Strong sexual desire also began to emerge in this period. In young women is marked by the arrival of the first menstruation, whereas in adolescents pris marked by the arrival of the first wet dream. Teenagers will feel confused and ashamed of this, so parents should accompany and provide a good and true understanding of sexuality. If this fails to handle well, their psychological development, particularly in terms of the introduction of self / gender and sexuality will be disrupted. Cases of many gay and lesbian youth development begins with the failure at this point.
In addition, adolescents begin to understand about prestige, appearance, and sexual attraction. Because of the confusion they added emotional volatility due to the influence sexuality development, adolescent feelings difficult dive. Sometimes they are rude, sometimes soft. Sometimes dreamy, other times he was so cheerful. Adolescents in the social feeling is getting stronger, and they joined the group he liked and make the regulations in their own mind.
Period end of puberty (17-18 years)
At this time, adolescents are able to pass the previous period well, will be able to accept his nature, both as men and women. They are also proud because their bodies are considered to determine their self-esteem. This period was very short. In young women, this period lasts shorter than teenage boys, so that the maturation process of young girls achieved more quickly than male adolescents. Generally their physical maturity and sexuality have been achieved fully. But the psychological maturity has not been fully achieved.
Period Adolesen adolescents (19-21 years)
In this period, adolescents generally have reached the perfect ripeness, both in terms of physical, emotional, and psychological. They will learn various kinds of abstract things and started to fight for an idealism that obtained from their minds. They began to realize that criticizing it is easier than living it. Her attitude towards life started to look clear, like his ideals, interests, talents, and so forth. The direction of their lives and properties that stand out will be obvious in this phase.
Juvenile delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is usually done by teens who failed to undergo the processes of development of his soul, both as a teenager and in his childhood. Childhood and adolescence lasts so briefly, with their physical, psychological, and emotional too quickly. Psychologically, juvenile delinquency is a manifestation of the conflicts are not resolved well on childhood and adolescent perpetrators. Often found that there was trauma in her past, harsh and unpleasant treatment of the environment, as well as trauma to the environmental conditions, such as economic conditions which made him feel inferior, and so forth.
Deal with juvenile delinquency, it means re-arrange teenage emotions were torn. Emotions and feelings are corrupted because they feel rejected by family, parents, friends, and the environment since childhood, and the failure of the process of development of the adolescent soul. Traumas in his life must be resolved, psychological conflicts that hanging should be resolved, and they should be given a different environment than the previous environment. The question is: who is it all work? Parents Did? While parents are too dizzy to think about work and other living expenses. Was his brother? They also have their own problems, maybe even they also have the same problem. Was the Government? Or who? Not easy to answer. However, providing a good environment from an early age, along with an understanding of the development of our children properly, will help reduce juvenile delinquency. At least not increase the number of cases.

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