
Fake Online Book Reviews

Print publications continue to stop the run review book and even going out of business as more and more readers turn to the Internet to get their information. In the past, advertising in print publications to cover the cost of book reviews, but today, the authors generally have to pay for publicity package to accept book reviews, or give users a nominal fee to compensate for his or her time.

The result is that people can make money from writing reviews of books, and some so-called reviewers who do it without actually reading the book. Why would anyone write a fake book? Because it takes a lot of time to read books, and book reviews that you can write, the more money you can make, so why not just save time by not reading the books, and not just write a review and collect payment so that you can make more money. Believe me, this situation happens all the time.

Other reviewers do not charge to review but they asked for a copy of the book. Why do they need multiple copies when they do not read books? So they can sell online and make more money while writing fake reviews.

But will not people catch on a fake review? Yes, most people have, but not everyone does. Most of the fake reviewers consists of copying reviewer called and paraphrasing what is on the back cover and then added some flowers warnings like "This book is a must-read for his thrilling action" or "A delightful love story and move you win 't want to miss "to make it look like the reviewer actually read the book. Of course, if the book is exciting or fun or not, the reviewer did not know-he could not have even been cracked open the book.

So how can you as a writer, who wants to review the legal, or the reader who wants a good book to read, actually know whether the review is legitimate? Here are five simple guidelines for spotting a fake book reviews:

    Ignore the reviews were written by the authors, their friends, and family: I cringe every time I see a five star review written by the author, it is usually done under the guise of the writer wanted to provide readers with more information about the book, but a place for the existing in the product description. Any writer who gives his own book five stars is clueless about the publishing industry and what is ethical, or he just is not wise. Sometimes legitimate reviews will be written by a colleague, such as "I have known Barbara for fifteen years and I know the advice he succeeded because ...." But I also see people who say things like, "This book is a very fun because it illustrates where the author and I used to hang out as kids when we grow up." It was good but it was not the reason why there are people who are not friends with the author should read the book.

    Be skeptical of reviews is really positive. Okay, not really skeptical, but beyond the "best book ever" and "a beautiful story, interesting" comments, looking for signs that the positive reviews are legitimate discussion about the characters and the plot makes it clear that the book was read. After all, there are good books out there that are worthy of positive reviews. Do not settle for "It's a beautiful story" but for an explanation of why the story is wonderful.

    Be skeptical of reviewers reviews.Some really negative and customers have an ax to grind. I can not tell you how many times I've seen one star reviews given online bookstore for "books never arrived." That bookstore delivery system fault, not the author or the book errors. At other times, a person may just not like me so he wanted to slam the book, or he may not like the subject matter, saying something like, "Homosexuality is a sin and there is a gay couple in this book so I gave it one star" or "main character It's wrong to have an abortion! Star One .. "you might even agree with on the issues but this review really fair? Did they consider the plot of the book, character, structure, style, originality, or themes to provide a thorough or accurate?

    Watch out for review swath summaries.A book is not elementary school book report. Yes, there are plenty of readers out there post the reviewer does not know how to write well or how to write a book, but there's also a fake reviewers are just copying the back cover text that summarizes the plot to write a review. A good review will mention the details of the plot or even quotes an effective part of the book. It will also tell you not only what happens in the book but how readers feel (moved) by what happened.

    If a review looks like a fake, look to see what other books people had been reviewed. Are all these people review short and glowing? It is possible that this review could be the only one, poorly written fake looking one while the other looks well-written and legitimate. Are users posted more than a book review today, or have been posting a few each day?

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