
Anger Management - Ways to Control Your Anger

Ever felt like want to punching pillows, walls, or mirrors when you upset against someone or something? Some people can be so temperamental and difficult to control their anger. Learn some tricks to tame the emotions when they are boiling, to save yourself and people around you.

Pull a deep breath
Forget about hitting a pillow, wall, or any object as an outlet of anger. Contrary to popular belief, they are not powerful way to down the anger. In fact, the study found, the action makes the mounting anger. Instead, pull a deep breath. When angry, the body becomes tense. Breathing deeply and regularly can help reduce your anger level.

Discover perspective
Think again, whether a person or a particular situation is worth spending emotional energy, endanger health, and disrupt the peace of soul and mind?

Identify causes
Find out why you feel angry. Learn the types of situations, people, or events that trigger anger. After knowing it, try to avoid factors that trigger anger. If you can not
avoid it, at least you know how to anticipate it so that you can prepare yourself for not too negatively affected.

Alert reminder
Imagine the red stop sign in your mind every time the emotions start bubbling. Or, wear a rubber band on your wrist and press every time you feel anger explode. After that, take a few minutes to put the problem in perspective, and ask yourself whether worth to get angry.

Avoid sources of anger
When you feel very angry, stay away from plant sources such anger. Use the five minutes to take a walk and breathe fresh air, or do something that makes you calm and relieved. If anger mounting because of traffic congestion, for example, turn on the radio and sing as loud as you can. The idea is to create a mentally or physically escape from an unpleasant situation.

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