
Example methods and Nonexample methods in school

The concept is generally studied in two ways. At least many of the concepts we learned outside of school through observation and also studied through the definition of the concept itself. Example and Nonexample is a tactic that can be used to teach the definition of the concept. This tactic aims to prepare students quickly by using the 2 things which consists of example and non-example of a definition of existing concepts, and asks students to classify them in accordance with existing concepts. Example illustrates an example of something that would be a material that is being discussed, while the non-example will illustrate something that is not an example of a material that is being discussed.

Example and Nonexample deemed necessary because the definition of the concept is a concept that is known primarily only in terms of its definition rather than from its physical properties. By focusing students' attention to the example and non-example is expected to encourage students to go deeper understanding of the material.

According to Buehl (1996) profits from the method of example and nonexample among others:
1. Students go from one definition that will be used to expand understanding of the concepts in greater depth and more complex
2. Students engage in a process of discovery (discovery), which encourages them to build a progressive concept through example and experience of non example
3. Students were given something that is opposite to explore the characteristics of a concept by considering the non-example is possible there are still some parts which is a character of the concept which has been described in the example.

Tennyson and Pork (1980 p. 59) in 1994 Slavin suggested that if the teacher will present an example of a concept then there are three things that should be addressed:
1. Sort examples of easy to difficult.
2. Select examples - examples that differ from each other.
3. Compare and distinguish examples - examples and non examples

Setting up the experience with examples and non-examples will help students to construct meaning that richer and more profound than an important concept. Joyce and Weil (1986) in Buehl (1996) has provided the conceptual framework related to the action strategy, which uses a model of inquiry to introduce new concepts and methods of Example Nonexample.

Framework concepts include:
1. Generalized the pair of examples and non-examples that explain some of the most of the character or attributes of a new concept. Present the in a time and ask students to think about what differences there are in the two lists. During the students to think about every non-examples and these examples, ask them what made the two lists differ.
2. Setting up the examples and non examples additional, more specific concepts to encourage students to check the hypothesis that has been made so as to understand new concepts.
3. Asking students to work in pairs to generalize the concept of non-examples and their examples. After that, ask each pair to inform the class to discuss in the classical, so every student can give feedback.
4. As part of the cover, is asking students to describe the concepts that have been obtained by using characters that have been obtained from the examples and non-examples.

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