What can we do when faced with children who are fussy, cranky, or angry? Below are some possible ways we can select one of them or partly as a step to be a parent who is more rational:
- Learn to master yourself first. With self-control, even if we are angry, angry in a rational, so it is not out of control.
- Teach children to recognize their emotions and ways they can do to express their feelings.
- Ignore the child's emotional reaction to the irrational and illogical - but give an explanation why you ignore the whining and screaming.
- Apply a logical discipline, such as any he's cranky, we took him in his room, let alone in some time until he can control himself and later on talk heart to heart with common sense.
- Continue trying to uncover the motives behind a cranky behavior, perhaps looking for attention, make demands, or reject what we ordered. In general, the pouting of a high-level routine and the reasons are abstract, usually caused by a lack of quality relationships / warmth of the relationship / closeness, so that happens, parents control the child, or children controlling parents.
- More focus to provide rewards for positive behavior rather than react negatively for negative behavior. For example, if he had succeeded in reducing the intensity and frequency to sulk about it, yes we need to give rewards in various forms which can he interpreted as a tribute.
- Do not let our fear with a cranky child's behavior and we granted his request. This will teach a technique of life that cranky was the most seamless way to achieve goal. But do not also create the impression that if he did not sulk, demand is often overlooked.
- Continue to intensify heart to heart communication so that we can get the hang of good behavior or to discuss the ill effects of bad behavior. It could also make other kids who like to sulk as a case study materials with him, but still avoid the attitude of "attack".
World oddity
This world often show peculiarities. Most of us believe that evil can only be defeated by evil, too. In fact we know that goodness often win against evil with very nice results. That is why we need to practice "patience" in the face of raging hurricanes of our children. Hopefully useful.
Wise and adult learning from child
If you look to the structure of the teaching of faith, patience is equated with gratitude to God. When we live in a state of positive then we are commanded to enable gratitude to God, in a sense led to the idea positively, running positive action, positive way, to achieve positive goals. But, turn to a negative situation, then the patience to be enabled. But here a different definition of patience with pathetic patience and fatalistic, just wait without doing anything - and this is equivalent to throwing the responsibility on others. Patience in this definition, is the patience in the context of mental toughness are realized in our diligence as a parent to proceed. That is, learn to recognize and correct our weaknesses of the relationship with the child. Actually we can see very clearly, that there are some similarities between the attitudes, character and habits with children in both positive and negative. Including about temper tantrums as an instant solution to obtain wishes.
So actually, the first lesson in patience is not directed to children, but to ourself. If we do not " patience", heard a whining child, see the delinquency of children, see the actions of children who do not support our image, see the way children who are not as sweet as our expectations - it would not be surprised if we wanted to quickly get out of that situation, generally with fatalistic attitude. So we often hear the words "well, what can I do ... he's already born naughty ..." or .. "it’s natural..... he's still small child".... maybe, we are unable to manage the drives of ourself not to smoke, do not watch soap operas at the time the child learns, not gossiping at work, not play the game when the work piled up, no shopping mania for 70% discount.
There are some of us who seemed to be wise since birth. From birth already seen the potential for "patient". Actually, also the product of a process, because the character of their parents and experienced life processes contribute to determine and influence the nature, character, and things that are "innate" child.
But there is also like a banyan tree. To reach maturity soul, that person must collaborate with wind, hot sun, the sting of parasites, or incision knife prankster - all of that process of real life, if used properly and in place, gave birth to the wisdom that flows in the attitude of persevering and loyal - wait to set up and establish the self - before forming another person. Just imagine, if we do not yet have its own shape, still a photo copy of the old pattern, or still in the original format that are not yet up grade - how to shape a child?
Basically, everyone was given the potential to be "patient and wise." About the potential that we use it or not, we are offered to choose. Therefore, be patient orders that are general and absolute, not only addressed to certain people but to every person.
So actually, the first lesson in patience is not directed to children, but to ourself. If we do not " patience", heard a whining child, see the delinquency of children, see the actions of children who do not support our image, see the way children who are not as sweet as our expectations - it would not be surprised if we wanted to quickly get out of that situation, generally with fatalistic attitude. So we often hear the words "well, what can I do ... he's already born naughty ..." or .. "it’s natural..... he's still small child".... maybe, we are unable to manage the drives of ourself not to smoke, do not watch soap operas at the time the child learns, not gossiping at work, not play the game when the work piled up, no shopping mania for 70% discount.
There are some of us who seemed to be wise since birth. From birth already seen the potential for "patient". Actually, also the product of a process, because the character of their parents and experienced life processes contribute to determine and influence the nature, character, and things that are "innate" child.
But there is also like a banyan tree. To reach maturity soul, that person must collaborate with wind, hot sun, the sting of parasites, or incision knife prankster - all of that process of real life, if used properly and in place, gave birth to the wisdom that flows in the attitude of persevering and loyal - wait to set up and establish the self - before forming another person. Just imagine, if we do not yet have its own shape, still a photo copy of the old pattern, or still in the original format that are not yet up grade - how to shape a child?
Basically, everyone was given the potential to be "patient and wise." About the potential that we use it or not, we are offered to choose. Therefore, be patient orders that are general and absolute, not only addressed to certain people but to every person.
Some of the supporting factors to be more patience and wiser as parents
When we bring context to explain how we can be more patient parent and wise, then in general there are several factors that can be said as supporters to get there. A number of that factors may be mentioned here, among others:
- Relation parent / father-mother. The more synergistic relationship that exists between father and mother, both outwardly and inwardly, the greater the potential to give each other support in facing the challenges of a "parent". Many research results reveal that the children often become victims of inharmonious parents. If parents themselves are at loggerheads and value, or a power struggle, or even colonize another one, how can collaborate to educate children?
- Perception of parents. Parents who consider themselves as teachers and rulers of the all of everything in front of children, may be more difficult to learn patience and wiser than the parents who also realize the importance to become "students" who have a willingness to understand and study the behavior of the child to find a solution.
- Mastery of inner atmosphere. Parents who are more mature in controlling stress, it's easier to learn to be more patient than parents who are always reactive to stress or carrying around their stress in the face of a child.
- Mental Maturity. Parents that have more varied life experience, greater soul, their confident is higher, or values that exist in his chest is stronger, it's easier to learn patience.
- Attitude towards family economic circumstances. This understanding is not about rich or poor, but rather on how the attitude of the fluctuations of economic conditions of families in certain moments. A positive attitude will be more supportive to learn more patient than a negative attitude.
- Discourse and values developed in the family. Families that still open talks about the discourse of life that inspires the soul or the values that brighten wisdom, will be easier to learn patience rather than the family that material conversation limited to things that are superficial.
- Family situation and external conditions in general. Families with the people in them one heart, one vision, and one rhythm, would be more supportive to learn patience.
That all are contributing factors. This factor will only actively support if we activate the deciding factor. Who would be the deciding factor here? The determining factor is that we are with all the commitment we have to learn "patience" - involved process and grow to be mature in line with the growth process of our children.
- Relation parent / father-mother. The more synergistic relationship that exists between father and mother, both outwardly and inwardly, the greater the potential to give each other support in facing the challenges of a "parent". Many research results reveal that the children often become victims of inharmonious parents. If parents themselves are at loggerheads and value, or a power struggle, or even colonize another one, how can collaborate to educate children?
- Perception of parents. Parents who consider themselves as teachers and rulers of the all of everything in front of children, may be more difficult to learn patience and wiser than the parents who also realize the importance to become "students" who have a willingness to understand and study the behavior of the child to find a solution.
- Mastery of inner atmosphere. Parents who are more mature in controlling stress, it's easier to learn to be more patient than parents who are always reactive to stress or carrying around their stress in the face of a child.
- Mental Maturity. Parents that have more varied life experience, greater soul, their confident is higher, or values that exist in his chest is stronger, it's easier to learn patience.
- Attitude towards family economic circumstances. This understanding is not about rich or poor, but rather on how the attitude of the fluctuations of economic conditions of families in certain moments. A positive attitude will be more supportive to learn more patient than a negative attitude.
- Discourse and values developed in the family. Families that still open talks about the discourse of life that inspires the soul or the values that brighten wisdom, will be easier to learn patience rather than the family that material conversation limited to things that are superficial.
- Family situation and external conditions in general. Families with the people in them one heart, one vision, and one rhythm, would be more supportive to learn patience.
That all are contributing factors. This factor will only actively support if we activate the deciding factor. Who would be the deciding factor here? The determining factor is that we are with all the commitment we have to learn "patience" - involved process and grow to be mature in line with the growth process of our children.
Lessons For Being Better Parents
A young father finally to justify greeting mother-in-law. This young father can not stand when he saw his daughter crying with a loud voice, throwing objects around her toys. Unable to stand, usually done is to avoid it whenever possible or to react aggressively who end with regrets.
To the mother-in-law, the young father says if he can not stand to see small children crying. But what is the answer from his mother-in-law? Mother-in-law told him that she had too. Her resolve to face young children are naturally obtained through an indirect process. "Later if you continue to learn also will bear, boy," says mother-in-law with ease.
That may be a simple greeting parents. But actually contain wisdom that is important for young couples. Assessment - fussiness courage to face the little kids just like the power to manage success and failure. One's strength in managing the success was not obtained after the person is enjoying success. Strength is obtained if one brave, able and willing to proceed, facing difficulties, obstacles, failures and the up and down of life diligently and faithfully. A series of "procession" of this nature which strengthens the inner person. Just as well as tree trunks. He rose with the strengthening process of photosynthesis of leaves, branches and twigs, as the wind blows that reaches it.
Personally, I am often asked related to how to deal with a patient when a child crying out for something. The question is simple, but there's no simple answer. Why? Like the people picking fruit, the answer is already up there and the stairs are also provided. But, to reap the fruits that we have to ride alone. The fruit did not fall with the words, knowledge, or by asking someone else.
If you read some expert explanation on small children, is very natural that we as parents were experiencing shock. According to Prof. Robert G. Harrington, PhD, from the University of Kansas, temper tantrums experienced by a child when he was between 1-4 years (Temper Tantrums: Guidelines for Parents: 2004),
Temper tantrums are a normal problem on the behavior of young children in expressing his irritation when it does not have adequate words to express frustration or do not have the ability to control himself or even the ability to independently carry out his wish. The shape is a lot, for example when rolling around crying, kicking things, or slam the door when cranky, or sulk, refusing to eat and talk.
For parents who are facing this kind of behavior is strongly recommended so as not to see it as an aberration that can be outside or extraordinary fairness, but sees it as part of the growth process that needs to go through both sides (parents and children). The perception of parents is decisive action, the shape can start from punishing an extraordinary or exceptional tolerant, because it is considered "ah, it was a kid ..." This process inevitably go through a mental exercise in the parent and children, and setting the basis of the value of children. If within this period the parent gives instant gratification - instant gratification, in order to stop whining, our children will not realize that man should working to survive, and joy, contentment - is the optimum business impact of that has been released to bring satisfaction, regardless of the results.
One thing to keep in reflection, let us not put up with whining children, and quickly meet the demands of children, or on the bribe - the bribe with promises of heaven, so that the child quiet, lest we to become parents, not yet managed to overcome the urge of instant self gratification. Wish there quickly, if necessary, use a shortcut. The inability to manage the urge in us as parents, will be repeated again when we deal with children.
To the mother-in-law, the young father says if he can not stand to see small children crying. But what is the answer from his mother-in-law? Mother-in-law told him that she had too. Her resolve to face young children are naturally obtained through an indirect process. "Later if you continue to learn also will bear, boy," says mother-in-law with ease.
That may be a simple greeting parents. But actually contain wisdom that is important for young couples. Assessment - fussiness courage to face the little kids just like the power to manage success and failure. One's strength in managing the success was not obtained after the person is enjoying success. Strength is obtained if one brave, able and willing to proceed, facing difficulties, obstacles, failures and the up and down of life diligently and faithfully. A series of "procession" of this nature which strengthens the inner person. Just as well as tree trunks. He rose with the strengthening process of photosynthesis of leaves, branches and twigs, as the wind blows that reaches it.
Personally, I am often asked related to how to deal with a patient when a child crying out for something. The question is simple, but there's no simple answer. Why? Like the people picking fruit, the answer is already up there and the stairs are also provided. But, to reap the fruits that we have to ride alone. The fruit did not fall with the words, knowledge, or by asking someone else.
If you read some expert explanation on small children, is very natural that we as parents were experiencing shock. According to Prof. Robert G. Harrington, PhD, from the University of Kansas, temper tantrums experienced by a child when he was between 1-4 years (Temper Tantrums: Guidelines for Parents: 2004),
Temper tantrums are a normal problem on the behavior of young children in expressing his irritation when it does not have adequate words to express frustration or do not have the ability to control himself or even the ability to independently carry out his wish. The shape is a lot, for example when rolling around crying, kicking things, or slam the door when cranky, or sulk, refusing to eat and talk.
For parents who are facing this kind of behavior is strongly recommended so as not to see it as an aberration that can be outside or extraordinary fairness, but sees it as part of the growth process that needs to go through both sides (parents and children). The perception of parents is decisive action, the shape can start from punishing an extraordinary or exceptional tolerant, because it is considered "ah, it was a kid ..." This process inevitably go through a mental exercise in the parent and children, and setting the basis of the value of children. If within this period the parent gives instant gratification - instant gratification, in order to stop whining, our children will not realize that man should working to survive, and joy, contentment - is the optimum business impact of that has been released to bring satisfaction, regardless of the results.
One thing to keep in reflection, let us not put up with whining children, and quickly meet the demands of children, or on the bribe - the bribe with promises of heaven, so that the child quiet, lest we to become parents, not yet managed to overcome the urge of instant self gratification. Wish there quickly, if necessary, use a shortcut. The inability to manage the urge in us as parents, will be repeated again when we deal with children.
'Doggy Style' Just Nice To Men
This is my favorite style of making love. I am sure every men like it too. Because this position, in my own opinion, give me more pleasure and satisfaction. Especially when my sex partner have nice round ass, wow… it’s very nice. The sensation is very very beautiful. The most favorite making love style.
Most men prefer the making love position called doggy style. This is usual because the back of the vagina bone directly exposed penis, so men prefer the position of this making love. This making love position has become a variation of the fair sex who performed for the making love is not monotonous.
Doggy style is the making love position that can replace the sensation of anal sex. Some people do like anal sex. However, anal sex should be avoided and wherever possible do not even try.
Rear entry position (doggy style) is the best substitute for anal sex. This position is a position to enter penis into the vagina when making love, but the angle of penetration and its position from the back of your partner's body. This making love position will produce a different experience for men when compared with opposite positions.
However, women are generally less like the position of this making love. Women prefer the missionary position because this position can free her to change the movement in accordance with G-spot area.
While the doggy style position that regulates the husband who does not know the sensitive area of women is on the clitoris.
How then, so that both partners share the get satisfaction?
Easy. Vary both positions during making love. The men must remember to change positions when it was in the doggy style position. Do not forget that the pair crave other positions.
Just Enjoy it. ^_^
Most men prefer the making love position called doggy style. This is usual because the back of the vagina bone directly exposed penis, so men prefer the position of this making love. This making love position has become a variation of the fair sex who performed for the making love is not monotonous.
Doggy style is the making love position that can replace the sensation of anal sex. Some people do like anal sex. However, anal sex should be avoided and wherever possible do not even try.
Rear entry position (doggy style) is the best substitute for anal sex. This position is a position to enter penis into the vagina when making love, but the angle of penetration and its position from the back of your partner's body. This making love position will produce a different experience for men when compared with opposite positions.
However, women are generally less like the position of this making love. Women prefer the missionary position because this position can free her to change the movement in accordance with G-spot area.
While the doggy style position that regulates the husband who does not know the sensitive area of women is on the clitoris.
How then, so that both partners share the get satisfaction?
Easy. Vary both positions during making love. The men must remember to change positions when it was in the doggy style position. Do not forget that the pair crave other positions.
Just Enjoy it. ^_^
Frank Moses has retired from the CIA and his retirement he spent alone. As entertainment, he is often called Sarah, pension fund officials who take care of all their financial problems. Not some long, Frank finds himself the target of assassination. He went looking for friend that is former of his team.
Knowing the target of, frank went to see sarah. This is a very sudden because they have never met at all. he abducted Sarah to keep watch for Sarah not been targeted by assassins.
One by one Frank found his friends, and they are equally likely. Old.
But growing old is not a barrier for the officers that are dedicated and well skilled in action.
What will happen once they know that they are targeting by the CIA itself?
These retirees dubbed "RED" or Retired - Extremely - Dangerous. and they must be exterminated.
Film duration of about 2 hours is lost focus of the story when an assassination attempt was associated with Operation Guatemala and also vice president of U.S.. Not to mention the role of 'Sarah' which is really just a puppet movie sweetener.
But arguably, none is more entertaining than seeing these old men acted like the other young cops.
Supported by Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman and Helen Mirren, the film is worth watching with family ..
Knowing the target of, frank went to see sarah. This is a very sudden because they have never met at all. he abducted Sarah to keep watch for Sarah not been targeted by assassins.
One by one Frank found his friends, and they are equally likely. Old.
But growing old is not a barrier for the officers that are dedicated and well skilled in action.
What will happen once they know that they are targeting by the CIA itself?
These retirees dubbed "RED" or Retired - Extremely - Dangerous. and they must be exterminated.
Film duration of about 2 hours is lost focus of the story when an assassination attempt was associated with Operation Guatemala and also vice president of U.S.. Not to mention the role of 'Sarah' which is really just a puppet movie sweetener.
But arguably, none is more entertaining than seeing these old men acted like the other young cops.
Supported by Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman and Helen Mirren, the film is worth watching with family ..
Bunga Citra Lestari, a singer and actress in the world of Indonesian entertainment
Bunga Citra Lestari (was born in Jakarta, March 22, 1983, often referred to as BCL) is a singer and actress in the world of Indonesian entertainment. She is the daughter of Muchlis Rusli and Emmy Syarif couple, spent his junior high school period in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, and then moved to Jakarta. Her hit song titled Sunny also filled the soundtrack for the film “Cinta Pertama”. She had a duet with PAS Band which was the beginning of her career in the world of music.
Her career started as a sitcom actress. Who ever starred in soap operas such as ABG, Senandung Masa Puber, Dari Temen Jadi Demen, Penjaga Hati.
She also falls in the music world. Had a hit song is Aku Tak Mau Sendiri. Lagu Cinta Pertama (Sunny) who is the soundtrack to the film Cinta Pertama that makes her name even more popular. Dewiq creation of this song makes a Bunga Citra Lestari's dream to become a singer come true. Especially after the solo album sold 75 thousands of copies in just two weeks. Chubby cheeks owner who started her career as an advertising model, also popular with his appearance with Ari Lasso through hits Aku dan Dirimu from the album "The Best of Ari Lasso."
Actress whose name was also referred to as 'starter' divorce of Ariel’s marriage is married to Ashraf Sinclair, Malaysian actor-British Malay descent who is also the son of a billionaire on 8 November 2008.
Reception is very luxurious and festive held in two countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia. Ashraf and Bunga held a reception in Jakarta on November 9, 2008, and in Malaysia on November 14-15, 2008.
After marriage, Bunga is still developing her acting talent with the full support of her husband, Ashraf. It is evident with the compact pair appeared in a romantic film, the release of Saus Kacang in 2008. Even the soundtrack of the film is hosted by Bunga and Ashraf help her in the video clip.
On 22 September 2010 Bunga gave birth to a boy named Noah Sinclair.
Her career started as a sitcom actress. Who ever starred in soap operas such as ABG, Senandung Masa Puber, Dari Temen Jadi Demen, Penjaga Hati.
She also falls in the music world. Had a hit song is Aku Tak Mau Sendiri. Lagu Cinta Pertama (Sunny) who is the soundtrack to the film Cinta Pertama that makes her name even more popular. Dewiq creation of this song makes a Bunga Citra Lestari's dream to become a singer come true. Especially after the solo album sold 75 thousands of copies in just two weeks. Chubby cheeks owner who started her career as an advertising model, also popular with his appearance with Ari Lasso through hits Aku dan Dirimu from the album "The Best of Ari Lasso."
Actress whose name was also referred to as 'starter' divorce of Ariel’s marriage is married to Ashraf Sinclair, Malaysian actor-British Malay descent who is also the son of a billionaire on 8 November 2008.
Reception is very luxurious and festive held in two countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia. Ashraf and Bunga held a reception in Jakarta on November 9, 2008, and in Malaysia on November 14-15, 2008.
After marriage, Bunga is still developing her acting talent with the full support of her husband, Ashraf. It is evident with the compact pair appeared in a romantic film, the release of Saus Kacang in 2008. Even the soundtrack of the film is hosted by Bunga and Ashraf help her in the video clip.
On 22 September 2010 Bunga gave birth to a boy named Noah Sinclair.
Let go, will you?
The movie entitled The Mission tells a story about a man who attempted to do penace by making his way into the jungle, carrying a large, heavy bundle. The path was incredibly difficult. He struggled with his load up the mountains, across narrow ravines, and up waterfalls. At one point, the man crawled over the top of a ridge, totally exhausted. As he lifted his eyes, he came face-to-face with one of the natives. The native then raised his knife and cut the ropes of the bundle carried by the man. Soon the man experienced a tremendous feeling of release, of letting go of all the things that had held him back.
As human beings, our potentials is limitless, our abilities inexhaustible, and the possibilities for creative and constructive solutions are endless. But we won’t experience satisfactory progress unless we let go of all the thoughts and beliefs that are keeping us from making any lasting improvements. Isn’t it time for us to make a breakthrough, a letting go?
To let go…
- doesn’t mean I stop caring; it just means I can’t fix someone else.
- Is not to cut all connections, but to cut a few here and lengthen a few here.
- Is not to punish but to allow learning from natural consequences.
- Is not to admit defeat or powerlessness, but to realize the outcome is not in my hands.
- Is to do what I need to take care of myself, knowing that I can’t be of much help to anyone if I am slowly dying.
- Is not to judge, but to seek understanding and acceptance.
- Is to stop teaching helplessness by overprotecting and underestimating the ability of others.
- Is to move from denial to acceptance; from feeling defensive to reflective.
- Is to stop nagging, arguing and scolding.
- Is to stop focusing on something I wish to change, but is out of my control.
- Is to focus my thoughts on that I can control: my own mind and attitude.
- Is to stop wanting things to be different and to start making them different.
- Is not to regret what was or wasn’t, or what might have been; it’s to learn, grow and prepare for the future.
As human beings, our potentials is limitless, our abilities inexhaustible, and the possibilities for creative and constructive solutions are endless. But we won’t experience satisfactory progress unless we let go of all the thoughts and beliefs that are keeping us from making any lasting improvements. Isn’t it time for us to make a breakthrough, a letting go?
To let go…
- doesn’t mean I stop caring; it just means I can’t fix someone else.
- Is not to cut all connections, but to cut a few here and lengthen a few here.
- Is not to punish but to allow learning from natural consequences.
- Is not to admit defeat or powerlessness, but to realize the outcome is not in my hands.
- Is to do what I need to take care of myself, knowing that I can’t be of much help to anyone if I am slowly dying.
- Is not to judge, but to seek understanding and acceptance.
- Is to stop teaching helplessness by overprotecting and underestimating the ability of others.
- Is to move from denial to acceptance; from feeling defensive to reflective.
- Is to stop nagging, arguing and scolding.
- Is to stop focusing on something I wish to change, but is out of my control.
- Is to focus my thoughts on that I can control: my own mind and attitude.
- Is to stop wanting things to be different and to start making them different.
- Is not to regret what was or wasn’t, or what might have been; it’s to learn, grow and prepare for the future.
Addicted to drugs
According to drug users, drugs are the best “medicine”. A drug user may say, “They can make you happy, release you from your problems. You can even fly away…and feel like you’re in “heaven”. Victims of drugs abuse are too many to count. Some can be healed but others can’t survive. To commemorate World Drug Addiction Day on June 26, we’d like to remind you that you get nothing from drugs. What these drugs do is simply ruin your life. Want some proof? Below are some examples.
- River Phoenix, 23 year-old motion picture star died of a drug overdose during a Halloween “party” in 1993. blood tests from the autopsy verified the presence of lethal levels of heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and valium in his blood at time of death. About a year prior to his death, he starred in the feature film, “My Own Private Idaho”, in which he depicted a heroin-using nomadic street hustler.
- Jimi Hendrix, 27 year-old vocalist and guitarist, died of a barbiturate overdose within weeks of Janis Joplin in 1970. He was a heavy heroin user and also died near the peak of his career after having performed at Woodstock.
- Kurt Cobain, 27 year-old rock music star, died from self-inflicted gunshot wound, one week after nearly dying from a heroin overdose in 1994. As one of the founders of the “Grunge rock” genre, Cobain was the lead vocalist for the Seattle-based band, Nirvana, and husband of singer/actress Courtney Love.
- Jonathan Melvoin, was the keyboardist for the band Smashing Pumpkins. He died on July 12, 1996 at the age of 34 because of heroin overdose. He died in the presence of Pumpkins drummer, Jimmy Chamberlin, who was arrested on a misdemeanor drug possession charge.
- In 1994, the bassist of a Grunge rock band, Hole, Kristen Pfaff also died because of heroin overdose. She was 27 at that time.
- River Phoenix, 23 year-old motion picture star died of a drug overdose during a Halloween “party” in 1993. blood tests from the autopsy verified the presence of lethal levels of heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and valium in his blood at time of death. About a year prior to his death, he starred in the feature film, “My Own Private Idaho”, in which he depicted a heroin-using nomadic street hustler.
- Jimi Hendrix, 27 year-old vocalist and guitarist, died of a barbiturate overdose within weeks of Janis Joplin in 1970. He was a heavy heroin user and also died near the peak of his career after having performed at Woodstock.
- Kurt Cobain, 27 year-old rock music star, died from self-inflicted gunshot wound, one week after nearly dying from a heroin overdose in 1994. As one of the founders of the “Grunge rock” genre, Cobain was the lead vocalist for the Seattle-based band, Nirvana, and husband of singer/actress Courtney Love.
- Jonathan Melvoin, was the keyboardist for the band Smashing Pumpkins. He died on July 12, 1996 at the age of 34 because of heroin overdose. He died in the presence of Pumpkins drummer, Jimmy Chamberlin, who was arrested on a misdemeanor drug possession charge.
- In 1994, the bassist of a Grunge rock band, Hole, Kristen Pfaff also died because of heroin overdose. She was 27 at that time.
Life Insurance Benefits
Life insurance can represent mutual need between life insurance companies with policy holders. On the one hand, when the policy holder pay premiums according to the procedure, at the same time, he got the protection from the insurance company.
On the other hand, adherence to policy holders to pay premiums generate profits for life insurance companies because premiums can be collected according to the plan and its accumulation can be managed optimally.
What happens when the policy holder does not perform its obligations properly? When he does not continue to pay premiums in the second year, he was piling up potential losses. He escaped from the Life Insurance protection if he experiences an unexpected event, such as accidents or death.
Life insurance companies suffered losses when the policy holder did not carry out its obligations properly. Calculatively, life insurance company could achieve cumulative benefits when the policy holder enters its fifth year of its obligation to pay premiums. That is why the premium payment stops before it can cause harm to the Life Insurance company.
Deciding wisely
Emphatically, I want to convey two important ideas that could be a material consideration for you as a prospective policy holders, before you execute the purchase of various life insurance products.
First, before deciding to buy a particular insurance product, make sure that you have a priority purchase of an insurance product, among the various products available. If you feel that the cost of your children’s school in the future become a significant requirement, consider wisely that your primary needs is an education insurance product. Conversely, if you pay more attention to safety aspects in the work and business, make sure that your choices are health insurance.
Consideration of these priorities can allow you to place the allocation of premium payments as a major requirement so that the amount of premium can be accommodated from the income you get. This step can reduce, even eliminate the risk of failure to pay premiums in the middle of the road.
Second, do a careful calculation of the ratio of the cost of premiums with the amount of your income. Proportionally, whatever your payment scheme, your expenses for the allocation of premium payments should be in the range up to 10 percent of your income. In this way, you can avoid the risk of failure to pay premiums.
I submit these considerations so that it can be a consideration for you too. Even more essential, it was you who know the priority needs in terms of buying insurance products. You also the only one who understand how much your ability to allocate some funds to pay life insurance premiums. That is why, the best decision remains in your hands.
Should be, the allocation of premium payments should you spend does not become a financial burden! Instead, through the protection contained in the insurance products you buy, the insurance premiums you pay can actually lighten your burden in the future. In essence, you get protection and life insurance companies get repeatedly payment, so that all parties gain the maximum benefit and mutual benefit.
On the other hand, adherence to policy holders to pay premiums generate profits for life insurance companies because premiums can be collected according to the plan and its accumulation can be managed optimally.
What happens when the policy holder does not perform its obligations properly? When he does not continue to pay premiums in the second year, he was piling up potential losses. He escaped from the Life Insurance protection if he experiences an unexpected event, such as accidents or death.
Life insurance companies suffered losses when the policy holder did not carry out its obligations properly. Calculatively, life insurance company could achieve cumulative benefits when the policy holder enters its fifth year of its obligation to pay premiums. That is why the premium payment stops before it can cause harm to the Life Insurance company.
Deciding wisely
Emphatically, I want to convey two important ideas that could be a material consideration for you as a prospective policy holders, before you execute the purchase of various life insurance products.
First, before deciding to buy a particular insurance product, make sure that you have a priority purchase of an insurance product, among the various products available. If you feel that the cost of your children’s school in the future become a significant requirement, consider wisely that your primary needs is an education insurance product. Conversely, if you pay more attention to safety aspects in the work and business, make sure that your choices are health insurance.
Consideration of these priorities can allow you to place the allocation of premium payments as a major requirement so that the amount of premium can be accommodated from the income you get. This step can reduce, even eliminate the risk of failure to pay premiums in the middle of the road.
Second, do a careful calculation of the ratio of the cost of premiums with the amount of your income. Proportionally, whatever your payment scheme, your expenses for the allocation of premium payments should be in the range up to 10 percent of your income. In this way, you can avoid the risk of failure to pay premiums.
I submit these considerations so that it can be a consideration for you too. Even more essential, it was you who know the priority needs in terms of buying insurance products. You also the only one who understand how much your ability to allocate some funds to pay life insurance premiums. That is why, the best decision remains in your hands.
Should be, the allocation of premium payments should you spend does not become a financial burden! Instead, through the protection contained in the insurance products you buy, the insurance premiums you pay can actually lighten your burden in the future. In essence, you get protection and life insurance companies get repeatedly payment, so that all parties gain the maximum benefit and mutual benefit.
Five Steps to More Confident
No doubt, surely we all want to become more confident and feel good about ourselves, so we can run our best life. Unfortunately, confidence is not as easy as to say it. Here we give some guidelines to enhance confidence and foster self-esteem:
1. Do Something That Requires Decision And Action
You may have long wished connecting with friends in college, or may have been wanting to clean house and move useless items to the warehouse. Whatever it is, you will feel more confident with the design goal (though only a small goal) and act to achieve it.
2. Enjoy the Things You Do With Good
Do you have any hobbies or sports that you really enjoy? Such as swimming or yoga, painting or writing, things that seize attention and make you forget the time when to do it. Then, it makes you feel competent and able to do it well. Doing hobbies can also be a great way to increase your confidence. If you do not have a special hobby or entertainment that you can enjoy, try to do something you always wanted to try. Imagine you do that, and then do it! No need big thing, it could be simple things like join a healthy club. You'll find yourself more centered and happier by doing something that makes you involved at least once a week.
3. Change Focus
People who have low self-esteem usually are the ones who are too much focused on themselves. You can further enhance confidence by doing something that makes you focus on another person or one thing. Like when you meet new people, you'll find your sense of nervousness vanished once more focus on the people you meet, not your own. In the end, you will more easily interact with others and feel brighter.
4. Be Relax
Learn about how to relax is a remarkable increase in life. People who behave a more relaxed experience little problems with their bad memories and follow the flow of life. Meditation is also a popular way to foster a feeling relaxed, you can choose take up yoga or tai chi. Whatever method you use, do relaxation seriously. The benefit of this very unusual to simply be ignored. If you've never thought of relaxation as vital, then think about it now.
5. Create your Master List of Things
Make a list on a small scale. You can make anything successfully you have mastered in a list, for example: pass driving tests and get a driver's license, the highest score while playing basketball, set up savings and still much more. Knowing a lot of things that you have mastered will make you aware of what you have accomplished.
Five things that we convey the above is a basic principle that you can use to improve self-confidence, but you also need to add these things permanently in your life. Always bear in mind, because not everyone is born with a talent-confidence, most of us have to work to build it. So, build self-confidence and self-esteem in your own mind and do every day to make you feel comfortable.
1. Do Something That Requires Decision And Action
You may have long wished connecting with friends in college, or may have been wanting to clean house and move useless items to the warehouse. Whatever it is, you will feel more confident with the design goal (though only a small goal) and act to achieve it.
2. Enjoy the Things You Do With Good
Do you have any hobbies or sports that you really enjoy? Such as swimming or yoga, painting or writing, things that seize attention and make you forget the time when to do it. Then, it makes you feel competent and able to do it well. Doing hobbies can also be a great way to increase your confidence. If you do not have a special hobby or entertainment that you can enjoy, try to do something you always wanted to try. Imagine you do that, and then do it! No need big thing, it could be simple things like join a healthy club. You'll find yourself more centered and happier by doing something that makes you involved at least once a week.
3. Change Focus
People who have low self-esteem usually are the ones who are too much focused on themselves. You can further enhance confidence by doing something that makes you focus on another person or one thing. Like when you meet new people, you'll find your sense of nervousness vanished once more focus on the people you meet, not your own. In the end, you will more easily interact with others and feel brighter.
4. Be Relax
Learn about how to relax is a remarkable increase in life. People who behave a more relaxed experience little problems with their bad memories and follow the flow of life. Meditation is also a popular way to foster a feeling relaxed, you can choose take up yoga or tai chi. Whatever method you use, do relaxation seriously. The benefit of this very unusual to simply be ignored. If you've never thought of relaxation as vital, then think about it now.
5. Create your Master List of Things
Make a list on a small scale. You can make anything successfully you have mastered in a list, for example: pass driving tests and get a driver's license, the highest score while playing basketball, set up savings and still much more. Knowing a lot of things that you have mastered will make you aware of what you have accomplished.
Five things that we convey the above is a basic principle that you can use to improve self-confidence, but you also need to add these things permanently in your life. Always bear in mind, because not everyone is born with a talent-confidence, most of us have to work to build it. So, build self-confidence and self-esteem in your own mind and do every day to make you feel comfortable.
Anger Management - Ways to Control Your Anger
Ever felt like want to punching pillows, walls, or mirrors when you upset against someone or something? Some people can be so temperamental and difficult to control their anger. Learn some tricks to tame the emotions when they are boiling, to save yourself and people around you.
Pull a deep breath
Forget about hitting a pillow, wall, or any object as an outlet of anger. Contrary to popular belief, they are not powerful way to down the anger. In fact, the study found, the action makes the mounting anger. Instead, pull a deep breath. When angry, the body becomes tense. Breathing deeply and regularly can help reduce your anger level.
Discover perspective
Think again, whether a person or a particular situation is worth spending emotional energy, endanger health, and disrupt the peace of soul and mind?
Identify causes
Find out why you feel angry. Learn the types of situations, people, or events that trigger anger. After knowing it, try to avoid factors that trigger anger. If you can not
avoid it, at least you know how to anticipate it so that you can prepare yourself for not too negatively affected.
Alert reminder
Imagine the red stop sign in your mind every time the emotions start bubbling. Or, wear a rubber band on your wrist and press every time you feel anger explode. After that, take a few minutes to put the problem in perspective, and ask yourself whether worth to get angry.
Avoid sources of anger
When you feel very angry, stay away from plant sources such anger. Use the five minutes to take a walk and breathe fresh air, or do something that makes you calm and relieved. If anger mounting because of traffic congestion, for example, turn on the radio and sing as loud as you can. The idea is to create a mentally or physically escape from an unpleasant situation.
Pull a deep breath
Forget about hitting a pillow, wall, or any object as an outlet of anger. Contrary to popular belief, they are not powerful way to down the anger. In fact, the study found, the action makes the mounting anger. Instead, pull a deep breath. When angry, the body becomes tense. Breathing deeply and regularly can help reduce your anger level.
Discover perspective
Think again, whether a person or a particular situation is worth spending emotional energy, endanger health, and disrupt the peace of soul and mind?
Identify causes
Find out why you feel angry. Learn the types of situations, people, or events that trigger anger. After knowing it, try to avoid factors that trigger anger. If you can not
avoid it, at least you know how to anticipate it so that you can prepare yourself for not too negatively affected.
Alert reminder
Imagine the red stop sign in your mind every time the emotions start bubbling. Or, wear a rubber band on your wrist and press every time you feel anger explode. After that, take a few minutes to put the problem in perspective, and ask yourself whether worth to get angry.
Avoid sources of anger
When you feel very angry, stay away from plant sources such anger. Use the five minutes to take a walk and breathe fresh air, or do something that makes you calm and relieved. If anger mounting because of traffic congestion, for example, turn on the radio and sing as loud as you can. The idea is to create a mentally or physically escape from an unpleasant situation.
Girls Just Need Three Minutes to Value Guy
The saying goes, do not judge a book by its cover. But, that's what girls do when assessing a guy. That's according to a study. Girls need three minutes to take a decision whether he likes it or not like a guy. Most of woman will use those 3 minutes when assessing the guy to measure the appearance, physical, fashion taste, body smell, and accent to evaluate the prospective boyfriend. Girls are also quick in judging whether good or not the guy’s ability to associate with her friends, and if the guy was a successful or ambitious person. The first three minutes is very important for a guy if they want to make a girl impressed. Appearance and manners did have a major role. The study also revealed that within 180 seconds the girl could determine whether the guy is her soul mate
or not.
Well, the first three minutes are more decisive because according to studies, women rarely changed her mind, they were convinced of the truth of assumptions and judgments that have been made. The study of 3,000 adults was published in a book written by Ben Kay. The researchers found that the girl would soon withdraw from the guy who was "too proud" or "too want this and that. " Guy will also be abandoned if they are not friendly to others, appears lack of money and if "no connects" with the girl.
Excuse Me, Your Soul Mate Is Waiting
Well, the first three minutes are more decisive because according to studies, women rarely changed her mind, they were convinced of the truth of assumptions and judgments that have been made. The study of 3,000 adults was published in a book written by Ben Kay. The researchers found that the girl would soon withdraw from the guy who was "too proud" or "too want this and that. " Guy will also be abandoned if they are not friendly to others, appears lack of money and if "no connects" with the girl.
Excuse Me, Your Soul Mate Is Waiting
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