
Musical activity or musical performance

In the musical activities there are three main elements to support musical performances, namely composer, performer, penghayat, or connoisseur. Three roles were formed in a different environment with each other.

a. musician
The work of the majority of western music created by composer using notation beams played by the player. Process of work done by individuals with ideas and creativity pure. Eastern music instead created through a process with the process group can illustrate a small part of a particular society.

b. player
Game western music (orchestral) instrument in the game are not experiencing problems, because all the players are equal. Learning patterns in the game orchestra (west) more individual to later learn in groups.

Eastern music (gamelan) have high levels of skill in playing the instrument, from the percussion and gong simple to complex as bonang, xylophone, and drums. The learning process should be in groups.

Western music game is determined by the leader of the group, the conductor, with hand depression widened, narrowed or bent body. Games eastern music (gamelan) is determined by the sound of drums game that requires each player a proper sense of the music.

c. Connoisseurs or penghayat
Connoisseurs or penghayat in determining musical activity. Connoisseurs play through appreciation and art criticism. In the pragmatic type of music (folk) the audience is always active, such as clapping, singing, happy, laughing, screaming, and so on.



The earthquake is one of three endogenous natural processes that shape the earth's surface. Earthquake or seisme is berguncangnya event due to the movement of the earth's surface of the earth suddenly as a result of the release of energy of the earth. The shock comes from the inner layers of the earth.

Types of earthquakes
By contributing factor
a. Tectonic earthquake, was an earthquake that occurred because of events such as tectonic movement along faults or cracks in the earth's crust. In this event, the crust is along the side of the fault moves past the fault other areas.
b. Volcanic earthquakes, usually occurs in the area around the volcano. Volcanic earthquakes caused by volcanoes or fissures in the structure of the volcano. Seismic event is closely related to the movement of magma towards the surface of the earth. Volcanic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur before the signs before a volcano will erupt.
c. Earthquake debris, occurred because the collapse of rock or soil mass. As the roof cave in the rocky limestone. The quake rubble limestone occurs in areas with high rainfall resulting in limestone jenus water and eventually collapse.

According to the epicenter or hiposentrum
a. Shallow earthquake, was an earthquake that occurred when the earthquake center (hiposentrumnya) is at a depth of less than 100 km below the earth's surface.
b. Medium earthquake, the earthquake is an earthquake center (hiposentrumnya) located at depths between 100 km and 300 km below the earth's surface.
c. Earthquakes in, was the earthquake which occurred when the earthquake center (hiposentrumnya) is at a depth of more than 300 km below the earth's surface.

based on the intensity
a. Makroseisme earthquake, an earthquake of great intensity.
b. Mikroseisme earthquake, an earthquake with a little intensity.


Definition of weathering

Weathering is the event of the destruction of rock into smaller pieces even soluble in water. Weathering is divided into three kinds, namely:
a. Weathering the physical (mechanical), is weathering that does not result in changes in the chemical composition of rocks came from. Physical weathering caused by the following:
1. large temperature differences during day and night like a rock in the desert cause broken or cracked
2. frozen ground water or rock pores. Frozen water causes the volume to increase. These developments led to rocks being broken
3. mengkristalnya salt water. If the soil contains salt water, the water evaporates during the day and its salts crystallize. Salt crystals is very sharp and can damage the rock
4. movement of water flow. Moving water can cause a sharp and large rocks being broken and destroyed.

b. Khemis weathering (chemical), is weathering that causes changes in the chemical composition of rocks. Many chemical weathering occur in areas of limestone (karst) with the help of water and carbon. Limestone (CaCo3) when in contact with water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2), will change to calcite. Formation due to chemical weathering in limestone areas will result in:
1. dolina, holes through the funnel-shaped due to the leaching process
2. stalactites and stalagmites in limestone caves
3. caves and underground rivers.

c. Weathering of organic (biological), is weathering caused by organisms such as animals and plants. Weathering by animals such as ants, earthworms, insects, and so on. Weathering by plants such as the roots of plants or the leaves and twigs of the plant and may rot into acid rock melapukkan.


Definition of volcanism, intrusion and extrusion of magma (eruption)

Volcanism are the events involved in the formation of volcanoes, namely the movement of magma in the earth's crust to infiltrate the upper layers of the earth's surface or exit. Symptoms of volcanism include:
a. Magma intrusion, the breakthrough process of magma into the crust of the earth but did not get off the ground. Formation due to intrusion of magma are:
1) Batholit, is a frozen magma chamber
2) Lakolith, is formed where the upper convex and flat bottom
3) Sill, was formed by the intrusion of magma between two layers of sediment where the top and bottom flat
4) Gang, was formed by the intrusion of magma through a narrow gap
5) Apofisa, is a branch of the gang
6) Diatrema or excavation, is formed by magma intrusion that happened on pit crater (diatrema).

b. Magma extrusion (eruption), the process of magma to break out of the earth's surface. Extrusion is also called the eruption magma (volcanic eruptions).
Based on the nature of the eruption eruptions are divided into:
1) effusive eruption, the volcano eruption that does not cause an explosion, the material is usually liquid (molten)
2) explosive eruption, the volcanic eruption that causes an explosion. Eruptions are usually solid and liquid material ejects.

Based on the exit hole forms magma, eruption is divided into:
1) linear eruption, the magma discharge where the line shape (elongated)
2) eruption area, where the discharge of a large hole shaped magma nearby magma chamber due to the earth's surface
3) The central eruption, the magma-shaped exit holes where relatively small.


Definition of town

Maybe you would feel embarrassed if labeled as the villagers. You will be more pleased with the status of 'the city'. As if, what is the sense of the city?
According to R. Bintarto, the city is a cultural landscape created by natural elements and non-natural with a fairly large concentration of population, a more heterogeneous pattern of life and materialistic compared to the area.

Some terms related to the city
According to R. Bintarto, there are some terms related to the understanding of the city, among other things:
1) City's downtown
2) Urban, is an area that has the atmosphere of life and livelihood can be called modern or urban
3) Suburban, is an area located close to the city center or core of the city with an area covering local commuters (commuter)
4) Suburban Fringe, is an area of transition between rural and urban, suburban surrounds location
5) Urban Fringe, is an area outside the city limits that have properties similar to the city unless the city core
6) Rural Urban Fringe, is the path area located between urban and rural areas, which is characterized by a mix of land uses
7) Town, is a city district.

The characteristics of the city
The characteristics of the city according to R. Bintarto there are two kinds, namely:
1. Social characteristics
a. Life is very heterogeneous society
b. Individualistic and materialistic
c. Non-agricultural livelihoods
d. The relationship between residents of the community are gesselschaft (patembayan) or kekerabatannya fading
e. Religious norms are not so strong
f. More rational view of life.

2. Physical traits
a. There are facilities such as markets and supermarkets economy
b. There is adequate parking
c. There is a place of recreation and sport
d. There is a square
e. The existence of government buildings.