
Way of living and its environment adaptation

Ways that made living beings to adapt to the environment, among others:a. With the sharp beak, chicken easily and quickly pecked prey.b. With slender legs, long and sharp nails, chicken easily move to scavenge for food.c. With pointy canines, dogs and cats easily dismember a prey.d. With the tail fin, pectoral fins and pelvic fins fish easily swim in the water and can quickly catch their prey.e. With webbed paws and a body that is like a boat, ducks easily swim and dive in the water to catch its prey.f. With feet flat and can stick on the wall and wide mouth, lizards and geckos can easily move on the wall to catch their prey.g. Lotus leaf width serves to accelerate the evaporation process.h. Teak trees shed their leaves in the dry season (molt).i. Cat body roll when cold.

Meat-eating bird species and plants

Meat-eating bird species (eg hawks, eagles, and falcons) short beaked, big half-circle, and pointy. The half-life in order to dismember their prey. They seek their prey in the air and on the ground. Heron, pecuk snakes and herons happy prowl in the river, sea, fields and marshes. Due to their habit of looking for prey in the land of many waters, it forms a large beak, long and pointy.
Bird species like to eat seeds (eg parakeets, Wren, parrots, lorikeets and cockatoos) short beaked, curved, and sturdy. To part to strip the skin of grains eaten.
Carnivorous species of birds and plants (eg prenjak, finches, poksay, and straw-headed bulbul) long-beaked, small and pointy. They like to eat fruits such as banana and papaya, but these birds prefer to eat caterpillars that hide behind the foliage.

Planet Earth

The sections in the earth, namely:a. The core is composed of the inner core and outer coreb. The earth's crust.The crust is composed of rocks and minerals.
Inhabited earth assortment of these creatures rounded shape. Evidence that the Earth is round, among others:a. If we walk into one direction, we will go back to the same place from the opposite directionb. If we observe the ships on the high seas, the first visible is the flag or polesc. The existence of day and nightd. Based on observations of the astronauts in flight to outer space.
The revolution of the earth can be used as a basis for making the Gregorian calendar or calendar Syamsiah.Month name and age on the Roman calendar: January (31 days), February (28 days if the regular year and 29 days if leap year), March (31 days), April (30 days), in May (31 days), June (30 day), July (31 days), August (31 days), September (30 days), October (31 days), November (30 days), December (31 days).
Calendars are made based on the Islamic lunar calendar or calendar called Komariah. The name and age of the month on the Islamic calendar: Muharram (29 days), Safar (30 days), Rabi early (29 days), Rajab (29 days), Sha'ban (30 days), Ramadan (29 days), Rabi end ( 30 days), Jumadil early (29 days), Jumadil late (30 days), Shawwal (30 days), Zulkaidah (29 days), Dhul-Hijjah (hajj) (30 days).
Moon does not emit light but receives light from the sun. Reflected light from the sun to the earth so that the moon looks like a luminous. One time position moon, earth and sun lie in a straight line.Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth's position lies between the moon and the sun.Solar eclipse occurs when the position of the moon is between the earth and the sun.

Understanding astronomy

Science to investigate the horizon (stars in the sky) is called astronomy. Stars that appear adjacent if combined would be the constellations. Some constellations, among others:a. The constellation Ursa Major (the cart breech). Looked at the sky to the north. Used to determine the direction of the windb. Plow constellations (Orion). When the afternoon looked to the east, used by farmers as a sign to start plowing the fieldc. Constellations scorpion (scorpion)d. Constellations pari (huts penceng). Night time looks to the south.

Movement earth and satellites

When the rotation of the earth is the time required by the Earth to spin once on its axis. Earth takes 24 hours (day and night) for a spin. Kala revolution of the earth is the time required by the Earth's orbit around the sun once. The time required for 365 ¼ days = 1 year.Months doing three kinds of motion simultaneously, namely:- Movement of the month on its axis (rotation)- Movement moon around the earth (revolution). The time required to completely evolve is 29 ½ days = 1 month- Movement of the month together with the Earth's orbit around the sun.

Understanding a comet

Comets comes from the Greek, which means long hair. Comets are celestial bodies that occur from the collection of dust and gas that freezes and orbit around the sun. Its length can reach millions of kilometers. Light comets comes from the reflected sunlight. The Javanese call comets as latitude kemukus. Direction of the comet's tail always away from the sun.
We know of 50 comets that appear every five or forty years. Comets was called Jupiter family comets. Halley's Comet appears every 76 years. This comet was discovered by Edmund Halley in 1682. In 1886 the Indonesian people can see Halley's comet with the naked eye although less obvious.In addition to comets, there is another celestial objects included in the solar system, namely asteroids, meteoroids, meteors and meteoroids.

Planets in the solar system

In our solar system there are nine planets, namely:a. Mercury- It is closest to the sun- It is the smallest planet in the solar system- No water- There are many valleys and craters- The time it takes to circle the sun is about 88 days.
b. Venus- It lies between the planet Mercury and the Earth- It is a brightly lit white planet, looked beautiful, and brilliant- The surface is hilly- Famous as the morning star, morning star, or Morning Star- The time it takes to circle the sun is about 225 days.
c. Earth- It is the only planet that has life- Having one satellite, the moon- When viewed from outer space appears green or blue- The time it takes to circle the sun is about 365.25 days.
d. Mars- It is closest to Earth- The situation is arid, no plants and animals- Having two satellites, namely demos and Phobos- Famous as the red star- The time it takes to circle the sun is about 678 days.
e. Jupiter- It is the largest planet in our solar system- It appears yellowish- Having 13 satellites, which are the largest ganimedes- Time circulation Jupiter 12 years and time to rotate 10 hours.
f. Saturn- Having a flat ring encircling- Having 10 satellites, which are the largest titan- Time circulation Saturn 30 years and time to rotate 10 hours.
g. Uranus- It can not be seen from earth- Always shrouded in a thick cloud, so it is very cold- It has 15 satellites, the largest of which is the smallest named ariel named Miranda- Time circulation Uranus 84 years and time to rotate 10 hours 49 minutes.
h. Neptune- Only can be seen with a telescope- Having two satellites, namely titron and Nereid- Time circulation Neptune 165 years and rotating 15-hour period.
i. Pluto- It is the farthest planet from the sun- Having one satellite, namely Charon- Time circulation Pluto 248 years.

Understanding solar system

The solar system is a composition consisting of the sun as the center and the planets and other heavenly bodies moving around. The sun is the center of the solar system. Sun consisted of glowing gas and very hot.Celestial objects that emit light called a star, while the celestial bodies that reflect light called a planet. Each planet has a gravitational force so that the planet does not move away from or closer to the sun. Planetary orbits or trajectories elliptical or ellipse. It is called the orbit trajectory. The existence of each planet's orbit makes it does not collide with each other. Accompaniment planet called satellites.


The liver is the largest organ located in the abdominal cavity right side, just below the chest cavity. Liver weight of approximately 1 to 1.5 kg. The liver is one of two large glands that produce digestive glands in the form of sap. The liver is divided into two main parts, namely the right and left.Some liver function, among others:a. Antidoteb. Kill germsc. Outlining the red blood cellsd. Store glycogene. Produce substances needed for blood freeze.


At the time of breathing, air enters the body through the nose and mouth, then enter through the throat. After going through the throat, the air into the lungs. The ability of the lungs to accommodate different air. The ability of the lungs to accommodate the air called lung capacity. In the lungs, the air is binding process by blood. Blood that managed to tie and then distribute it to the entire body to burning. This process ultimately results in the combustion (CO2) emitted from the body through the lungs, throat and nostrils. At the time that we can feel the breathing lungs work.The lungs are made up of two parts, namely:a. Right lung, consisting of three wattleb. Left lung, consisting of two wattle.Left lung is smaller than the right lung.


The heart is a muscular organ located in the chest cavity. Rucut shape and size of a fist. It weighs approximately 300 grams. Cardiac function as a blood pumping. The movement of the heart as hands clenching and unclenching. His movements are constantly and never stops. The heart continues to beat for human and animal life. Blood pumped by the heart circulated throughout the body through the arteries. The blood that is in the whole body flowed again into the heart through the veins is called venous.
Heart consists of the heart wall and heart room. Heart wall covering membranes covering the heart, cardiac muscle, and the membrane lining the heart room. The heart consists of four chambers, the right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, and the left ventricle. Among the booths and foyer are heart valves. Heart valves to prevent blood mixing clean and dirty blood.
Cardiac septum divides the heart cavity into two parts. Blood on the left side of the heart contains a lot of oxygen (O2) and the right side contains carbon dioxide (CO2). Total heartbeat we are not always the same. At rest, our heart rate less than at work or after work. At work our bodies need more oxygen. The heart beats faster as the blood circulated more rapidly throughout the body. Heart rate can be known by pressing the wrist.

Eclipse of the moon and solar eclipse

Lunar eclipse occurs due to the nature of the sun that falls to the moon is blocked by the Earth. Only lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon and the moon goes into the earth's shadow. When the moon does not receive sunlight so we can not see the moon. Currently this kind is called a lunar eclipse.
Because the Earth is much smaller than the sun, the earth's shadow tapered conical core. Area through which the shadow of the earth's core is very dark and is referred to as the umbra. Rather bright shadow called the penumbra. Lunar eclipse approximately 6 hours, but truly the core shadow only 1 hour 40 minutes. When the moon is in the penumbra, the moon looks vaguely. If the moon in the umbra, the moon completely invisible.
Solar eclipse can occur if the position of the sun, moon and earth are in a straight line. So that the sunlight that falls to Earth's surface is blocked by the moon. Solar eclipse occurs at noon. The total solar eclipse lasts approximately 6 minutes.

Understanding Earth's rotation and revolution of the earth

Rotation of the earth on its axis is called rotation. Kala rotation is used for one-time rotation. When the rotation of the earth for 24 hours or a day. Earth rotates very fast, but we can not feel it. Due to the rotation of the earth there was the turn of the day and night. Part of the earth which leads to experiencing daytime sun. Part of the earth to the sun experienced a night. In addition to rotating, the Earth also evolved. Revolution is a rotary motion around the sun. Earth do once the revolution against the sun (when the revolution) for a year or 362 days 6 hours 9 minutes 10 seconds. The influence of the revolution and rotation of the earth is used as the basis for solar calendar, which determined that the first days, 24 hours and 365 days a year. Determination was not exactly the same as the old rotation and revolution of the earth. The change was made on February 29. Years have additional one day was called a leap year, for example in 1200, 1600, 1800, 1988 and 2000 and so on.
Earth also has other movements that precession. This motion caused by the influence of the moon, causing changes in the direction of the axis of rotation of the earth. Precession very long time that is 25,600 years old. Demonstration precession can be seen in the planetarium projector Jakarta. Kala rotation with the same month when the moon on the earth's revolution, which for 29 ½ days.

The movement of celestial bodies

We all know that the planets in the solar system moves around the sun. The planets have orbital trajectory or a fixed and regular in orbit around the sun. So there is no collision between the planets, or the planets to the sun. Planet rotates on its axis. Some planets have satellites. In addition to its own spin on its axis, the satellite also move around its parent planet. Planets and satellites together orbit around the sun.